高端人才,top-level talents
1)top-level talents高端人才
1.Training top-level talents for strengthening enterprise s superiority in competition;打造高端人才 增强竞争优势

1.On the Animation Education of High-ranking Talents--Thinkings about the Animation Education of High-ranking Talents;动漫高端人才教育研究——关于动漫人才培养目标的探索与思考
2.Inkstone Consulting is an executive search and consulting firm offering recruitment services and strategic staffing solutions.英士坦是一家专业的从事人力资源咨询和中高端人才信息服务的公司。
3.Developing Northeast old industry base s high level talent support--thinking Shenyan city professional manager s cultivation;振兴东北老工业基地的高端人才支撑——关于沈阳市职业经理人队伍建设的思考
4.Foster Doctorate in Sports Culture by Perfecting System,Constructing High-end Talent Project upon 2008 Olympic Games;立足08奥运、完善培养体制、构筑高端人才工程——论体育学博士研究生培养
5.The Education of Jr.Programmer in Software Industry in the Higher Professional Colleges;浅谈高职院校软件产业低端人才的培养
6.Innovation in Oversea Returnee Policy and Development of High-end Socialist Economy with Chinese Characteristics--Illustrated with Shi Zhengrong's Example留学人才政策创新与中国特色高端经济发展——以施正荣归国创办高端企业为例
7.Thoughts on Developed Countries' Strategies in Attracting Overseas High-tech Talents发达国家吸引海外高端科技人才策略引发的思考
8.Correct Guiding Principles and Scientific Administration are the Key to Run a Private Institution of High Quality and Distinctive Features --Constructing a New Talent-training Environment with Stress on Good Qualities and Distinctive Feature;端正办学思想,实施科学管理——以质量和特色构建民办高校新型人才培养空间
9.On training university students in scientific outlook;基于科学人才观的高校人才培养研究
10.Well revision student education plan to enhance intelligent capability;修订人才培养方案 提高人才培养质量
11.To Form the Idea of Developing a College with Talents and Strengthen College Talents Administration;树立人才强校理念 加强高校人才管理
12.On Talented Person Specification of Higher Vocational Education from the Angle of Talent Structure Theory;从人才结构理论看高职人才培养规格
13.On the Establishment of Talent Capital and College Talent Capital;浅谈人才资本及高校人才资本的建立
14.Stick to the principle of the Party s management on talents to improve the construction of the talents in college;坚持党管人才原则,促进高校人才建设
15.Upgrading the University by Cultivating Talented Personnel;论高校的“人才”价值与人才强校工程
16.Promoting the Development of Institutions of Higher learning through Introducing and Valuing qualified people;引进人才 重视人才 促进高校的发展
17.Ideas on the "Cultivation of High-tech Talents" in Talent Research对人才研究中“高技能人才开发”的探讨
18.I found him a man of rare intelligence, always thoroughly reliable.我认为他是个有杰出的才智的人,一贯极端可靠。

first-line high-end talent一线高端人才
3)higher vocational talents高职人才
1.As a whole,the society demands a large number of higher vocational talents,and the accurate localization of professorship talents has become the prerequisite which influences higher vocational education ssurvival and development.从总体上看,高职人才有着巨大的社会需求,而准确地进行人才定位,则成为影响高职教育生存和发展前提性条件。
2.The fostering mode of higher vocational talents of biological technology application major should be based on the dominant industry of cocal economy building paying attention to the levels of course structure, feasibility of fostering aim, training of teaching me thod and the fostering of applicable talents needed in the production front.生物技术应用专业高职人才培养模式应注重课程结构的层次性、培养目标的实用性、教学方法的训练性,侧重培养地方经济建设发展所需的生产一线的应用型人才。
4)advanced talents高级人才
1.The relationship is rather complicated between the width and depth of advanced talents knowledge and capacity.高级人才的知识、能力结构中的广度与深度的关系具有相当的复杂性 ,不仅表现在“针对深度的广度的相关性”方面 ,而且还与课程的纵向和横向结构发生联系。
5)the high-level managers高管人才
6)talents with high diploma and high technical titles双高人才

高技能人才  高技能人才是在生产个服务等领域岗位一线的从业者中,具备精湛专业技能,关键环节发挥作用,能够解决生产操作难题的人员。包括技能劳动者中取得高级工、技师和高级技师职业资格及相应职级的人员,主要分布于第一、第二、第三产业中技能含量较高的岗位。