中职旅游教学,tourism teaching in secondary vocational schools
1)tourism teaching in secondary vocational schools中职旅游教学
1.However,the current tourism teaching in secondary vocational schools mainly focuseson knowledge imparting and explanation,and stresses on the cultivation of basic skills and expertise,while ignoring thepenetration of humanity spirits.然而,目前中职旅游教学中侧重知识的传授和讲解,注重基本技能和业务能力的培养,忽视人文精神的渗透。

1.On the Quality and Ability Training of Tour Guide in the Tourist Teaching of Secondary Vocational Schools;浅谈中职旅游教学中导游员素质与能力的培养
2.Highlighting the Role of Ecological Ethics in the Tourism Vocational and Moral Education;凸显生态伦理学在旅游高职教育中的地位
3.Teaching Reform and innovation on Chinese Tourism Geography in Vocational Colleges;高职院校中国旅游地理课程教学改革与创新
4.Task-Based Approach in Tourism English Teaching任务驱动法在高职旅游英语教学中的应用
5.Some Thoughts on Teaching "Chinese Gardens" for Tourism Majors in Higher Vocational College对高职旅游专业“中国园林”课程教学内容的思考
6.Comments on the Application of Situational Teaching Method in Tourism English Teaching论情景教学法在高职旅游英语中的应用
7.Methods of Communicative Language Teaching in College Tourism English浅谈交际法在高职旅游英语教学中的具体应用
8.Using of Information Technology in the Teaching of Tourism Management Major of Higher Vocational Education信息技术在高职旅游管理专业教学中的运用
9.The Reform on Teaching about Professional Abilities in Touring Geography Curriculum for Secondary Vocational Schools;论职业能力取向的中职学校旅游地理课程教学改革
10.Study on the Application of Task-oriented Approach on Tourism Spoken English Teaching;高职旅游英语口语教学中应用任务型教学法初探
11.Brief analysis on high vocational teaching's reformation of Traveling psychology高职《旅游心理学》课程教学改革初探
12.Analysis of the Teaching Patterns of Bilingual Language of Tourism English in Polytechnic Colleges;高职院校旅游英语专业双语教学模式探讨——以《中国旅游地理》双语教学为例
13.Value Clarification and the Application of It into the Teaching Practice of Tour Geography Course;价值澄清理论及其在中等职业学校《旅游地理》教学中的运用研究
14.The Research of Strategy Reached in Moral on Red Tourism Resources Teaching in Vocational School职业中学红色旅游资源教学中德育目标达成策略的研究
15.Training the Consciousness of Serving in the Tourist Technical Secondary School;浅论中职旅游教育中“服务意识”培养
16.Practical Study in Assignment Oriented Teaching Module for <China Touring Geography> in Middle Professional Institute;中职《中国旅游地理》课程中任务引领教学模式的实践研究
17."Original Ecology" Culture and Tourism English Teaching in Higher Vocational Schools;“原生态”文化与高职旅游英语教学
18.On Teaching Practice for Tourism English Majors in Vocational Colleges;高职院校旅游英语专业教学实践初探

the tourist technical secondary school中职旅游教育
1.So training the consciousness of serving is one of the basic tasks in the tourist technical secondary school.旅游业是服务性行业,服务意识是旅游服务行业最基本的行业需求,因此培养服务意识便成为中职旅游教育的根本任务之一。
3)Tourism vocational school旅游职中
4)tourism teaching旅游教学
1.this article puts forward a new college tourism teaching style based on analysis of the deficiency of present tourism teaching.发展旅游业培养人才是关键,如何转变高校旅游教学模式,提高教学质量,培养适应现代社会发展的合格的旅游专业人才,是高校旅游教学改革的关键。
5)higher tourism vocational education旅游高职教育
1.The major-establishment and curriculum-setting-up reflects directly the social function of higher tourism vocational education,determines the current scope of learning and future career of the students.旅游高职教育的专业设置和课程建设直接反映了旅游高职教育的社会功能 ,决定了学生当前的学习范围和今后的工作领域 ,是学校教学工作主动、灵活地适应社会需求的关键环节。
2.With China s entry into WTO,the higher tourism vocational education will also undergo a new period.随着我国加入WTO ,我国旅游高职教育也需要与时俱进 ,深化改革 ,根据其存在的问题和现状 ,应进一步明晰培养目标 ,并围绕培养目标进行相应的改革。
3.This paper expatiates on bilingual teaching and its significance,it analyzes the problems in higher tourism vocational education in our country,and puts forward countermeasures.通过双语教学及其重要作用,分析目前我国旅游高职教育中存在的问题,重点探讨开展双语教学的对策。
6)tourism education in vocational college高职旅游教育
1.Under the strategic backgroud and viewpoint of building up the province in tourism,Hunan tourism education in vocational college should play its part,but at present it hardly adjust to the situation of making a province powerful in tourism;region characteristics is the inside and support of tourism and Hunan characteristics is its brand of tourism.湖南省委、省政府决心把旅游资源大省建设成为旅游产业大省,在此战略背景和战略视野下,湖南高职旅游教育应该有所作为,但当前的湖南高职旅游教育还难以适应这一战略要求。

语文教学中发掘文学作品的教育作用语文教学中发掘文学作品的教育作用making use of the educational function of literary works in Chinese teaching  语文教学中发掘文学作品的教育作用(making use of the edueational funetionof literary works in chinese teaehing)青少年学生由于缺乏经验,直接自发地从文学作品中接受教育是有限的,因此,语文教学要发挥教师的主导作用,使文学作品能对学生发挥较大的教育作用,就需要注意以下几点:(l)教师要探情、注重迁情,做到文章情、学生情、教师情的三情合一。(2)适当疏通文字、沟通今古,以促进理解,便于展开联想与想像。(3)创设情境,引导学生进入意境,产生共鸣,得到体验。创设情境既可运用直观手段创设相应气氛,也可以是提出问题造成愤徘状态。如学习《祝福》后,可以提问:鲁迅写的是祥林嫂的悲惨命运,为什么用祝福这个吉祥的词作标题?启发学生深挖主题思想,进入意境,把握艺术形象,形成共鸣。创设情境是为了诱发学生的联想和想像以获得相应的情感体验,是为了进入作品的意境引发共鸣便于内化。要努力引导学生把作品的语言文字诉诸形象,自觉调节表象形成想像,才能进入意境。这就需要引导学生发现和欣赏作品中的景物美、人物美和意境美。在想像中受到感情的熏陶、得到难以言传的美的享受,在物我相融中陶冶情操。(4)必须拨动学生情感的琴弦,要感而动之。主要是使学生通过想像的替代作用进入意境,在物我相融中受到感染,由表同而认同,将作品的高尚情操悦纳内化为自己的心灵。(5)在把美育与德育结合起来的同时,也要在美的鉴赏中进行创造性的实践活动。(6)在文学鉴赏指导中,要注意限制一些消极作用,进行正面引导。 (梁息全撰巨巫查{审)