东巴文化,Dongba culture
1)Dongba culture东巴文化
1.A brief discussion on protection and exploitation Dongba culture;论东巴文化的保护和开发
2.Value of Dongba culture from the view of humanity;人文视野中的东巴文化价值
3.The influence of Dongba culture on the sustainable development of tourism industry in Lijiang;东巴文化对丽江旅游业可持续发展的影响

1.Association and Analogy:Sexual Symbolization in Dongba Culture of Naxi People联想与类比:纳西族东巴文化中的性象征
2.The influence of Dongba culture on the sustainable development of tourism industry in Lijiang;东巴文化对丽江旅游业可持续发展的影响
3.A Summary of the 99 Symposium on Dongba Culture Held in Lijiang;’99中国丽江国际东巴文化学术研讨会综述
4.Dongba culture,Naxi ancient music and folk dance should be developed as intangible cultural resources.非物质文化旅游资源,应重点开发东巴文化、纳西古乐和民间歌舞。
5.On Scriptures for Offering Sacrifices to Heaven of Dongba Culture and the Patrilineal Inheritance of the Naxi Society;东巴文化“祭天经书”与纳西族传统社会继嗣制度关系研究
6.Cultural Expression in FSE Tourism and its Tourism-related Influence: A Tourism-anthropological Interpretation of the International Dongba Culture & Art Festival节事旅游活动中的文化表达及其旅游影响——国际东巴文化艺术节的旅游人类学解读
7.A Serb-Dongba Dictionary:A Wonderful Result of International Cultural Exchanges;国际文化交流的奇葩《塞语—东巴文字典》
8.Thoughts on Simplification in Variants of Dongba Language东巴文异体中所见简化现象及其思考
9.The Dongba dance step is really a precious heritage in the history of the Chinese dance culture.东巴舞谱是我国乐舞文化史上的珍贵遗产。
10.Dongba Pictograph Graphical Design Re-Creation东巴象形文字的图形化再创造设计研究
11.Developing Cultural Tourism and Constructing Harmonious Society--Taking the Cultural Tourism Festival of Boat Trakers of Badong County as a Case Study发展文化旅游与构建和谐社会——以湖北巴东纤夫文化旅游节为例
12.On the Training of the Cultural Inheritors of the Local Minorities:;论少数民族本土文化传人的培养——以纳西族的东巴为个案
13.National Culture and Development of County Tourism Economy民族文化与县域旅游经济发展——巴东神农溪漂流的调查与思考
14.A Restudy of the Nature of Dongba Writing;关于“东巴文是什么文字”的再探讨
15.The Living Hieroglyphs,The Pictures and Characters of Naxi Dongba活着的象形文字——纳西东巴图画文字
16.A Comparative Study of Inscriptions on Bones or Tortoise Shells and Dongba Inscriptions of Naxi Nationality on Artifacts甲骨文与纳西东巴文器物字比较研究
17.Relation Between Bayu Culture and Shu Culture and Chu Culture略论巴渝文化与蜀文化、楚文化的关系
18.Another talked about the color characters, traced back to the source of them based on the history, culture and clan of Naxi nationality. ?二探讨东巴文中的颜色字,从纳西族的历史、文化、氏族上追溯颜色字的字源。

Dong-ba script东巴文
1.There is a large number of borrowing character in Na-xi Dong-ba script.纳西东巴文中已有相当数量的假借字,并且使用频率很高,假借形式也比较灵活,有不少学者已经对此进行过研究,不过,到目前为止,还未曾有学者对此进行全面系统的研究。
2.Dong-ba scriptures originated mainly from Baidi,Baoshan,Lijiang and Ludian in Yunnan province.从书写风格来看,白地、丽江、鲁甸三地经书形成由疏渐密的大致趋势,假借字的数量与字的疏密程度成正比关系;同时,三地相同内容的经书,所用东巴文的数量、字词对应关系、假借字数量和所用被借字等方面均有一定差异。
3)Dongba character东巴文
1.As a useful ancient writing regarded by academe,Dongba character is used by minority in southwest China,also it can be counted as living fossil in the history of character.纳西东巴文是我国西南地区少数民族纳西族使用的文字,被学术界认为是一种"活着"的古文字,可以视为文字史上的"活化石"。
2.The Book Naxi Pictograph Character Chart written by Fang Guoyu is an important dictionary of Dongba characters.《纳西象形文字谱》是由方国瑜编撰的一部重要的东巴文字典。
4)Dongba characters东巴文
1.The Dongba characters is famous for its primitive characteristics,but it has some leading developmental phenomena,such as the method of the associative compound formation,the developing stage of phonogram characters,looking from the Chinese characters.东巴文同汉古文字相比,有许多会意字的构形方式以及形声字所处的发展阶段均具有一定程度的超前性。
2.The Dongba characters of Naxi nationality is the only one still in use today s world of the ancient writing, known as "the living fossil hieroglyphs".纳西族的东巴文,是当今世界上仅存的一种仍在使用的原始文字,被称为“象形文字的活化石”。
3.Dongba characters used in the Naxi ethic are a primal character,which are mainly used by Dongba who is a necromancer of Naxi ethic.云南纳西族流传着一种古老的文字——东巴文,这种文字主要在纳西族的祭师——东巴之间使用。
5)Dongba language东巴文
1.In Dongba language of Naxi nationality,there is a kind of guises that a character is replaced by another language but has ever existed in its native language.东巴文本有其字的假借产生的原因主要有 :别音义、避重复、求新奇、不规范、仿古。
2.Naxi people s Dongba language consists of characters from the ancient times, some of which, however, are quite abstract.纳西东巴文是古老的文字,但其中已经有了一定数量的抽象词汇。
3.The variants of Dongba language facilitates the study on its simplification which is mainly based on omission,symbolization and transformation and helps reveal the language development.东巴文的异体现象中留存着大量历时发展层面的印记,这些印记为我们研究东巴文的简化现象提供了资料。
6)the characters of Dongba东巴文字
1.In this article, I will begin from an analyzation on the principle of the characters of Dongba\' word-formation and their graphic features then search a joined point between them and modern graphic design.东巴文字有一千多年历史,属于文字起源的早期形态,作为原始的象形文字至今仍被使用,其本身承载着久远的文化信息。
