区域旅游开发,regional tourism development
1)regional tourism development区域旅游开发
1.Combined with the development trend of leisure industry dominated by tourism,this paper discusses,from the point of view of regional tourism development.认为空间开发模式的构建是休闲城市建设的一个重要方面;结合旅游为主导的休闲产业发展态势,从区域旅游开发视角对休闲城市空间开发模式进行了探讨。
2.Chen Chuankang is the founder of regional tourism development academic research.陈传康先生是我国著名的地理学家,区域旅游开发学的奠基人,其区域旅游开发思想有着深厚的理论基础、系统而丰富的内容,是我国区域旅游开发学领域的优秀思想遗产,对我国区域旅游开发学术研究和区域旅游开发实践产生了深远的影响。

1.A Comparative Study on the Development of Region Tourism in Fujian Province;区域旅游开发比较分析——以福建省为例
2.Developing Strategies of Regional Tourism in Shaoguan District;新时期广东韶关的区域旅游开发战略
3.On the Position of Regional Tourist Development--The Case of Xuzhou City;区域旅游开发定位研究——以徐州市为例
4.Analysis of Tourist Attraction Community Diversity in Regional Tourism Development;区域旅游开发的景区群落多样性分析——以天台县旅游开发为例
6.Tourist market exploitation is fundamental to regional tourism development.旅游客源市场开发是区域旅游发展的基础.
7.The Research of the Region Traveling Resources Development and the Traveling Industry Construct;区域旅游资源开发与旅游产业构建研究
8.Analysis on the Situations of Regional Culture-Oriented Tourism in Shaanxi Province and Counter-Measures;陕西区域民俗文化旅游现状分析与旅游开发
9.Red Tourism Development and the Cultivation of the Regional New Point of Growth of Tourist Industry;红色旅游开发与区域旅游业新增长点的培育
10.Behavioral Characteristics of Tourists and the Regional Tourism Product Development Research旅游者行为特征与区域旅游产品开发研究
11.United Regional Tourism Exploitation in Ankang City;安康旅游业的区位开发与区域联合开发
12.Ideas of Exploitation the Tourism Resources in the Contiguous Area of Hunan, Hubei, Chongqing, and Guizhou Provinces湘鄂渝黔交接区域旅游资源开发构想
13.Strategic Research on Tourist Cooperation and Development in Heritage Corridor Regions;遗产廊道区域旅游合作开发战略研究
14.Research on Regional Tourism Product Exploitation of Liaoning Central District;辽宁中部区域旅游产品开发战略研究
15.The Ecological Tourism Exploitation Research of Fanggan Small Watershed Ecological Area;房干小流域生态区生态旅游开发研究
16.A Research on the Regional Cooperation of Tourist Development of Boarder Areas of Hunan and Guangxi;湘桂边界旅游资源区域联合开发探讨
17.A study on the strategy of conforming and developing multifold tourism resources in one region;区域多种旅游资源整合开发战略研究
18.On Joint Exploration of Regional Tourism;关于对区域旅游联合开发的几点思考

the development of regional tourist resources区域旅游资源开发
1.The basic principles of the development of regional tourist resources and their construction should proceed from the concept of viewing the tourist situation as a whole.从旅游资源的整体性出发探讨区域旅游资源开发的基本原则和建设内容 ,并以重庆市巴南区东温泉景区为例 ,实证分析“区域整体”之效应。
3)The integration of regional tourism development区域旅游开发整合
4)tour area development旅游区开发
5)tourist regional exploitation旅游地域开发
6)regional tourism development区域旅游发展
1.Application of DEA method in the evaluation of regional tourism development——a case study of 17 cities in Shandong Province;DEA方法在区域旅游发展评价中的应用——以山东省17地市为例
