可替代性旅游,replaceable tourism
1)replaceable tourism可替代性旅游
1.They held overall and in-depth discussions on such hot topics and frontline problems as sustainable tourism;replaceable tourism;community tourism and tourism impact.第六届旅游前沿国际学术研讨会——"可持续与可替代性旅游"国际会议于2009年7月11—13日在桂林阳朔成功举办。

1.Summary of the Sixth Tourism Front Line International Symposium--Sustainable and Replaceable Tourism“可持续与可替代性旅游”会议纪要——第六届旅游前沿国际学术研讨会
2.The Research on the Alternative Tourism in the Market Development of Incentive Tourism可替代性旅游在会奖旅游市场开发中的运用研究
3.For some people, reading travel books is a surrogate for actual travel.对某些人来说, 读游记可代替真正的旅行。
4.A Research on the Potential of the Shou Gang s Tourism Development (the Old Site of Modern Industry);首钢现代工业旧址旅游开发可行性探析
5.The Substitution Effect of Tourism Destination Identity and Tourism Destination Image Planning in Ethnic Minority Area;民族地区旅游地形象认知的替代效应与旅游形象策划
6.The Discussion on the Replaceable Character and Irreplaceable Character about Teacher Profession;试论教师专业的“可替代性”和“不可替代性”
7.In this resort you can enjoy all the comfort and convenience of modern tourism.在此旅游胜地,您可尽享现代旅游的舒适便利。
8.Strategies of Developing the Culture of Longyou Merchants Associations as "a Visual Scenic Area"龙游商帮文化的“可视性”旅游开发策略
9.A tourist abroad can be an ambassador of good-will for his country.国外旅游者可以做本国的亲善代表。
10.The travel agent telephones saying that the ticket is ready for collection .旅游代理人来电话说可以取票了。
11.On Developing Feminine Tourist Market in Feminine Economy Era;论“女性经济”时代的女性旅游市场开发
12.The Sustainable Development of Education Tourism and Tourism Education;教育旅游、旅游教育与可持续旅游发展
13.A Study on the Feasibility and Countermeasures of Implementing Tour Year Card in Tourism Destinations: a Case Study of "One Card Tour around Henan";旅游目的地推行旅游年票的可行性及对策研究——以“一卡游河南”为例
14.Modern Tourism Property Right System and Sustainable Development Capacity;构建现代旅游资源产权制度与旅游业可持续发展能力研究
15.You can instead use a symbolic object.你可以纹一个象征性的物体来代替。
16.The Feasibility Study of Propane(R290) as Substitute for R22 in Room Air Conditioner;房间空调器R290替代R22的可行性分析
17.The Irreplaceable Departmentalization in Administrative Organizations在行政组织中科层制具有不可替代性

the replaceable character可替代性
1.Four Characteristics,Non-Substituability of Historic and Cultural Resource in Gansu Province;论甘肃历史文化资源的四大特点及不可替代性
5)Feasibility of tourist development旅游开发可行性
6)replaceable relationship可替代性关系
1.This thesis analyzes the vehicle structure in the road transportation, researches the replaceable relations among various passenger vehicles and expoundes the vehicle structure forecast model of based on replaceable relationship, the model is effect by forecast the vehicle structure of Changchun and Siping in the furture.对道路客运中的车辆结构情况进行分析 ,研究各种客运车辆之间存在的可替代性关系 ,并提出了基于替代关系的车辆结构预测模型 ,经对四平市和长春市的车辆结构历史数据进行拟合分析 ,预测未来车辆结构的市场占有率 ,效果较好 。

替代性学习替代性学习vicarious learning  替代性学习(viearious Iearning)亦称“代理学习”,通过观察他人的行为和注意其行为的后果而学会新行为的过程。替代性学习与观察学习为同义语。参见“观察学习”。 (梁宝勇撰牟丈博审)