旅游服务礼仪,Traveling service etiquette
1)Traveling service etiquette旅游服务礼仪

1.An Analysis of Teaching Method of the Traveling Service Etiquette Class in Vocational Colleges;高职旅游服务礼仪课程教学方法探析
2.Nurturance Education of Service Etiquette for Tourism Major;浅谈旅游专业学生服务礼仪的养成教育
3.a tourist information office旅游 [观光] 服务处
4.(6) Tourism and service trades.(六)旅游和服务业。
5.The Necessity and Strategies of International Business Etiquette Teaching in Tourism Vocational Colleges;旅游类高职高专国际商务礼仪教学的必要性及策略
6.Courtesies and Decencies Needed in Library Services;礼貌礼仪与高校图书馆读者服务工作
7.Elementary Discussion About Teaching Method of Etiquette Lesson in Tourist Specialty;旅游专业礼仪课教法改进的初步探讨
8.Research into the training of etiquette and standard of service;税务公务员礼仪培训及服务规范探讨
9.A Primary Probe into Practical Courses in the Tourism Colleges: --A Case Study of Tourism Manners And Etiquette;旅游院校实践性课程的教学初探——以《旅游礼貌礼仪》课程为例
10.Innovation of Tourism Information Service-Tourism E-Business;论旅游信息服务的创新——旅游电子商务
11.China Travel Telecommunication Service Handbook中国旅游电信服务手册
12.I'm looking for the Tourist Information Center ...我在找旅游服务中心.
13.Travel 2.0:Building the New Tourism Service Pattern;旅游2.0:构建新的旅游服务模式
14.We also provide tour guide service, including Buddhism tour, restaurant tour, shopping tour and suburb tour.我们还提供导游服务,包括佛教旅游,餐饮旅游,购物旅游和近郊旅游。
15.Putting both loving care and etiquette service into holistic nursing care寓关爱护理和礼仪服务于整体护理中
16.On Developing the Etiquette Image of Peasants in Tourist Destination in Mountainous Areas of North Guangxi;桂北山区旅游目的地农民礼仪形象建设探析
17.The Southeast of Guizhou Province should Enhance the Traveling Jobholder’s Etiquette Education;应加强黔东南州旅游从业人员的礼仪教育
18.On Education Pattern of Tourism Management Speciality in Vocational College;高职院校旅游管理专业礼仪教育模式初探

manners in tourism旅游礼仪
3)service etiquette服务礼仪
1.This paper expounds the connotations and features of service etiquette and the important significance of librarians’ learning and mastering the service etiquette, and points out some details that librarians should pay attentions to in the service for readers.阐述了服务礼仪的含义、特征及图书馆员学习和掌握服务礼仪的重要意义,指出图书馆员在读者服务工作中应注意的礼仪细节。
2.This paper expounds the reasons, expressions and results of the absence of service etiquette in the library, and probes into the construction of service etiquette in the library.论述了图书馆服务礼仪缺失的原因、表现、后果,探讨了图书馆服务礼仪的建设。
3.From the angle of university public relation,this paper has revealed the metaphor value of service etiquette the image outside announcing,expounded the basic requirement of "standard service etiquette",and explored the melting pattern in enlightening education and training of serving the etiquette with inside way with outside way.从学校公共关系角度,揭示了高校图书馆服务礼仪对图书馆形象和高校形象所具有的形象外显和形象隐喻价值,论述了“规范的服务礼仪”的基本要求,探讨了在服务礼仪的教化和培训中内化和外化相结合的方式。
4)present express services礼仪服务
1.This paper analyzes the situation of market competition and market demands of logistics enterprise operating present express services, pointing out that the market of present express services may be the new profiting area to logistics enterprise.本文分析了物流企业经营礼仪服务的市场竞争以及市场需求状况,指出礼仪服务市场能够给物流企业带来新的利润源泉。
5)tourism service旅游服务
1.Study on the Recovery Quality of Tourism Service by the Synthetic Fuzzy Evaluation;旅游服务补救质量的综合模糊评价方法探讨
2.Self-adjustment of reception personnel s feelings in tourism services;旅游服务接待人员情绪状态的自我调节
3.The tourism enterprise should make feasible standard of service and bring forth new ideas of service and train technical of service strongly and so on ,by researching the satisfied of Customer, thus The tourism enterprise is able to improve the quality Of tourism service and increase the competition of enterprise.旅游企业应该运用顾客满意调研 ,制定切实可行的服务标准 ,创新服务理念 ,加强技能培训等策略和方法 ,提高旅游服务满意度 ,增强企业竞争
6)tourism services 3.0旅游服务3.0

旅游、饮食服务企业会计(accountingoftourinsmandservice)  以旅游、饮食服务企业为会计主体的一种行业会计。旅游、饮食服务企业属于第三产业,其经营特点主要是:以服务为中心,辅之以生产和商品流通,直接为消费者服务。也就是说,旅游、饮食服务企业要发挥生产、零售与服务三种职能。例如,饮食企业一方面从事菜肴和食品的烹制,一方面将烹制品直接供应消费者,并在供应过程中为消费者提供消费场所、用具和服务活动。与工业企业和商品流通企业会计相比,旅游、饮食服务企业领土具有以下特点:(1)结合运用工商企业的会计核算方法。由于旅游企业与饮食企业都要发挥生产、零售服务三种职能,因而在会计核算上就必须区分不同业务,结合运用工业企业与商品流通企业的会计核算方法。(2)自制商品与外购商品分别核算。为了分别反映自制商品与外购商品的经营销售业务的企业,要对自制商品和外购商品分别进行核算。