场所依恋,place attachment
1)place attachment场所依恋
1.This article obtains the logical foundation which forms from "place attachment", proposed the forming system of "place attachment" of tourists who choice traveling destination independently for the first time: people obtain the related information freely and firstly form a concept place in the mind.本文从“场所依恋”形成的逻辑基础入手,首次提出了自主选择旅游目的地的旅游者“场所依恋”形成机制:个人自在获得场所自在的有关信息,在脑海中首先形成一个概念场所,若能接受,则产生实际的旅游行为,到实地参观访问后,便会产生一个场所映象,即基模场所,若基模场所超过概念场所预期,又符合个人的价值观体系,即经过一个“内省”的过程,则“场所依恋”可能产生。
2.his article obtains the logical foundation which forms from"place attachment"p,roposed the forming system of "place attachmento"f tourists who choice traveling destination independently for the first time :people obtain the related information freely and firstly form a concept place in the mind.本文从"场所依恋"形成的逻辑基础入手,首次提出了自主选择旅游目的地的旅游者"场所依恋"形成机制:个人自在获得场所自在的有关信息,在脑海中首先形成一个概念场所,若能接受,则产生实际的旅游行为;到实地参观访问后,便会产生一个场所映象,即基模场所,若基模场所超过概念场所预期,又符合个人的价值观体系,即经过一个"内省"的过程,"场所依恋"可能产生。

1.A Logical Thinking on the Forming System of Tourist's "Place Attachment"旅游者“场所依恋”形成机制的逻辑思辩
2.A Study on the Formation Mechanism of Tourist's "Place Attachment" and Empirical旅游者“场所依恋”的形成机制及实证研究
3.You must have become in some degree attached to the house.你一定相当依恋这所房子吧!
4.I kept hanging on to Frank, and ignoring the rest of you.我依恋着弗兰克,而不理睬你们所有的人。
5.Dogs are more faithful animals than cats; these attach themselves to places, and those to persons.狗比猫忠心,后者依恋地方,前者依恋人。
7.Romantic attachment is adult's emotional bond with partner.婚恋依恋是成人与情侣间的依恋情感联结。
8.The Investigation and Analysis of 104 pairs of College Students in the Love Attachment Relationship.;对104对恋人依恋现状的调查分析
9.The Relation among Romantic Attachment, Personality Traits and Marriage Quality婚恋依恋、人格特质与婚姻质量的关系
10.He adored his mother.他依恋自己的母亲。
11.Children always cleave to their mother孩子总是依恋母亲。
12.I am attached to every tree and bush in my hometown.我依恋故乡的一草一木。
13.I had a great attachment for the Doctor我对于博士非常依恋。
14.A Study of the Relationship among Adult Attachment, Family Expressiveness and Infant Attachment;父母依恋、家庭表露与幼儿依恋三者关系的研究
15.Children in Divorce Family: the Lack of Safety Attachment in Family and Compensation in Teacher-Student Relationship;离异家庭儿童依恋缺失及师生关系的依恋补偿
16.The activation of adult attachment system by attachment-related emotional information:the evidence from ERP依恋性情绪信息对成人依恋系统的激活——ERP研究
17.The game was exciting, as was instanced By the score.依分数所示,这场比赛是很紧张的。
18.In my opinion, people shall not smoke in public place.依我看,人们不应该在公共场所抽烟。

place of mutual love恋爱场所
3)place dependence场所依靠
1.The paper discusses the construction of its interpretation system from the perspective of Place Attachment Theory,and argues that to cope with the plight status of museums;museums should establish place identity through social interactions and psychological communications besides the place dependence established on the basis of hardware facilities.指出除了通过硬件设施的建设、对于资源的解说来建立场所依靠之外,还要通过社会交往、文化认同等社会和心理因素建立旅游者对于博物馆的场所认同,并由此解决博物馆长期以来的冷清现象。
4)place attachment场所依赖
1.This new concept about place attachment should be introduced into tourism landscape design process,from the guiding ideology,the investigation,landscape design to the overall assessment,so as to improve the rate of r.因此,应将场所依赖理论作为一种新理念引入旅游地景观设计,从指导思想、前期调查、景观设计到整体评估全程运用该理论,以提高游客的重游率和忠诚度。
2.There is often a special relationship between people and some places known as place attachment" that can be used to explain recreation and leisure phenomena.“场所依赖”理论是解释“某些地方与人之间似乎存在着一种特殊的依赖关系”这个客观现象的有效理论工具,并已成为西方休闲和游憩研究的一个热点,而在我国仍然处于空白状态。
1.Relationship between Attachment,Parenting Style and Depression;依恋与父母教养方式及抑郁之间的关系
2.Mediation Effect of Coping Strategies on the Relationship between Attachment and Negative Emotions in College Students;应对策略在大学生依恋与负性情绪中的中介作用
3.The Characters of Infant-fosterer Attachment in Young Autistic Children;婴幼儿孤独症患者亲子依恋类型及影响因素分析
6)Adult Romantic婚恋依恋
1.Review and Prospects of Study On Adult Romantic Attachment;成人婚恋依恋研究回顾与展望

场所场所locale  场所[如川e;“0,a”。:1【补注】一个看成“广义拓扑空间”的完全Heyting代数(见R阴洲,格(Brou忱rlattiCe)).“场所”这名词应归于J .R.Isbell「Al],虽然这概念已经被很多更早的作者研究过:基本思想是,对任何拓扑空间X,X的开子集的格岁(X)是完全的且满足无穷分配律(洲而te曲tri卜以ive hw) uU门{V!:i任I)“U{U门V‘:i“I}(等价地,它是一个Heyti飞代数( Heytinga唇bla)),且空间的很多重要拓扑性质(紧性,连通性,等等)事实上是其开集格的性质.这样,可以把满足无穷分配律的任何完全格(这种格普通称为标架(n朋le))看成一个空间的开集格,而不考虑它是否有足够的“点”使被描述为一个实在的开子集格.一个标架同态(n么叱bo加宜幻印hism)是保持有限交和任意并的映射.一个场所外延上与标架是同一事物,但内涵上不同:不同在于这样的事实,从X到Y的场所的态射(或连续映射(Contin田usll坦pp住唱))是定义为从Y到X的标架同态.(为强调内涵的不同,有些作者把对应于场所X的标架写成《x).另外一些作者—例如〔A2』的作者—用不同的术语:他们重新定义“空间”以表示上面所称的场所,而用“场所”表示上面术语中的标架.本文所用的“场所”的意义是Isbell所用的原来的意义.) 一个标架可表示为一个空间的开集格,当且仅当每一个元素可表示为素元素的交;具有这性质的场所称为空间的(sP如al).对应于空间场所的空间不是唯一决定的,但是如果要求它是朴素的(sober),即每一个素开集必须是唯一的点的闭包的补集,则它是唯一决定的.(每个Hausdorff空间是朴素的,且每个朴素空间满足T。