职责排序,responsibilities to sort
1)responsibilities to sort职责排序
1.Carrying out Responsibility-Key Pursuing HSE Management System;落实职责是企业推行HSE管理体系的关键
2.Definition of Government s Responsibility in New Rural Cooperative Medical System and Countermeasures——Based on the Point of View of Public Good Theory;新型农村合作医疗中政府职责定位及对策分析——基于公共物品理论视角
3.Organization,Responsibility and Relevant Laws of the U.S.Food and Drug Administration;美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)组织机构、基本职责及所执行的法律

1.a functional duty, title, office职责、 职称、 职能
2.Relinquishment of an office or function.辞职放弃公职或职责
3.The discharge of a duty, function, or office.履行职责任务、责任或职责的履行
4.Assigned duty or activity.职务,职责分派的职责或指定的活动
5.avoid responsibilities and duties, e.g., by pretending to be ill.装病以推卸职责或责任。
6.assume an office, duty, or title.担任职责、责任或头衔。
7.The office or duties of a curate.助理牧师的职务或职责.
8.put into an office or a position.使担任一种职责或职位。
9.The office or duties of an inspector.检查员的职位或职责
10.Functions of the corporate officers公司高级职员的职责
11.The office, duties, or mission of an apostle.使徒职责使徒身份、职责、传道
12.the function of a teacher; the government must do its part or play its role or do its duty.老师的职责,政府必须履行他们的职责
13.He has performed his duty.他已经尽了自己的职责
14.This is a solemn duty.这是一个庄严的职责
15.She takes up her duties/responsibilities next week.她下周开始履行职责
16.the trait of neglecting responsibilities and lacking concern.忽视自己的职责,不关心。
17.Role of the Chief Secretary for Administration政务司司长的职责
18.America's duty is familiar.美国的职责一如既往。

1.Carrying out Responsibility-Key Pursuing HSE Management System;落实职责是企业推行HSE管理体系的关键
2.Definition of Government s Responsibility in New Rural Cooperative Medical System and Countermeasures——Based on the Point of View of Public Good Theory;新型农村合作医疗中政府职责定位及对策分析——基于公共物品理论视角
3.Organization,Responsibility and Relevant Laws of the U.S.Food and Drug Administration;美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)组织机构、基本职责及所执行的法律
1.Analysis on general problems of editorial board of academic journals in performing duty;学术期刊编委会履行职责中常见问题分析
2.Management and Duty of Accounting Computernization;试述会计电算化的管理与岗位职责
3.A Discussion on the Duty and Quality of Teaching Secretaries of University;浅谈高校教学秘书的职责和素质要求
1.Its obligation is to approve the academic degree,exercise leadership and make decision in the academic degree work.学位评定委员会不是学位的评定机构 ,应当是学位授予单位中的管理机构 ,它的职责是批准学位 ,对学位工作进行领导和决策 ,这个机构的名称以学位委员会为宜。
2.The essay mainly introduces the role and obligation of quantity surveyor in the building industry of the UK.文章主要阐述了工料师在建设领域中的角色与职责,概括了建设项目各阶段造价控制的内容,详细论述了建设工程在立项、设计、投标签约、施工过程和结算等各阶段中工料测量师从估算、概算、预算、施工过程控制及竣工结算各项工作的深入开展,从而使建设工程的工期、质量、造价和预期目标得以实现。
3.This paper discusses the principle obligation of accounting personnel and professional morality which they should be possessed.论述了会计人员的主要职责及其应具备的职业道德。
1.The duties of teachers on teaching practice in hotel profession;试论酒店专业教学实习中指导教师的职责
2.Based on GJB9001A standard and combined with personal working experience in quality management,this paper describes the duties that the top management should perform in the process of establishing,implementing and continuously improving quality management system.作者依据GJB9001A标准,结合个人质量管理工作体会,对最高管理者在建立、实施和持续改进质量管理体系过程中应当履行的职责进行了阐述。
1.On the responsibilities of college political counsellors & "Two-course" teachers;关于高校政治辅导员和两课教师职责问题的思考
2.On the Qualifications and Responsibilities of the Official or the Assistant Official in Charge of Court s Music in Tang Dynasty;唐太乐令丞的任职条件和职责新论
3.Consideration on the Responsibilities of Police News Spokesman about Replying Abrupt Affairs;浅谈公安新闻发言人在处理突发事件中的职责

职责职责duty  职资(duty)社会为成员所规定的职务及相应的必须担负的责任。社会通过规定职责分配社会任务,保证社会目标的实现,社会成员通过完成职责来履行自己的社会义务,故履行职责、尽职尽责也是对社会应尽的义务。要使人们自觉地履行职责,必须帮助对方充分认识职责的重要性,激发其责任感、克服困难,完成职责要求。 (李诚志撰王树茂匪巫国审)