地方人文资源,Local humanity resource
1)Local humanity resource地方人文资源

1.Research -Making Use of Local Human Resources to Develop the Students the Ability to Appreciate Poetry利用地方人文资源培养学生诗词鉴赏能力的实践探索
2.Preliminary Analysis of Tourist Resorts under the Background of Local Humanity Resources基于地方人文资源背景下的旅游度假区规划设计浅析
3.Yueyang Literature on Local Resources and Local Literature Work谈岳阳地方文献资源与地方文献工作
4.On Construction of Local Document Resources in Regional Culture;试论地域文化中的地方文献资源建设
5.Historical Narration on Dai Clan in Cangzhou--Canzhou as a Local Model Demonstration in Culture Resources《沧州戴氏族人钩沉》——河北沧州地方文化资源的典型展示
6.The Exploitation and Utilization of Ganzhou Local Chinese Resource;赣州地方语文课程资源的开发与利用
7.Exploring Local Education Resource and Innovating School Teaching Materials of Chinese;挖掘地方教育资源 创新语文校本教材
8.On working together to build and share the digitization of the local external resources;论地方文献资源数字化的共建与共享
9.The Exploration of District Culture and Tourist Resources in South Zhejiang;地方文化特色与浙南旅游资源的开发
10.On the Construction of Information - Date Resources in College Libraries;地方院校馆藏文献信息资源建设探讨
11.On Building the Network of the Local Literature in Guangxi;对广西地方文献资源网络建设的思考
12.A Preliminary Exploration about the Sharing and Building Systemof Jinhua Document Resources;金华地区文献资源共建共享方略初探
13.A Journey to the West:Its Relation with the Development of Local Cultural Resources in Lianyungang《西游记》与连云港地方文化资源开发
14.Exploring and Utilizing Library-collected Literature Sources of Local Epigraph馆藏地方碑刻文献资源的开发与利用
15.Analysis on the Development and Usage of the Local Document Resource on the Net浅谈网络地方文献资源的开发和利用
16.On the Media Content Exploitation of the Local Historic Cultural Resources论地方历史文化资源的传媒内容开发
17.A Research on Hainan Local Literature Resource Sharing Structure海南地方文献资源共享结构模式研究
18.The city of Beihai possesses plenty of natural resources and unique coastal scenic spots.北海市拥有丰富的滨海自然旅游资源和独具地方特色的滨海人文资源.

geographic name resources地名人文资源
3)local documentary resources地方文献资源
1.The exploitation of the local documentary resources of natural sciences in west China has great value and significance to the economic and social development of west China,which deserves more concern.西部地区的自然科学民族地方文献资源是我国地方文献资源的重要一翼,是地区文化资源乃至地区战略资源的重要组成部分,但长期以来一直没有得到社会和地方文献工作领域的足够重视。
4)local cultural resources地方文化资源
1.The conduct of cultural research related to the novel is beneficial to the development of local cultural resources,the building of city cultural spirit and brand,and the promotion of economic and social development.开展《西游记》文化研究与连云港挖掘地方文化资源,塑造城市文化精神、打造城市文化品牌,促进经济、社会发展的目标相辅相成。
2.To emphasize the development of local cultural resources,and to concern about the development and the utilization of the local curriculum resources,is the main direction of the recent curriculum development in our country,also the important contents that the primary and secondary school teachers teaching art curriculum should pay attention to.强调发展地方文化资源,关注地方课程资源的开发与利用,是当前我国课程发展的主要方向,也是中小学美术课程教学中教师需要重点关注的内容。
5)human resources人文资源
1.Legal Protection of the Human Resources of West China Area ——Represented by the Legal Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage;西部人文资源的法律保护——以非物质文化遗产法律保护为典型
2.It analyzes natural landscape and human resources of Lihu area of Jiangnan university,introduces its planning principle、design object and general conception,and indicates its successful design idea should combine with feature、terrain tract、context and modernization.分析了江南大学蠡湖校区的自然景观与人文资源,介绍了其规划原则、规划设计目标、总体构思,指明了该校区景观规划设计成功的理念是特色、地域性、文脉感及现代化的有机结合。
6)humanistic resources人文资源
1.Ideas on humanistic resources exploitation in western development——Taking Gansu Qinan as an example;西部开发中的人文资源开发构想——以甘肃秦安为例
2.There are the most important leading humanistic resources and leading social production in every stage of the development of human society.人类社会是自然界中最为复杂的系统 ,存在着缺一不可并相互关联或依存的三种人文资源和三种社会生产。
