导游课程,turguide curriculum
1)turguide curriculum导游课程
2)guide practicality导游实务课程

1.Implementing Ability-oriented Teaching Reform of Practical Guiding Course;实施以能力为取向的导游实务课程教学改革
2.Assignment Pattern Research for Tourism Practice Course in the Context of Network Environment;网络环境下导游实务课程作业模式研究
3.The Innovation and Optimization in Teaching of Real Business of Tourist Guide;浅谈旅游高职《导游实务》课程教学的创新与优化
4.Using CBE for Reference to Promote the Practical Teaching Reform of Guide Service Course;借鉴CBE模式 推动导游业务课程实践教学改革
5.Thoughts on the Teaching Content and Method in the Subject of Tour Guide Practice;关于《导游实务》课程教学内容及其教法的思考
6.On the transformation and innovation of this subject "tourist guide" in advanced vocational school;高专旅游类专业《导游实务》课程教学的改革与创新
7.Study on the CAI Teaching Practices of Tour-Guide Operations;《导游业务》CAI课件教学实践研究
8.Construction and Practice on the Elaborate Courses of "Shaanxi Tourism Guidance"“陕西导游”精品课程的建设与实践
9.Research on the Experiential Teaching in Tourism Management Practice;旅游管理专业体验式实践教学模式探讨——以《导游业务》课程教学改革为例
10.An Experimental Course Design for the New English Yangtze River Guides with the Application of ESP Theory;基于ESP理论针对长江游轮新英语船陪导游的实验性课程设计
11.Discussion on Humanities in Practical Teaching Sector in Open Education;导学群服务下文科课程实践教学环节的探讨
12.The Implementation of Task-oriented Teaching for Computer Course in Vocational Schools任务导向教学法在职业学校计算机课程中实施
13.Setting up the Teaching Mode of "Framework-Context-Deduction"--Reforming the Traditional Method in Teaching Tour Guide Practice构建“模块—情境—演绎”教学模式——改革《导游业务》课程的传统教学方法
14.On the Reform of Course &Teaching Systems in Higher Vocational Education--Taking the Courses of Tour Guide Operation as an Example;试论推进高职高专课程和教学内容体系改革的思路与举措——以《导游业务》课程为例
15.Practical Study in Assignment Oriented Teaching Module for <China Touring Geography> in Middle Professional Institute;中职《中国旅游地理》课程中任务引领教学模式的实践研究
16.The Theory and Practice System Research of College "Travel E-commerce" Courses高职高专《旅游电子商务》课程理论和实践体系构建研究
17.Curricular development and the construction of campus culture--Training of the campus tour guide in vocational colleges;以课程开发带动校园文化建设——对高职院校“校园导游”实训课程建设的探索
18.Application of Action-oriented Teaching in Guide of Practice《导游实务》行动导向教学改革及效果

guide practicality导游实务课程
3)guide service course导游业务课程
1.As a professional course of higher vocational guide specialty,the guide service course must pay attention to the training of vocational ability.CBE模式是以从事某一职业所必需具备的能力为出发点来确定培养目标、设计教学内容和评估教学效果的一种人才培养模式,作为高职旅游专业的一门专业课,导游业务课程必须重视职业能力的培养。
4)dragoman basic《导游基础》课程
5)swimming course游泳课程
1.A discussion of developing swimming course in general physical education in Guangdong Province;广东省高等院校公共游泳课程存在问题及解决方法的商榷
6)game curriculum游戏课程
