学生实习,students probation
1)students probation学生实习
1.This essay,analyzing the generally existing problems and the causes arising from them during the period of students probation,in the combination of the current reformed teaching-learning modes implemented by Zhejiang Tourism College,presents a new-style probation-management mode called ACR,aimed at discussing how to manage the teaching and lea.文章从分析高职院校酒店管理专业学生在实习过程中普遍存在的问题和产生这些问题的原因入手,结合当前浙江旅游职业学院开展的实践教学改革模式,提出ACR新型的实习管理模式,旨在探讨如何有效地开展实习教学管理,提高学生实习质量和效果,培养高素质、适用的旅游人才。

1.laBoratory school为学生实习而设的大学实验学校
2.Instructors with an accommodator style were much better appreciated by students than divergers or assimilators.师生学习形态一致性并不影响学生实习成绩。
3.Improving clinical practice education through management methods应用管理学手段改进医学生实习教学
4.Hotel Practice Management Based on the Research of Practice Psychology;基于酒店专业学生实习心理谈酒店实习管理
5.Strengthen the skills training of medical students before practice and improve the practice quality强化医学生实习前技能培训 提高实习质量
6.To foster innovative ability of students of higher professional college in practice and training;高职学生实习实训中创新能力的培养
7.Nonlinear Learning: The Essence of the College Student s Innovative Learning;非线性学习:大学生创新性学习的实质
8.Research Methods of The Ecology生态学研究方法(含实习)
9.Implementation of Contract Learning in Clinical Practice for Nursing Students契约学习法在护生临床实习中的应用
10.Concerns of Pre-service Students of Physics about Teaching during the Practice of Teaching--Case Studies of Four Pre-service Students;物理学专业实习生在教育实习中遇到的困扰——四名实习生个案研究
11.The experimental Report on the Effects of the Practical Use of the Textbook Primary Mathematics Learning Strategies on Children’s way of Learning Mathematics;《小学数学学习策略》教材实践对学生学会学习数学的影响实验报告
12.The Research on the Learning Strategy for Senior Three Students in the Review of Chemistry;高三学生化学复习中学习策略的实验研究
13.A Practice Research on Undergraduate Self-Directed Learning--The Exploration in the Course Learning Theories;大学生自我导向学习实践研究——《学习论》中的探索
14.Experimental Research on the Improvement of Employing "Cooperative Learning" in Volleyball Teaching on College Students' Learning Motivation and Performance of P.E.合作学习提高高专女大学生排球学习动机和学习绩效的实验研究
15.The Research of Teaching Experiment on Middle School Students Initiative Learning Strategy;中学生自主学习策略的教学实验研究
16.Training Students Theory and Practice of Studying Mathematics Independently;培养学生自主学习数学的理论与实践
17.Analysis of the Students Learning Effect of Network Education of Sichuan UniversityPAN Xiao-ping (Hangzhou Radio & TV University,Hongzhou 310000,China) Abstract: This paper analyzes the data collected by questionnaire, which are concerned about the nursing major teaching site in network education college of Sichuan University.It explores the problems in network education and puts forward some su四川大学网络教育学生学习实效分析
18.Reform Teaching of Physical Experiment and Improve it Quality;改进物理实验教学 提高学生学习质量

1.The Exploration and Research in Developing the Clinical Medical Interns'Thinking Ability;培养医学实习生临床思维能力带教方法探索
3)college trainees大学实习生
1.On the basis of analyzing the ideological condition of college trainees, this paper puts forward such measures as strengthening the education of the college students world and life outlooks, building the new perfect mechanism of the ideological and political education, laying down the scientific practice plans and constructing the good campus cultural atmosphere.通过对大学实习生思想状况的分析,提出加强大学生世界观与人生观教育、建立完善的思想教育新机制、制定科学的实习计划、营造良好的校园文化氛围等措施。
4)A medical student or intern.医学生,实习医生
5)biological teaching practice生物教学实习
1.Some processes of micro teaching are adopted in the biological teaching practice to train classroom teaching skill.在生物教学实习中采用微型教学的有关步骤进行课堂教学技能的训练。
6)students'practicing work学生实习工作

教育实习  中等师范学校和高等师范院校高年级学生到初等或中等学校进行教育和教学专业训练的一种实践形式。它是师范教育贯彻理论联系实际原则、实现培养目标不可缺少的教学环节,是教学计划中的重要组成部分。通过教育实习,可以使学生把知识综合运用于教育和教学实践,以培养和锻炼学生从事教育和教学工作的能力,并加深和巩固学生的专业思想。    中国自从创办师范教育开始,就较重视教育实习。清光绪二十二年(1896)盛宣怀创办南洋公学,分为四院,先设"师范院",继设"外院",为师范生进行教育实习的场所。1904 年 1月 13 日颁布的《奏定学堂章程》,规定把师范教育分为"初级"和"优级"两级。初级师范学堂培养高等小学堂和初等小学堂的教员,优级师范学堂造就初级师范学堂及中学堂的教员。初级师范学堂章程规定"教育"是一门重要课程,包括教育史、教育原理、教育法令、学校管理法和"实事授业"。所谓"实事授业",就是"师范学生于附属小学堂练习教育幼童之方法",即教育实习。辛亥革命后,师范学校和高等师范院校都规定有教育实习。    中华人民共和国成立后,适应人民教育事业发展的需要,对师范教育的教育实习更为重视,对培养合格的中小学教师起了重要的作用。    教育实习是师范教育培养合格中小学教师的综合实践环节,实习前须制订出计划。计划包括实习的目的和要求、内容安排、指导教师配备、实习组的划分以及组织领导等项。教育实习的内容,应包括课堂上课实习、班主任工作实习和课外辅导工作实习,使学生受到全面锻炼,培养教育和教学工作的能力。教育实习在中等师范学校和高等师范院校教师和实习学校教师共同配合下进行指导。教育实习成绩的评定,由双方指导教师按照标准,共同商议进行,并写出评语。为了使学生在实习中有章可循,学校应从实际出发,制订出"实习生守则"。