感知态度,perception attitude
1)perception attitude感知态度

1.Research on Residents Perception of Tourism Impacts and Its Dynamics--A Case study of Zhouzhuang;居民旅游影响感知态度及其动力因子研究——以周庄为例
2.Research on Residents Perceptions and Attitudes Toward Tourism in Tourist Destinations;旅游地居民对旅游的感知与态度研究
3.Literature Review for Residents Perceptions and Attitudes of Tourist Destinations;旅游目的地居民感知及态度研究进展
4.Model of situation awareness velocity under continuous changing situation连续变化条件下的态势感知速度模型
5.Attitudes Perceived Research on Sustainable Development of Rural Tourism Community;基于态度感知的乡村旅游社区可持续发展研究
6.On the Residents Perceptions and Attitudes towards Tourism Development in Tourist Destinations Overseas:A Review;国外旅游地居民旅游感知和态度研究综述
7.A Study on Perception and Attitude of Residents in Tourist Destinations Based on the Factors of Urban and Rural城乡旅游地居民对旅游感知与态度的实证研究
8.Survey on AIDS KAP among pregnant and Iactating women孕产妇艾滋病知识、态度和感染情况调查
9.Study on the knowledge and attitude of influenza A(H1N1) among residents in Dongcheng District,Beijing City北京市东城区居民甲型H1N1流感认知及态度调查
10.An Analysis of the Difference of Visitors' Perception of Recreational Shock Based on Their Environmental Attitude基于环境态度的游客游憩冲击感知差异分析
11.A study of Residents'Perceptions and Attitudes towards Tourism Impacts at Yongding Tulou Scenic Spot福建永定土楼居民旅游感知与态度研究
12.Channel and Queue Aware Resource Scheduling Algorithms in Wireless Networks无线网络信道队列状态感知资源调度算法
13.Wudang Mountains Residents' Recognition to and Attitudes towards Wudang Wushu武当山特区居民对武当武术影响的感知和态度
14.Fuzzy Flow Awareness Based Dynamical Priority Fair Scheduling Algorithm基于模糊流感知的动态优先公平调度算法
15.Impact of personal beliefs on sexual risk behavior of people with HIV/AIDSHIV感染者认知态度对危险性行为的影响
16.The Relation between Perceived Teacher s Attitude and the Mental Health of the Students from Divorced Family;离异家庭学生感知到的教师态度与其心理健康的关系
17.Affect, Cognition, and Attitudes: Explore the Psychological Effect of Advertising Across Different Product Categories;情感、认知和态度:探索跨产品类型广告的心理效应
18.The Study on Perception of Justice in Performance Appraisal and Its Impacts on Knowledge Worker s Work Attitude;知识员工绩效评估公平感及其对工作态度的影响研究

attitudes perceived态度感知
3)perceptions and attitudes感知与态度
4)the behavior and the process态度与感知
5)residents perceptions and attitudes居民感知和态度
6)residents perception and attitude居民感知态度
1.Variation of tourism structure is basic fact in the course of evolution, among which, evolution of tourism product structure is more paid attention to, tourist market structure is dimension of tourism product need, variation of residents perception and attitude is a reflection of evolution of tourism product structure in sociology.旅游结构的动态变化是演进过程中的基本事实,其中旅游产品结构的演变愈受关注,旅游市场结构是旅游产品的需求层面,居民感知态度变化是旅游产品结构演变在社会学的一种体现。

动作感知动作感知sensation and perception of action  动作感知(。ensation and Poreeption ofaction)在体育运动活动中人脑对体育动作或运动情境的直接反应。如看到体操动作、球类竞赛场面,知觉到自己跑跳时动作的力量、幅度、方向等。动作感知分为外部感知与内部感知。外部感知是通过视、听、触等外感官所接受的有关技能的外部结构特点的信息输入:内部感知是在外部感知的基础上由肌梭、肌膜、关节感觉末梢和前庭器官毛细胞等感受器接受自身动作刺激,人脑对活动方向、位置、用力、灵活柔韧等信息的直接反应。前者亦称客体运动感知,后者则称主体运动感知。动作感知是形成运动表象、掌握运动知识、形成运动技能的基础。不同运动项目所需动作感知觉成分不同,通过训练可使与某专项要求相一致的感知觉成分高度分化发展,即形成专门化知觉。 (刘淑思撰谢三才审)