美学本质,aesthetics essence
1)aesthetics essence美学本质
1.The essence of engineering aesthetics is consistent of the aesthetics essence.工程美学的本质与美学本质一致,工程美学的特性在于它的实用性、科学技术性、环境协调性等。

1.On the Essence of Aesthetics of the Indian Epic Mahabharata;论印度史诗《摩诃婆罗多》的美学本质
2.Aesthetics Methodology and Artistic Nature Viewpoints --Aesthetic Nature of Art through the Eastern and Western Classical Aesthetics;美学方法论和艺术本质观——从东、西方古典美学看艺术的审美本质
3.On the Nature of Beauty from the Angle of utilitarianism in the Design Aesthetics;从设计美学中的功利角度谈美的本质
4.An Brief Introduction on Essence Characteristics and Reflection of Physical Aesthetics & Aesthestic Analysis;体育美的本质、特征、表现及美学分析
5.Go Back to Kant;回归美学自身——美的本质问题的出路
6.On the Western Aesthetic Trilogy Concerning Artistic Nature(Part 2)--An Exposition on the Artistic Nature of Human NoumenonAesthetics;西方美学关于艺术本质的三部曲(下)——人类本体论美学艺术本质论
7.Aesthetic Truth of "Insanity"──A Comment on Peculiarity of Nietzsche s Aesthetic Thought;“疯狂”的美学真相──论尼采美学思想的根本特质
8.On the Western Aesthetic Trilogy Concerning Artistic Nature(Part Ⅰ)--Artistic Nature:From the Natural Noumenon Aesthetics to Epitemologic Aesthetics;西方美学关于艺术本质的三部曲(上)——艺术本质论:从自然本体论美学到认识论美学
9.Discussion the Relationship Between "the Nature of the Beautiful"and "the Nature of Human Beings"--Review the theorical base of modern aesthetics.;关于"美本质"与"人本质"的关系探讨——兼评中国当代美学的理论基点
10.a philosopher who specializes in the nature of beauty.专门研究美的本质的哲学家。
11.Nature-Essence of the Aesthetic Thought of Si Kongtu about Poems;自然——司空图诗歌美学思想的本质
12.A Questioning of the View of "Schopenhauer s Pessimistic Aesthetics";对“叔本华的悲观主义美学”之说的质疑
13.Inspiration from Undergraduate Teaching Quality in American Colleges;美国高校本科教学质量给我们的启示
14.Essentialism in Chinese Aesthetics in Mid-and late-20th Century;20世纪中后期中国美学中的本质论
15.Science as a Vocation--Discussion about the Nature of U.S. Doctoral Education以学术为业——美国博士生教育本质之争
16.People Oriented Education and College Art Teaching--Aesthetic Education in All-round-development Education;人本教育与高校美术教学——谈素质教育中的美育
17.A Brief Discussion of Basic Characteristics and Essence of Zen Aesthetics;简论禅宗美学的基本思想特点及其本质
18.Seven principles for good practice in undergraduate education in US s higher education and implications for higher education of China;美国高等学校提高本科教学质量的七条对策

the aesthetic essence of the Chinese language汉语美学本质
3)Essence of the Mathematical Beauty数学美的本质
4)Analysis on the Essence of Sports Aesthetics体育美学本质分析
5)the essence of beauty美的本质
1.Artifical belle is the blasphemy to the essence of beauty, a negation to the completeness of female value, as well as a thorough trample to medical humanitarianism and the main principle of medical ethic.“人造美女”是对美的本质的亵渎 ,是对女性价值全面性的否定 ,同时也是对医学人道主义和医学伦理基本原则的全面践踏。
6)aesthetic nature审美本质
1.The aesthetic nature and social nature are different aspects of literature.文学的审美本质和社会本质是文学不同层面的本质。

本质映射本质映射essential mappng  本质映射[.皮刘间..月,甩;ey叫eeTaea一oe oTo6一a-狱e朋el 把拓扑空间x映成闭单形r”的连续映射f,使得在集合f一’(于·\尹)的所有点上和f相同的任何连续映射关:x~于”都是映成整个于·的映射.例如,把于”映成自身的恒等映射是本质映射.【补注】本质映射用来刻画正规空间的夜盖维数(见维数(山庄猫沁n)).正规空间(nom词sPa以治)的概盖维数)n的充要条件是:存在一个把该空间映成”维闭单形尹的本质映射.