灵性体验,spiritual experience
1)spiritual experience灵性体验
1.Therefore,this article proposes that tourism experience can be classif ied into f ive categories as sense experience,acknowledge experience,emotional experience,regression experience and spiritual experience in terms of consciousness.本文指出:从意识深度上看,旅游体验可以划分为感官体验、认知体验、情感体验、回归体验和灵性体验5个层级模式。
2)Gods experience神灵体验
1.This paper put up scientific analysis about so-called "Gods experiences" from several points of view such as psychological idol, psychological hint, self-awareness and pertinent soberlike state of consciousness, inspiration, intuition etc.本文从心理幻象、心理暗示、自我意识和相关的似清醒意识状态、灵感、直觉等方面对所谓的“神灵体验”进行了科学的分析 ,由浅入深、逐次解剖 ,揭开了它神秘的外衣 ,这对弘扬科学精神、传播科学思想是十分重要
3)heart experience心灵体验
1." Its great devotion to the traditional Chinese culture is its raise of the heart experience,the mental relationship between human beings and the world,and as a result set up the aesthetic way in which human treat with the world.其对中国传统文学的一个重大贡献就是在理论上提出了心灵体验这种人与世界的精神联系,从而确立了人对待世界的审美方式。

1.The Female Writing Strategy of Body Return and Heart Experience;回归身体与心灵体验的女性书写策略
2.Analysis of Still Life Painting in Oil-painting;用心灵体验视觉的真实——油画静物写生浅析
3.This is not the experience of an isolated few, but the common fate and heartfelt feelings of people who have been living away from home.这不是一、二个人的个人经历,而是海外孤子的共同命运和心灵体验
4.She had never had any experiences of the heart.她从没有过心灵方面的体验。
5.Let your curiosity run into different horizons.容让好奇心狂野一下.体验不同的心灵视野.
6.Reflection on Enjoying in Beauty and Good and Poetic Experience:A Research on Confucian Poetic Atmosphere;美善相乐的心灵感悟与诗意体验:理学诗境探论
7.Deep Hatred of the Dispeller Poets in the South Song Dynasty此恨难平君知否——南宋遗民词人心灵的体验
8.The Personal Practice and the Realm of Spirit;个性体验与心灵境界──进入中国先圣思想的方法问题
9.Experience of the Aesthetic Poetry and Researching of the Flavour--Summarizing the Research on Li Shang-yin of Wang Meng心灵深处的诗美体验与诗意追寻——王蒙的李商隐研究综论
10.Qinqiang:Spiritual History of Rural Area in New Era--On the Living Experience in Qinqiang《秦腔》:新时期农村的心灵史——简谈小说《秦腔》的生存体验
11.A little body often harbour a great soul.躯体虽小,心灵伟大。
12.The foolish one monitors soul with the human body, the wise monitor the human body with soul.愚者用肉体监视心灵,智者用心灵监视肉体。
13.Gratitude fills your heart with the joyful feeling and allows you to, fully appreciate everything that arises on your path.心存感恩,你的心灵就充满愉悦,你就能真正领会人生路上的种种体验。
14.The Experimental Research of Xianlingshuangbaoxin Capsule Curing Coronal Heart Disease and Cardiac Angina;仙灵双保心胶囊治疗冠心病、心绞痛的实验研究
15.Organism and the Mind---Reflections on the Relations between Mind and Body;机体与心灵——关于心身关系的思考
16.The branch of metaphysics that studies the soul, the mind, and the relationship of life and mind to the functions of the body.心灵学形而上学的一支,研究灵魂心灵生命和心灵与身体功能之间的关系
17.“Turing Test”,“Chinese Room Argument”and the Nature of Mind;“图林测验”、“中文屋论证”与心灵的本质
18.Never Changed Soul--The Reflection of the Writer Soul in in the World;从未改变的灵魂——《在人间》中作者的心灵体现

Gods experience神灵体验
1.This paper put up scientific analysis about so-called "Gods experiences" from several points of view such as psychological idol, psychological hint, self-awareness and pertinent soberlike state of consciousness, inspiration, intuition etc.本文从心理幻象、心理暗示、自我意识和相关的似清醒意识状态、灵感、直觉等方面对所谓的“神灵体验”进行了科学的分析 ,由浅入深、逐次解剖 ,揭开了它神秘的外衣 ,这对弘扬科学精神、传播科学思想是十分重要
3)heart experience心灵体验
1." Its great devotion to the traditional Chinese culture is its raise of the heart experience,the mental relationship between human beings and the world,and as a result set up the aesthetic way in which human treat with the world.其对中国传统文学的一个重大贡献就是在理论上提出了心灵体验这种人与世界的精神联系,从而确立了人对待世界的审美方式。
4)agility quality tes灵活性试验
6)miracles and mythologies灵验
