游览区,sightseeing area
1)sightseeing area游览区

1.A community of southern California, a residential and resort suburb of San Diego. Population, 23, 921.莱克赛德美国加利福尼亚州南部一社区,是圣地亚哥市郊的一个住宅区和游览区。人口23,921
2.returning holt from tilth, properly expanding lands for scenery, road, tour establishment, strictly ensuring woodland around core visiting areas ,should be done to use land in reason and control tourist capacity.严格保证林地沿核心游览区外围布置等措施,以利于合理利用土地和控制游客容量。
3.Approach on Construction of Tourist Line in Huashan Scenic Area华山风景名胜区游览线路建设的探讨
4.You may visit the beautiful, the historic,你可以游览优美风景区,参观历史名胜,
5.Will you recommend some scenic sports to see here ?你给我推荐一些供游览的风景区好吗?
6.Studies on Landscape System of Tourism Bus Station in the Scenic Area旅游景区观光游览车候车站点景观系统研究
7.Tour route: The total tour will need at least three hours.游程:游览满贤林景区约需3小时,如时间充裕可沿大殿后游道继续前行,游览狮王、华山文风塔。
8.I suggest we do a quick tour of central London.我建议我们快速游览一下伦敦中心区市容。
9.Would you recommend some scenic spots to see here?你给我推荐一些这儿供游览的风景区好吗?
10.Would you please recommend some scenic spots to see here?您给我推荐一些这儿供游览的风景区好吗?
11.The Planning and Design on Research of Tourism Facilities in Scenic Area;风景名胜区游览服务设施规划与设计研究
12.On the Reduction of Expenses at Scenic Areas and Simplification of Price-fixing Method论景区游览费的减免和定价方法的简化
13.Full day tour Proa and Chiang Mai area and see several major hilltribes. Afterthat, enjoy elephant riding and bamboo rafting.一天游:游览清迈地区以及周遍的山地部落,欣赏大象作业和乘竹筏。
14.a sightseeing bus [coach]观光巴士 [游览车]
15.The guide shepherded the tourists around.导游带观光客四处游览。
16.I vote we do the city by sightseeing bus.我提议大家坐游览车去游览此都市。
17.I'd like to take a short cruise/ take a tour of the harbor.我想短途坐船游览/船游览一下港湾。
18.Travel outside the city to Petrodvorets Palace for a taste of old imperial grandeur.离开市区往彼得城方向游览,一尝古老皇宫富丽堂皇的风味。

scenic spot游览景区
1.In accordance with the present situation of tourism resource exploitation in scenic spots of Mount Huangshan, this study focused on the key environmental issues, the traveller flow distribution and tourist carrying capacity of scenic spots.针对黄山风景区的旅游资源开发现状,重点研究了黄山风景区的主要环境问题,游览景区客流分布状况和旅游容量以及黄山游览景区的环境功能分区;并提出了旅游容量的涵义及其指标体系和扩大黄山旅游容量的措施。
3)Mining zone tour工矿区游览
1.From the viewpoint of world heritage, the geological heritage s functions of science research, science-popularization, education, sightseeing, aesthetics and enlightening are discussed on the basis of the geological heritage s scientific and aesthetic values.从世界遗产角度出发,论述了以地质遗产的科学价值、美学价值为基础,地质遗产所具有的科研、科普教育、观光游览、审美、启智等功能。
1.The members creation are mainly on three aspects of class in association,presentation of Ci,sight-seeing,all of which reflect different artistic characteristics.社员创作集中在社课、赠答、游览三个方面,显示出不同的艺术特色。
1.Its activities of visit came to a climax in Song Dynasty.桂林山水自古享名,其游览活动在宋代达到鼎盛时期,环城水系泛舟游成为一大特色,奠定了"山水甲天下"的历史文化的基础,对今日桂林旅游业发展具有启迪和借鉴意义。
