旅游商业化,tourism commercialization
1)tourism commercialization旅游商业化
2)commerce and tourism商业旅游
1.The commerce and tourism sectors constitute the renewal plan focusing on the growth of economy index, which cares so much of profit-earning that wears the historic characters away.然而当前商业和旅游的各自发展对历史地段保护造成了“离散”效应:商业旅游部门以经济指标的增长为导向进行更新规划,使许多历史地段面临着被商业化、功利化和肤浅引用的危险,深厚的历史内涵正日益消弭;而规划管理部门对历史文化的保护仍然受到计划因素制约,缺乏对其动态利用和与社会经济发展接轨的预想;指出规划管理应从“离散”走向“综合”———政府部门应当采用一种新型的发展规划模式,并对相关的组织模式和配套政策进行改革,以更好地协调经济发展与历史文化保护之间的潜在冲突,实现对历史文化的可持续利用。
3)tourism commerce旅游商业
1.In recent years, with the boom of tourism in Zhouzhuang town, Zhouzhuang town has attracted more and more tourists, which quickens its development in tourism commerce.近年来,随着周庄旅游业快速发展,周庄古镇日益成为人们旅游的热门景点,周庄的旅游商业也得到飞速发展。
2.With the trend of wide development of tourism commerce in heritage sites, the tourism commercialization has brought changes into the social structure, cultural atmosphere and other aspects of heritage sites.在遗产地广泛开展旅游商业的趋势下,旅游商业化造成了遗产地社会结构、文化氛围等多方面的变化。

1.A Study on the Present Situation and Development of Tourist Commodity in Fuzhou District;福州市旅游商业发展现状及开发研究
2.The elementary research on the combination of the commerce and in the cities of tourist;旅游城市商业与旅游互动的初步研究
3.Secretariat of state for Commerce and Tourism商业和旅游国务秘书处
4.Deep Growing of the Tourism Industry and the Development of the Tourist Commodities in Henan Province;河南省旅游产业纵深发展与旅游商品开发
5.To Elongate the Tourism Industry Chain Through Developing Tourism Products;深度开发旅游商品 拉长我国旅游产业链
6.The service sector, mainly banking, business, and tourism,服务部门主要银行,商业和旅游业,
7.With the tremendous increase of business clients at home and abroad, business award tourism has become the most potential category in Chinese tourism industry.随着海内外商旅客户的大量增加,商务会奖旅游已成为中国旅游业中最具潜力的旅游种类。
8.Tourism benefits not only the service sector, but also manufacture of tourist commodities.旅游业不仅让服务行业受益,而且对旅游商品的制造业有利。
9.Tourism is a major business in Bermuda.旅游在百慕大群岛是主要的商业。
10.Is your visit for business or pleasure?你这次来访是商业性的,还是旅游性的?
11.A revitalized downtown attracts tourists一个复兴的商业区吸引着旅游者
12.Study on Tourism Development of National Industrial and Commerical Heritage in Wuxi City;无锡市民族工商业遗产旅游开发研究
13.The Analysis About the Present Situation of Tourism Commodity Industry and the Solutions;中国旅游商品行业的现状及对策研究
14.The Construction of Traveling Industry Value Chain Based on Electronic Commerce;基于电子商务的旅游产业价值链构建
15.Study on developing strategy of business travel Industry in Beijing CBD;北京CBD商务旅游业发展对策研究
16.The Analysis of Actuality and Countermeasure in E-commerce of Tourism;我国旅游业电子商务现状及对策分析
17.A Cognition of Tourism Industry--A Discussion with Mr.ZHANG Tao;对旅游业的再认识——兼与张涛先生商榷
18.Feasible Approach to Realize Electronic Tourism Commerce;传统旅游企业电子商务化的可行之路

commerce and tourism商业旅游
1.The commerce and tourism sectors constitute the renewal plan focusing on the growth of economy index, which cares so much of profit-earning that wears the historic characters away.然而当前商业和旅游的各自发展对历史地段保护造成了“离散”效应:商业旅游部门以经济指标的增长为导向进行更新规划,使许多历史地段面临着被商业化、功利化和肤浅引用的危险,深厚的历史内涵正日益消弭;而规划管理部门对历史文化的保护仍然受到计划因素制约,缺乏对其动态利用和与社会经济发展接轨的预想;指出规划管理应从“离散”走向“综合”———政府部门应当采用一种新型的发展规划模式,并对相关的组织模式和配套政策进行改革,以更好地协调经济发展与历史文化保护之间的潜在冲突,实现对历史文化的可持续利用。
3)tourism commerce旅游商业
1.In recent years, with the boom of tourism in Zhouzhuang town, Zhouzhuang town has attracted more and more tourists, which quickens its development in tourism commerce.近年来,随着周庄旅游业快速发展,周庄古镇日益成为人们旅游的热门景点,周庄的旅游商业也得到飞速发展。
2.With the trend of wide development of tourism commerce in heritage sites, the tourism commercialization has brought changes into the social structure, cultural atmosphere and other aspects of heritage sites.在遗产地广泛开展旅游商业的趋势下,旅游商业化造成了遗产地社会结构、文化氛围等多方面的变化。
4)tourism shopping旅游商品业
1.Dynamic analysis of tourism shopping development in Xi an City;西安市旅游商品业发展动态分析
2.As everyone knows that tourism shopping industry is the important component of the region tourism industry.依据近20多年旅游外汇总收入与旅游商品外汇收入的统计数据,对1979—2000年旅游商品收入在旅游总收入中所占比重的变化进行分析;对旅游业和旅游商品业创汇收入年增长率的变化进行对比分析;建立了我国旅游商品业创汇收入的趋势方程;分析了我国旅游商品业发展的动态趋势及波动周期;最后运用趋势方程及周期规律,对未来5年我国旅游商品业的发展趋势做出预测。
5)business and recreational district商业旅游区
1.Wucaicheng business and recreational district in DaLian development zone is the object in the research.本文是一篇关于新开发商业区城市形态演变发展特征的文章,研究的对象是大连开发区五彩城商业旅游区。
6)commercialization of tourism旅游商品化

外部监事不得泄露商业银行商业秘密的权利外部监事不得泄露商业银行商业秘密的权利:独立董事、外部监事除依法律规定外,不得泄露与任职商业银行有关的商业秘密。---------------《股份制商业银行独立董事和外部监事制度指引》 第29条