权益受损,Encroachment to the Rights
1)Encroachment to the Rights权益受损
1.Analysis and Countermeasure on the Reasons of Encroachment to the Rights of Lost-land Farmers in the Urbanization Process of China;城市化进程中失地农民权益受损的原因分析及对策

1.On the Infringement upon Rights and Interests of Farmers in Underdeveloped Regions;浅谈欠发达地区农民权益受损的原因
2.Analysis on damages of the peasants' interests during the land requisition征地过程中农民权益受损的成因分析
3.An Inquiry into the Phenomenon of Private Enterprise s Violation of Laborer s Property Rights;民营企业劳动者产权权益受损现象探析
4.An Analysis of Farmer’s Rights and Interests Lost in Land Regnisition;土地征用中农民土地权益受损的制度分析
5.A Preliminary Inquiry into Causal Link between Multinationals and Violation of Basic Rights of Chinese Laborers;跨国公司与中国劳工权益受损关系初探
6.Analysis on the Unprotected Rights of the Losing Land's Farmers under the Efficiency and Fairness效率与公平框架下失地农民权益受损状况分析
7.The Research on the Rights and Interests Damage and Policy Support of Land-losing Farmer in the Urbanized Process;城市化进程中失地农民权益受损与政策支持研究
8.Analysis and Countermeasure on the Reasons of Encroachment to the Rights of Lost-land Farmers in the Urbanization Process of China;城市化进程中失地农民权益受损的原因分析及对策
9.Land Property Right Discrimination and Farmers Interest Impairment during Farmland Acquisition:a Case Study from Jiangsu Province;土地征用中农民土地权益受损程度研究——以江苏省为例
10.Reasons and Countermeasures on damage to rights and interests of lost-land peasant in the process of Urbanization in Ningxia;宁夏城市化进程中失地农民权益受损的原因分析及对策研究
11.On Corporate Social Responsibility Caused by Infringed Rights of University Students having Part-time Job;大学生兼职权益受损引发的企业社会责任之探讨
12.A Discussion on the Civil Liability for Infringing the Owners Interests by Selling and Buying the Owner s Shares Illegally;盗买盗卖股票致股东权益受损害的民事责任探讨
13.The modest receive benefit, while the conceited reap failure.谦受益, 满招损。
14.shall be especially concerned with protecting the interests of minority shareholders from being infringed.尤其要关注中小股东的合法权益不受损害。
15.The Administration of Justice Succor of the Agentfor Enterprises Dismiss Loses of the Creditor;企业法人解散债权人利益受损的司法救济
16.Supporting victimized consumers in taking legal proceedings against acts of harming consumers' legitimate rights and interests,就损害消费者合法权益的行为,支持受损害的消费者提起诉讼,
17.The rights protection law for the comsumers enables any impaired comsumer to claim money from the company.保护消费者权益法使任何受损害的消费者有向公司索赔的权利。
18.Otherwise, Party A will be responsible to compensate party B's losses.反之如乙方权益因此遭受损害,甲方应负赔偿责任

unprotected rights受损权益
3)infringement upon rights and interests of farmers农民权益受损
1.The essay analyses the causes of the infringement upon rights and interests of farmers in underdeveloped regions, which are summarized as follows: 1.欠发达地区农民权益受损有三方面原因 ,一是政府有较强的“人治”偏好 ,二是政府权力缺乏约束 ,三是少数县、乡政府施政偏离了政府责任。
4)rights damages of medium and small shareholders中小股东权益受损
5)loss of benefit利益受损
1.The paper,after making a brief analysis on the loss of benefit of farmers who lost land in the urbanization in China,discusses the methods to solve the similar problem in developed countries.对我国城市化进程中失地农民利益受损的表现进行了简要分析,阐述发达国家和地区解决失地农民问题经验,借鉴其经验,对我国失地农民土地权益保障问题提出了一些政策性的建议与对
6)Damaged Private Right私益受损

扣损余额全损扣损余额全损 【扣损余额全损]财产保险理赔业务常用术语。从保险标的全损额中扣除出售损余物资所得加上出售及检验费用后的全部净损失额。保险人负责赔付保险金额与出售损余物资所得款项扣除出售费用和检验费用之后的差额。