介入机会,intervening opportunities
1)intervening opportunities介入机会
1.Obviously, one tourism destination with intervening opportunities is prior to the others.空间介入机会在旅游地的发展过程中能够起到一定程度的促动作用,在旅游地竞争日益激烈的情况下,介入机会的重要性受到越来越多的认可,合理利用空间介入机会对新旅游地或新产品的开发具有更重要的意义。

2.Opportunities for Private Capital to Survive and Develop in Chinese Animated Cartoon Industry;民营资本介入中国动漫产业的生存与发展机会
3.The Opprtunity and Challenge of Social Work:A Research on Social Work Intervention in Psychiatric Rehabilitation;社会工作的机遇与挑战:精神病人社区康复过程中的社会服务介入
4.Discussion over Social Work Intervention in Elder-Caring Organizations--Based on the Survey of Elder-Caring Organizations in Nantong论养老机构中社会工作的介入——基于南通市养老机构的实证调查
5.An Inquiry into the Mechanism of Corporate Social Responsibility;企业社会责任践行机制之探究——兼论司法介入的合理性
6.The Integration Function of Social Work Group: A Discussion on the Value and Ways of NGO's Intervention in Public Crisis Management社会工作团体的整合功能——论NGO介入公共危机管理的价值和途径
7.She brought in six new members last month她于上月介绍了6名新会员(入会)。
8.The members initiated her into the fraternity yesterday会员们昨天介绍她加入大学生联谊会。
9.in other instances, the court may decline to intervene until the administrative process has had a chance to run its course.在其他一些情况下,法院在行政活动有机会自然发展以前,不会贸然介入。
10.Taking this opportunity, I would like to brief you on the new opportunities for foreign investment in the west after China joins the WTO.借此机会,我愿意就加入世贸组织后外商投资中国西部的新机遇,向各位嘉宾作一简要介绍
11.World Federation of Interventional and Therapeutic Neuroradiology世界介入治疗神经放射学联合会
12.I welcomed you as a member. I must admit.你是我介绍入会的,我不能瞒你。
13.Tom initiated me into this secret society汤姆介绍我加入这个秘密会社。
14.initiate sb into a religious sect, secret society, etc介绍某人加入某教派、 秘密会社等.
15.On Social Work Intervention to Youth Motor-racing;刍议青少年飙车现象的社会工作介入
16.How Philosophy Influences Reality: the Perspective of Social Theory;哲学如何介入现实:社会理论的思路
17.Analysis on Intervention of Social Case Work with Community Correction;浅析个案社会工作方法介入社区矫正
18.The "Intervening Judiciary"During the Period of the Social Transformation in China;我国社会转型时期的“介入性”司法

intervening opportunity model介入机会模型<运>
3)Social interference社会介入
4)Intervention mechanism介入机制
1.Intervention mechanism of foreign professional association on the training of nursing professionals;国外专业协会对护理学科人才培养的介入机制研究
5)Crisis intervention危机介入
1.Crisis intervention to demestic violence in the views of social work;浅析婚姻暴力的危机介入、评估和辅导
2.This essay,taking typical“leaving off" and “committing suicide" for example,tries to solve the mental problems of the college students by using the model of crisis intervention,and clarifies this theory and its practical significance.本文试图引入危机介入模式处理高校学生的心理问题,文章以大学生中较有代表性的“出走”、“自杀”等心理问题为例,分析阐述了该模式的理论及现实意义。
6)intervening time介入时机
1.Objective: To compare curative effect of needling in different intervening time for the treatment of PD, different intervening time (five days prior to menstrual flow or with the onset of pain) and the same prescription of Shiqizhui (EX-B7), Sanyinjiao (SP_6), Ciliao (BL 32) and Diji (SP 8) were selected for the needling treatment.目的:通过选用不同的介入时机(经前5天左右针刺或疼痛发作时针刺)针刺组穴(十七椎、次谬、地机、三阴交)对原发性痛经患者进行治疗,观察不同的针刺介入时机对针刺治疗原发性痛经的疗效差异影响。
