岫玉,Xiuyan jade
1)Xiuyan jade岫玉
1.Existing in Xiuyan Couty of Liaoning Province, Xiuyan jade is famous in the world for its gorgeous colors and good properties for processing.岫玉产于辽宁省岫岩县。
2.Xiuyan jade is famous at home and abroad in bright-coloured, fine-grained,favourable hardness and processing.辽宁岫玉以颜色鲜艳,质地细腻,硬度适宜,加工性好而驰名国内外。
3.With polarized microscope, electronic probe, X-ray powder diffraction and infrared spectrum, a new "reconstructed Xiuyan jade" was studied.采用偏光显微镜、电子探针、X射线粉末衍射与红外光谱等分析手段对市场上新出现的一种“再造岫玉”进行了研究 ,确定其主要矿物成分为滑石 ,并非由岫玉粉末压制而成。

1.Jade lotus plant: It's made of high quality jade, craving very detail. Lotus plant has the meaning of never part away always together.岫玉莲藕:此岫玉莲藕用上等岫玉为材料精雕细刻而成,莲藕有着细脉相连永不分开的寓意。
2.Problems and Economic Analysis in Development of Xiu Jade Industry;岫玉产业发展中的问题及经济学分析
3.On the Research on the Jade Culture in Xiaogu Mountain and Jiangjun Mountain;对小孤山、将军山史前岫玉文化探讨
4.Hongshan Culture Proved that Northeast was the Birthplace of the Jade Culture --Xiuyan Jade s Contribution to the Jade Culture;红山文化证明东北是玉文化的发祥地——兼谈岫玉对玉文化的贡献
5.With its shiny emerald comparable to the Jade bracelets were excellent.其光泽可与翡翠媲美,为岫玉手镯中的精品。
6.The Discovery of the Wares of Jade from Xiuyan Is a Big Breakthrough in the Study of Chinese Jade Culture;最早岫玉制品的发现是中国玉文化研究史上的重大突破
7.Cixin pure natural Jade bracelets, the color green, uniform fine, onto ice, clear water!此款纯天然岫玉手镯,色泽青绿,均匀细腻,剔透如冰,清澈如水!
8.Works using natural green Jade sculpture, fine texture, a small fine, talented and very likable!作品采用天然墨绿色岫玉雕刻,质地细腻,小巧精致,十分讨人喜欢!
9.Natural Jade Sleeper, Sanders scores of hypertension, insomnia patients, has an excellent efficacy.天然岫玉方枕,养神醒脑,对高血压、失眠患者,有极好的疗效。
10.Jade crane: In the old time people thought crane is a kind of longevity birds and also can bring luck for us.玉石仙鹤:岫玉仙鹤古代人们把仙鹤喻为长寿的象征,给人们带来美好的未来。
11.Jade works using the natural system to fight one carefully and thoroughly gratifying Green-shaped jade scallops Salisbury, the feature can also carry comb!作品采用天然岫玉精心打制一款青透喜人的长柄形玉梳,小巧精致的梳子亦可随身携带!
12.Xiuyan Jade, produced by the world as "jade homespun" Anshan City in Liaoning Province Manchu Autonomous County of Xiuyan.岫岩玉,产自被世人誉为“玉乡”的辽宁省鞍山市岫岩满族自治县。
13.On the Residents of Mount Red s Development and Using of Jade from Xiuyan;试论红山文化居民对岫岩玉的开发与利用
14.A Discussion to the Xiuyan Jade s Position and Function in the Origin of Chinese Jade s Culture from Archaeology;从考古学上谈岫岩玉在中国玉文化起源中的地位与作用
15.Cixin jade cigarette holder and waited for the election expected Xiuyan Jade expected, the work is extremely sophisticated, full body organs clearly visible.此款玉烟嘴选料为上等岫岩玉料,做工极为精细,龙身全部器官清晰可见。
16."There were endless green mountain ranges stretching in thin mist, and wild geese flying against the setting sun in the growing duck."“烟中列岫青无数,雁背夕阳红欲暮。”
17.The effect of heat combined with humidity has not been tested.然热度结合?岫人?斐傻挠跋烊晕床馐怨?
18.Study of Unsaturated Fatty Acids in Evening Primrose Seeds in Xiuyan;岫岩产月见草中不饱和脂肪酸的研究

Jade from Xiuyan岫玉
1.On the Residents of Mount Red s Development and Using of Jade from Xiuyan;本文指出岫玉即《尔雅》中所载“医无闾之琪” ,早在新石器时的红山文化时期就得到开发和利用 ,并赋予岫玉以深刻的文化内涵 ,成为名扬四海的美
3)Xiuyan nephrite岫岩软玉
1.The current research of Xiuyan nephrite Ore Genesis;岫岩软玉矿床成因研究现状分析
2.Study on stable isotopes of Xiuyan nephrite (tremolite);岫岩软玉(透闪石玉)的稳定同位素研究
4)Xiu Jade Industry岫玉产业
1.Problems and Economic Analysis in Development of Xiu Jade Industry;岫玉产业发展中的问题及经济学分析
5)reconstructed Xiuyan jade再造岫玉
1.With polarized microscope, electronic probe, X-ray powder diffraction and infrared spectrum, a new "reconstructed Xiuyan jade" was studied.采用偏光显微镜、电子探针、X射线粉末衍射与红外光谱等分析手段对市场上新出现的一种“再造岫玉”进行了研究 ,确定其主要矿物成分为滑石 ,并非由岫玉粉末压制而成。
6)Xiuyan old jade岫岩老玉
1.A study on Raman spectra of Hetian jade, Manasi green jade and Xiuyan old jade;和田玉、玛纳斯碧玉和岫岩老玉的拉曼光谱研究
2.The X-ray powder diffraction feature of Hetian jade, Manasi green jade and Xiuyan old jade(tremolite jade);和田玉、玛纳斯碧玉和岫岩老玉(透闪石玉)的X射线粉晶衍射特征
3.The locality feature of Hetian jade,Manasi green jade and Xiuyan old jade;和田玉、玛纳斯碧玉和岫岩老玉的产地特征
