舞台表演,stage performance
1)stage performance舞台表演
1.In stage performance,crying is one of the ways for characters to release their emotions.在舞台表演中,哭是剧中人物情感释放的一种方式,哭不仅是内心情感的爆发,也是表演艺术中必修的一课,可以通过一系列的外部表现手段,如气、声、形等去展现。
2.The causes for this difference are to be found in artistic creation and stage performance.《云南映象》与《云南民族文化传习馆》是近年来云南最具代表的原生态歌舞集,然而,前者“得”(成功),后者“失”(失败),这主要是由于两者在艺术创作与舞台表演方面存在的差异造成的。
3.Stage performance of folk custom tourism is a singing and dancing performance showed to tourists in the form of stage performance,digging deep into cultural factors of local folk custom tourism,and with elaborately stage packing.民俗旅游舞台表演是通过对当地民俗旅游文化要素的深入挖掘及精心的舞台包装,以舞台表演形式呈现给游客的歌舞节目表演,其真实性的具体表现由多种因素制约。

1.A brief theatrical act or stage appearance.短剧,舞台表演短小的戏剧或舞台演出
2."Never studied for the stage?"“没有研究过舞台表演吧?
3.a dramatic work intended for performance by actors on a stage.用于演员舞台表演的戏剧作品。
4.Yes, performance shows and billiards.有的,我们这里还有舞台表演和台球。
5.Perfect combination of professional stage and vehicle--“Gold Stage”Movable Stage Performing Vehicle;专业舞台与专业汽车的完美结合——金舞台流动舞台表演
6.it is a basic rule not to speak dirty words in public performances.当众表演必须净口, 这是舞台表演的基本要求。
7.The Study and Comparison of Large-scale Group Calisthenics Literary Style Performance and Stage Performance;大型团体操与文体表演、舞台表演的比较研究
8.Analysis of Fashion Show and Dance Majors' Stage Performance Ability服装表演专业学生舞台表演能力培养探析
9.It is his greatest stage performance .这是他最了不起的舞台表演
10.The power of his stage presence can never be forgotten.他的舞台表演才能令人难忘。
11.The power of his stage presence can never be forget他的舞台表演才能令人难忘
12.performance artph.1. 综合多媒体的舞台表演艺术
13.The power of his stage presence could never be forgotten.他的舞台表演才能令人难忘.
14.Cultural Mark of Kunqu Opera Theatrics:Poetic Charm and Painting Conception;昆曲舞台表演的文化印记:诗情·画意
15.written for or performed on the stage.为舞台而作的或在舞台上表演的。
16.but he refused to go on stage.却不想在舞台上表演。
17.Theatrical arts or performances.戏剧表演或舞台艺术
18.Harry performed a little dance on the stage.哈雷在舞台上表演了一个小舞蹈。

Performance stage表演舞台
3)stage performing quality舞台表演性
4)A theatrical performer.演员舞台表演者
5)stage performance art舞台表演艺术
6)stage-performing time舞台表演时间

戏曲表演的舞台体验  见戏曲表演。