旅游教师,tourism teacher
1)tourism teacher旅游教师
1.As Chinese tourism industry develops quickly, the demand of tourism teachers\' quality is getting higher.随着旅游业发展的逐步深入,我国对旅游教师的素质要求持续提高,所以旅游教师的培养就显得尤为重要。
2)teacher tourists教师旅游者
3)teachers majoring in tourism旅游专业教师
4)tourism faculty旅游师资
1.However,the construction of tourism faculty in the development has always been a prominent issue.但在发展过程中旅游师资建设问题始终是一个突出的问题,教师队伍结构不合理、学历不达标、技能不符合要求等诸多问题一直阻碍着旅游高等职业教育的发展。

1.Reflections on the Construction of Tourism Faculty in Vocational and Technology Colleges对高职院校旅游师资队伍建设的重新思考
2.On the Development of Tourism Education and Training of Professional Teachers;旅游教育的发展和职教师资培养探析
3.On staff training for tourism majors in higher learning institutions;高校旅游专业师资队伍培养和建设探析
4.Thoughts on "Dual-master" Construction in Tourism Colleges--Taking Guilin Institute of Tourism as an Example;旅游院校“双师型”师资队伍建设的思考——以桂林旅游高等专科学校为例
5.The humane tourism resources are a big class of the tourist resources.人文旅游资源是旅游资源的一大类。
6.On the Relations among Tourism Products,Tourism Resources and Tourism Attractions;简析旅游产品、旅游资源及旅游吸引物间的关系
7.Thoughts on the Relations among Tourism Attractions,Tourism Resources and Tourism Products;对旅游吸引物、旅游资源和旅游产品关系的思考
8.The Conformity of Tourism Industry and the Design of Tourism Souvenirs and Tour Resources;旅游纪念品设计、旅游产业和旅游资源整合
9.To Construct a Compound-type Teaching Staff is the Only Way to Develop Tourism Education;构建复合型师资队伍是发展旅游教育的必由之路
10.Red Tourism and the Development of Tourism Resources in Hunan First Normal University论红色旅游资源的开发——以湖南第一师范青年毛泽东纪念馆为例
11.Philosophy and Planning Methodology of Tourism --Tourism·Tourism Resources·Tourism Planning;旅游哲学观与规划方法论——旅游·旅游资源·旅游规划
12.Types of Tourism Resourses and Exploitation of Tourism Economy of Shaoyang邵阳市旅游资源类型与旅游经济开发
13.Assessing the tourism value of tourism resources-A case study of Dunhuang旅游资源的旅游价值评估——以敦煌为例
14.Research about Chinese Tourism Resource Combination;关于中国旅游业旅游资源组合的研究
15.Cultural Tourism Resources Evaluation of AAAA Scenic Areas in Shanxi Province;山西4A级旅游景区文化旅游资源评价
16.The research on the utilization of rural tourism resource;乡村旅游发展中的旅游资源利用研究
17.On tourism resources protection and development of sustainable tourism;浅析旅游资源保护与旅游可持续发展
18.The Evaluation of Tourism Resources in Iran and the Strategy for Tourism Development;伊朗旅游资源评价与旅游业发展策略

teacher tourists教师旅游者
3)teachers majoring in tourism旅游专业教师
4)tourism faculty旅游师资
1.However,the construction of tourism faculty in the development has always been a prominent issue.但在发展过程中旅游师资建设问题始终是一个突出的问题,教师队伍结构不合理、学历不达标、技能不符合要求等诸多问题一直阻碍着旅游高等职业教育的发展。
5)tourism planner旅游规划师
1.Based on the reference form tourism vocational education and certification system both at home and abroad,the paper discusses the construction of the framework of vocational certification system for China s tourism planners form the angl.本文从我国旅游规划师职业教育的现状入手,分析注册规划师制度处于空白的原因以及引发的问题,在借鉴国内外旅游职业教育和认证制度的基础上,从制度和管理角度构建了我国旅游规划师职业资格认证制度的框架,以期对旅游规划师制度建设有所借鉴。
6)tourism education旅游教育
1.Guangzhou s tourism sustainable development and tourism education;广州旅游业可持续发展与旅游教育
2.Study on the Application of Three-Channel 3D Projection Screen Technology in Tourism Education三通道环幕立体投影技术在旅游教育中的应用研究
3.This essay discusses about the local cultural education in tourism education from the aspects of the importance of local cultural education,the presence .本文从本土文化教育的重要性、本土文化在导游实战环节、课程设置和教学方法中的体现等几个方面来讨论旅游教育中的本土文化教育。

师旅1.师﹑旅为古代军队编制。《诗.小雅.黍苗》:"我徒我御,我师我旅。"郑玄笺:"五百人为旅,五旅为师。"后因用以指军队。 2.指战事。 3.指众属吏。