生存与呵护,survival and protection
1)survival and protection生存与呵护
2)life protecting生命呵护
1.They should inspirate with love,appreciate with love,take care with love,so as to establish a civilization,safe,harmony advanced group.班主任应该用爱呼唤,启迪学生;用爱评价,赏识学生;用爱浇灌,呵护学生,从而建设一个文明、卫生、安全、和谐的先进班集体。

1.If we are not careful,如果我们不细心呵护
2.Care for Nature today, nature will care for you tomorrow.爱护今天的自然,自然将呵护你的明天。
3.Protect Wetland Resources and Cherish the Kidney of the Earth保护湿地资源 呵护“地球之肾”
4.[Applause] "And who is to be the guardian of this noble fame--the community as a whole?(掌声)"那么,靠谁来呵护这笔高尚的财富呢--靠全镇人一起来呵护吗?
5.She'll cherish it forever as a lasting symbol of your enduring love.她会把你们相爱的永恒标志精心呵护
6.The gaze were filled with care, stringency, trust, and also hope!有呵护,有严格,有信任,更有希望!
7.Excellent care for both fabrics and washing machines对洗衣机和织物均加倍呵护
8.Dudule infant Hotness Clearing Treasures helps mother carefully to protect the baby .嘟嘟乐清火宝,帮助妈妈精心呵护宝宝。
9.They give people something to care about.而且它们让人有了呵护的对象,
10.Christina, I do promise, to hold you and cherish you.(我本可发誓说,会呵护你,会珍惜你。
11.Take care of our environment .呵护我们的环境,与万物共享尊荣。
12.Two years of meticulous care, the two trees fragile results.两年的悉心呵护,结果两棵树弱不禁风。
13.Care for the beauty-culture--going into Civea;美的呵护,十年磨一剑——走进诗维娅
14.Yellow Sea change "yellow" treasure-house of the gradual loss urgent care黄海变“黄”宝库渐损 亟待呵护
15.They do not want cotton-woolling, they want a chance to contribute.他们不愿受人百般呵护,只想有机会做出贡献。
16.Like health, the true friendship needs the careful cultivation of the two.真正的友谊就像健康,需要双方的细心呵护
17.Love is sweet roses to a lover and tender caresses to a child.爱是送给情人芬芳的玫瑰和对小孩的细心呵护
18.He's been very protective towards his wife since she became ill.自从他妻子生病后,他一直对她呵护备至。

life protecting生命呵护
1.They should inspirate with love,appreciate with love,take care with love,so as to establish a civilization,safe,harmony advanced group.班主任应该用爱呼唤,启迪学生;用爱评价,赏识学生;用爱浇灌,呵护学生,从而建设一个文明、卫生、安全、和谐的先进班集体。
4)Cultivation of self自我呵护
5)Caring f ields呵护场所
6)to protect our soul呵护灵魂

生存1.活着;活下去。 2.指在世的人。 3.存在。 4.生活。