客家文献,Hakka literature
1)Hakka literature客家文献
1.This paper makes all-sided and systematical investigation and statistical analysis on the Hakka literatures in Meizhou City,and based on this,also makes necessary classification of the Hakka literatures for reflecting the whole scale and types of the Hakka literatures and improving and strengthening the Hakka literatures work in Meizhou City.对梅州客家文献进行了全面、系统的调查和统计,在此基础上加以必要的梳理,力求从宏观角度考察和反映其全貌和类型,以改进和加强梅州市客家文献工作。
2.This paper analyses the rich tourist resources in Meizhou s Hakka literatures,expounds the developable tourism products that have the Hakka s feature,and puts forward some suggestions on developing Meizhou s tourism by using the Hakka literature service.分析了梅州客家文献中蕴藏的旅游资源,阐述了可以开发出的具有客家特色旅游产品,提出了如何利用客家文献服务梅州旅游事业的建议。
3.Hakka is a branch of Han nationality in Chinese,which possesses a long history and fine cultural tradition,is in rich in very abundant hakka literatures.客家民系有着悠久的历史和优良的文化传统,形成了十分丰富的客家文献

1.On the Hakka Literature's Important Roles on the Development of Hakka Culture Tourism关于客家文献服务客家文化旅游的深度思考
2.Researches on Hakka Literature Classification and Ethnic Categories Setting in CLC(Fourth Edition)《中图法》(第四版)客家文献归类与民族类目设置研究
3.Discussion on the Local Literature and the Development of Local Tourism Industry --Taking the Exploration of the Hakka’s Cultural Resource in Meizhou as the Example;谈地方文献与地方旅游业的开发——以梅州客家文化资源的开发利用为例
4.Indian National Scientific Documentation Centre-INSDOC印度国家科学文献中心
5.Doubt of Hua Yang Liang Shui Jing Ke Jia Hua Ji Yin Notes;《华阳凉水井客家话记音》译注献疑
6.Customer Value Literature Review Based On the Value Chain基于价值链的顾客价值文献研究综述
7.Application of Blog in Document Retrieval Course博客在文献检索课教学中的应用探讨
8.Discussion on the Application of the Blog in the Teaching of Literature Retrieval Course浅议博客在文献检索课教学中的应用
9.Protect the Hakka Culture--A Study of Hakka Literature and Arts and the Folk Literature;守护客家文化——兼论客家文化中客家文艺与民间文学的研究
10.Research on Guangdong Hakka Culture of Tea and Hakka Quality of Famous Tea广东客家茶文化与客家名茶品质研究
11.He was an expert on ancient Chinese astronomical literature.他是研究中国古代天文学文献的专家。
12.The researching value of Admonitions for the Yan Clan in literary history and philosophy《颜氏家训》文史哲研究的文献价值
13.Mean from Hakkas Traditional Culture that Recognizes the Gannan Hakkas Literature Speciality;从客家传统文化指认赣南客家文学特质
14.On Taiwan s Hakka Literature;弘扬本土文化 恢复客家尊严——谈台湾的客家文学
15.The Contribution of Three Scholar s Annotation to Historical Records in Conserving Bibliography and Collecting Historical Data;《史记》三家注在保存文献及收集史料方面的贡献
16.Research of Hakka Rural Object Administrative Culture in Guangdong and Jiangxi Border Region粤赣边区客家乡村客体行政文化研究
17.The Documental Value of the Qing Dynasty Diary Masterpiece 《Guests Remarks in Tea-Drinking》;略论清代笔记名著《茶余客话》的文献价值
18.Relation Analysis of Hakkas Folk Culture and Hakkas Personalities of People--Taking Hakkas in Ningdu as an Example;客家民俗文化与客家民众性格的关系分析——以宁都客家为例

expert in literature文献学家
3)The documents of Daoist school道家文献
1.The documents of Daoist school of Han Shu Yi Wen Zhi and Sui Shu Jing Ji Zhi have large differences in quantity, variety, form, including standard and annotation, and these differences reflect the changes of effects of Daoist school from Huang-Lao Daoist school to Lao-Zhuang Daoist school.《汉书·艺文志》和《隋书·经籍志》的道家文献有很大的差异,二者在数量、种类、形式、收录标准、注解等方面的不同,体现了道家的影响从黄老道家向老庄之学的演化。
4)Confucian Texts儒家文献
5)family documents家族文献
1.The family documents of Huizhou contains rich information about social culture and set up a family tree which is based on it.徽州家族文献具有丰富的社会内容,修谱以家族文献为依据。
6)Pedigree Document家谱文献

《华阳凉水井客家话记音》  记录地点方言口语的著作。董同龢(1910~1963)著。1936年1月完稿,原载1948年上海商务印书馆发行的《历史语言研究所集刊》第19本。1956年8月北京科学出版社重印出版。全书11.7万字。"前言"简单地说明了客家入川的经过、四川客家话应用的情况以及本书记音和处理材料的方法。正文分3部分。第1部分"标音说明",内容包括声母、韵母、声调、字音的连续变化、句调、音韵表等。第2部分"记音正文"共分20段,有对话、独白、祷词、童谣、故事等。第3部分"语汇",约3000个词语,按音序排列,并附有普通话释文。本书研究的是在四川方言包围之中的客家方言,较多地记录了当地人成段的口语材料。