旅游信息卡,Tour information card
1)Tour information card旅游信息卡

1.The conceives of "TIC" product development and the simulation of use-system“旅游信息卡”产品的开发设想及使用系统模拟
2.The Design and Implementation of Travel Card in Management Information System;旅游年卡管理信息系统的设计与实现
3.Innovation of Tourism Information Service-Tourism E-Business;论旅游信息服务的创新——旅游电子商务
4.He has to have a major credit card, such as Master Card, Visa, or American Express.旅游者一定要有信用卡,例如美国万事达卡,或威萨卡,或美国运通卡。
5.Research on Tourism Supply Chain Management Based on FIT Information Demand;基于散客旅游信息需求的旅游供应链管理研究
6.An Analysis of Tour Information Service Superiority in the Tourism College Library;旅游院校图书馆旅游信息服务优势分析
7.Library Tourist Information Service and Tourist Poverty Alleviation in Libraries in the Poverty-stricken Areas in Western Hunan;西部贫困地区图书馆旅游信息服务与旅游扶贫
8.Effects of Tourism Information Features on Tourists Decision-making;旅游信息特征对旅游决策影响的实验研究
9.A Study of Tourism Value-chain Model in the Tourism Informatization;在旅游信息化背景下的旅游价值链模式研究
10.The Relation Between the Function of Tourist Website and the Travel Reservation;旅游网站信息功能与旅游预订行为关系
12.The Characteristics of Tourism and Tour Resources Development in Information Society;信息社会中旅游资源开发与旅游业发展特点
13.City Tourism Information System on the Impact of City Tourism Image;“城市旅游信息系统”对树立城市旅游形象的作用
14.A Brief on Phenomenon of Information Non-symmetry Between Travel Agencies and Travellers;浅议旅行社与游客间旅游信息不对称现象
15.A Study of the Independent Tourists' Demands of Online Tourism Information自助旅游者对网络旅游信息的需求研究
16.Preliminary Research on Information Construction of City Tourism--A Case Study of Hangzhou City;城市旅游信息化建设初探——以杭州市旅游信息化建设为例
17.Dissymmetry of Travel Market and Information Service of Library;旅游市场信息不对称与图书馆信息服务
18.The Study of Conceptual Schema of Tour Information Dissemination with the IT Transformation信息技术变革中旅游信息传播概念模式研究

tourism information旅游信息
1.Investigation and analysis of influence of tourism information transfer ways for tourist behavior patterns——A case study of Mountain Tai;旅游信息传递方式对游客行为模式影响的调查分析——以泰山为例
2.Researching and Realization the Tourism Information System of Changchun Urban District Based on the Component;组件式长春市市区旅游信息系统的研究与实现
3.The design of Taining World Geopark tourism information platform based on open web GIS基于开源Web GIS的泰宁地质公园旅游信息服务平台构筑
3)traveling information旅游信息
1.New SVM incremental learning algorithm and application in traveling information classification;SVM增量算法及在旅游信息分类中的应用
4)tourist information旅游信息
1.This paper expounds the classification and demand features of tourist information users, introduces the general situation of tourist information resources, and probes into the developing strategies for the library to satisfy the tourist information demands.阐述了旅游信息用户的分类与需求特征,介绍了旅游信息资源概况,探讨了图书馆满足旅游信息需求的发展策略。
2.Connecting with the development of the tourism in Hezhou City, this paper describes the function and the value of the tourist information in the economic decision-making, the operation and management and other aspects, and puts forward some practicing procedures and key points for the further development and utilization of the tourist information.结合贺州市旅游业的发展,阐述了“旅游信息”在经济决策、经营管理等方面的作用和价值,并提出了进一步开发和利用“旅游信息”的实施步骤和实施要点。
3.This paper introduces the background, development objective and major task of the construction of tourist information share-platform in the South-West Region of China, analyzes foundation and existing problems of the construction of tourist information share-platform, and put forward some relational suggestions.介绍了西南地区建设旅游信息共享平台的背景、发展目标及主要任务,分析了旅游共享平台建设的基础和存在问题,并提出了相关的建议。
5)traveling information flow旅游信息流
1.Whether the evaluation method of traveling information flow analyzes special value of local(traveling) resources scientifically and objectively directly affects the region traveling market localization and the pattern success or failure of operation.旅游信息流评价方法能否科学、客观地分析当地旅游资源的特有价值,直接影响到区域旅游的市场定位以及运作模式的成败。
6)Tourism informational database旅游信息库

旅游资源信息旅游资源信息tourism resources information l口you ziyuanx一nxi旅游资源信息(tou行sm resources information)反映旅游资源分布,拥有量,开发潜力及开发利用程度、状况等方面的信息。就其属性而论,分为自然风景旅游资源信息惫淤嚎 北京颐和园苏州街雪景((( OK北京》)和人文旅游资源信息两类。但这两类旅游资源信息是不能绝然分开的,因为许多旅游资源兼有自然因素和人文因素。旅游资源信息是用数字、文字、图像等来表示的,同其他资源信息一样,旅游资源信息伴随着人类社会的进步而逐渐丰富,并得到了愈来愈高的重视。 中国不仅地域辽阔,山河壮丽,自然条件复杂多样,风景名胜遍布全国,而且又是一个历史悠久的文明古国,民族众多,文化灿烂,文物古迹珍奇丰富。因此,中国旅游资源信息极其丰富,这为发展中国旅游事业提供了优越的条件。只有充分合理地对旅游资源信息进行管理,才能有效地利用旅游资源,迎接更加迅猛发展的旅游热潮,使旅游成为增进中国与世界各国人民的相互了解和友谊,促进中国与世界各国发展经济和科技文化交流的一条主要途径和渠道。 (彭旭龙)