旅游地理课程,Touring Geography Curriculum
1)Touring Geography Curriculum旅游地理课程
1.The Reform on Teaching about Professional Abilities in Touring Geography Curriculum for Secondary Vocational Schools;论职业能力取向的中职学校旅游地理课程教学改革

1.On the Reform and Innovation in Tourism Geography Textbooks in China;论中国旅游地理课程教材的改革创新
2.Innovation of Senior High School Textbook and Geography Teaching Reform of Higher Normal Education;高中地理教材创新与高师旅游地理课程建设
3.New Ideas for a Teaching Reform in the Course of Geography of Tourism in China;关于中国旅游地理课程教学改革的探讨
4.Teaching Reform and innovation on Chinese Tourism Geography in Vocational Colleges;高职院校中国旅游地理课程教学改革与创新
5.A Study on the Roles of Tourism Geography Curriculum in the Development of Students Professional Capabilities;旅游地理课程职业能力培养的现状与思考
6.On the Professional Ability Oriented Reform in the Teaching of Tourism Geography in Vocational and Technical Colleges;论职业能力取向的高职旅游地理课程教学改革
7.Try to Discuss the New Century Innovation of College Chinese Travel Geography Curriculum;试论新世纪高校中国旅游地理课程的改革创新
8.Research on Teaching Method Innovation of Tourism Geograohy;中国旅游地理课程教学方法改革创新研究
9.Research and Practice of Chinese Travel Geography Course Construction in the 21st Century;21世纪中国旅游地理课程教材建设探索与实践
10.Research on the 21st Century Chinese Tourism Geography Curriculum Textbook Brought Forth New ldeas and Optimized;21世纪中国旅游地理课程教材创新优化研究
11.Ideas Of Teaching Methods Of Reforming The Curriculum Of Tourism Geography In Vocational Colleges;改革高职院校旅游地理课程教学手段的思路
12.Study and Practice on the Textbook of "China Tourism Geography" Course Construction;中国旅游地理课程教材建设探索与实践
13.A Study of the Innovation of College Tourism Geography Curriculum in China高校中国旅游地理课程的改革创新探索
14.Discussion on Offering Tourism Geography Courses in the Geographical Science Department of Junior Normal Colleges;对高师专科地理科学专业开设旅游地理课程的探讨
15.The Reform on Teaching about Professional Abilities in Touring Geography Curriculum for Secondary Vocational Schools;论职业能力取向的中职学校旅游地理课程教学改革
16.Exploration on the Structure of Common Elective Course--Chinese Tour and Geograph in Universities;高校公选课“中国旅游地理”课程建设探索
17.Analysis of Tourism Culture Teaching Theories and Practice;旅游文化课程教学的理论与实践探讨
18.A Research into the Reform of Curriculum for the Major ofTourism Management in Higher Vocational Education;高职旅游管理专业课程设置改革初探

course of China Tourism Geography中国旅游地理课程
3)local tourism curricula地方旅游课程
1.Based on the combination of local cultural resources and education and teaching for tourism specialty in higher vocational colleges,taking Zhejiang International Maritime College as an example,this paper shows principles and the main ways of offering local tourism curricula for tourism specialty in higher vocational colleges in the aspect of theory.加强对高职院校地方旅游课程开发的理论研究,不仅可以因地制宜地利用地域文化资源为专业建设服务,而且也符合高职院校为地方经济服务的办学方向和为社会经济文化服务的职责。
4)tourism management courses旅游管理课程
5)curricula system in the major of tourism management旅游管理专业课程体系
6)tourism geography旅游地理
1.This paper reveals the present situation and characteristics of tourism geography,based on the statistical analysis on the articles of tourism geography published in two kinds of journals in the past ten years.通过搜集1994—2003年《地理学报》、《地理研究》等10种期刊发表的旅游地理文献,将10种期刊分为两大类,从文章的数量、基金资助、研究涉及区域、研究方法和研究内容等方面进行统计分析,揭示了中国旅游地理10a来的研究进展状况和特点。
2.This paper gives an overall retrospect of the development of tourism geography research in the four above-mentioned periodicals since 1980s from the aspects of general introduction, tourism destinations, tourism resources and development, tourism sights, tourists behaviors and tourism market, tourism environment and ecological tourism, and theo.本文全面回顾了 2 0世纪 80年代以来 4种期刊关于旅游地理学的研究进展 ,从综述、旅游地、旅游资源与开发、旅游景观、旅游者行为与旅游市场、旅游环境与生态旅游以及理论与方法研究等7大方面进行了阐述 ,对 4种期刊进行了载文数量的时间分布、载文作者的地域分布、论文作者单位、研究内容和研究方法的统计分析 ,并总结了 4种期刊关于旅游地理学研究的成功经验。
3.This paper introduces the establishment of “tourism geography” as a common elective course, with a preliminary summary of the background, guiding thought, syllabus, teaching material, teaching method, etc.本文介绍了旅游地理公共选修课的开设,并着重从开设背景、主导思想、教学大纲、教材教法等方面作了初步总结和探讨,同时对完善这门课程也提出了看法。
