两年制高职,a vocational college with two academic years
1)a vocational college with two academic years两年制高职

1.Consideration about the Art Education in Two-year Higher Vocational Education;关于两年制高职艺术教育学科的思考
2.Research on practical English teaching model and strategy in two-year system higher vocational school;两年制高职高专实用英语教学模式与策略研究
3.The Thought of Course System s Development on the Major of Refrigeration and Air-Condition in Higher Vocational Education of Two Years System;两年制高职制冷空调专业课程体系建设的构想
4.New Curriculum Establishment on Two-Year Professional Mechanical Manufacturing Major;两年制高职机械制造专业课程新体系的构建
5.An Investigation on the Current Condition of Talents Training for NC Majors in Technical Colleges of the Two-academic-year Education;两年制高职数控专业人才培养现状调查报告
6.Thoughts on the teaching reform of the Public Computer cource for two years in Polytechnic Colleges;对两年制高职公共计算机课教学改革的思考
7.University 2-year System High Technical Ability Type Personnel Training Basis and Mode Structure;论我国高校两年制高职教育人才培养依据及模式构建
8.Shallowly discusses two years system Higher vocational education "Declaration And International Freight transportation" the specialized curriculum system improvement and the adjustment;浅谈两年制高职报关与国际货运专业课程体系的改进与调整
9.Training of Technical Talents in Automobile Application and Maintenance Majors of Two-year at Higher Vocational Level;“汽车运用与维修专业”两年制高职技能型人才培养的研究
10.Analysis on the Survey of the Course System and the Teaching Content of Two-Year's Higher Vocational Education in Chongqing重庆市两年制高职课程体系与教学内容情况调查分析
11.The Enlightenment of Foreign Higher Vocational Education Experiences to the Real Estate management Educational Reform for Two-Year higher Vocational Education;国外高职教育的经验及其对我国两年制高职物业管理专业教学改革的启示
12.Exploration on Professionals Training Mode of Specialty of Tourism Management with a Two-Year School System of Work-Integrated Learning in Higher Vocational College--Taking Guangzhou Panyu Polytechnic as a Case工学结合的两年制高职旅游管理专业人才培养模式探析——以广州番禺职业技术学院为例
13.On Positioning of Core Competitive Strength of Two-year Higher Vocational Education Reform;高职两年制学制改革核心竞争力定位
14.Reflection on Actual Effect of"Two Courses"Teaching in Five-year Higher Vocational Education;五年制高职“两课”教学实效性的思考
15.A Study on the Talents-Training Quality Assurance of Two-Year Higher Vocational Education;两年制高等职业教育人才培养质量保障研究
16.Two-year Higher Vocational Education From an Internationally Comparative Visual Angle;从国际比较视角看我国两年制高等职业教育
17.On Employment Problem of Graduates Majored in Mould Design and Manufacture of Two-year System in Higher Vocational Colleges;高职两年制模具专业毕业生就业问题的思考
18.The Rational Thinking on Two-year System Reform of Higher Vocational Institutes in Shanxi;山西省高职院校两年制专业改革的思考

two-year system HVE两年制高职教育
1., the article discusses the necessity of developing two year system HVE and tends to put forward some good suggestion on developing two-year system HVE in reliance on the profession, cooperation with school and enterprise , combination learning with production and to set up the thought of career education in HVE , to build student抯 learning files, to pay.本文从高等职业教育的学制、富余劳动力转移、经济学意义及人才战略等方面阐述了发展两年制高职教育的必要性,提出了依托行业、校企合作、产学结合;确立“生计教育”的办学思想;构建学生学习挡案;注重服务功能的定位;规范职业指导及改革高职教育的教学模式等办好两年制高职教育的建议。
3)Two-year higher vocational education两年制高等职业教育
1.Two-year higher vocational education is an important part of the higher vocational education.两年制高等职业教育是高等职业教育的重要组成部分。
4)Five-year higher vocational education五年制高职
1.According to students characteristics in five-year higher vocational education,in the teaching of "two courses",teachers should achieve actual effect by establishing suitable quantity and difficulty of teaching content,increasing the percent of image thinking,opplying suitable and various methods,carrying through necessary indoctrination,necessary pressure for students.根据五年制高职生的特点,在“两课”教学中要以授课内容的适量、难度的适度求实效,以增加形象思维的分量求实效,以恰当、多样的方法求实效,以必要的“灌输”求实效,给学生必要的压力求实效。
2.With the fast economic development and active demand for practical and high-skilled talents, the five-year higher vocational education has developed rapidly as an important component of China\'s higher education and distinctive academic system.五年制高职作为我国高等职业教育的重要组成部分和一种有特色的学制形式,伴随着我国经济的迅猛发展和社会对应用型高技能人才的旺盛需求,得到了快速发展。
5)two-year technical college education二年制高职
6)3-Year higher vocational education三年制高职

大休善育(1292~1372年,日本)【大休善育(1292~1372年,日本)】  善育和尚,神奈川人。跋涉诸方,返回净智,嗣无象之法。住建仁寺。遗偈云:‘幻生幻灭,八十一年;去来无象,落月在天。’  (曾普信 著)(根据网上资料编辑)