隆回县,Longhui county
1)Longhui county隆回县
1.The State of Travel Resources and Its Initial Exploration of Trains of Thought in Longhui County;隆回县旅游资源状况及开发思路初探
2.The paper described the serious leakage problems occurred in the small earthfill dams in Longhui county,which were constructed from 1950 to 1970 and operated for 30 to 40 years.隆回县20世纪50年代至70年代初修建的小型水库,经过30~40年的运行,普遍存在大坝渗漏的严重问题,根据作者的实践经验,本文就其原因和具体处理技术措施,做简要论述。
3.Species of migratory birds in Longhui county of Shaoyang city and their migratory route were surveyed in the paper.对湖南省隆回县候鸟种类及迁徙路线的调查结果表明,隆回县候鸟资源较为丰富,共记录鸟类26科95种,其中国家Ⅱ级保护鸟类18种。

1.The State of Travel Resources and Its Initial Exploration of Trains of Thought in Longhui County;隆回县旅游资源状况及开发思路初探
2.Study on Structure and Distribution of City and Rural Constructed Land Resource in Long Hui County隆回县城乡建设用地结构与布局研究
3.The Study of Phonetic Comparison between Taohong Town Dialect and Liuduzhai Dialect, Longhui County;隆回县桃洪镇话和六都寨话的语音比较研究
4.Current Situation and Measures for Honeysuckle Industry of Longhui County;湖南省隆回县金银花产业现状及发展对策
5.An Economic Analysis of the Present Rural Educational Situations taking the Longhui county of Hunan province as an example;农村教育现状的经济分析——以湖南省隆回县为例
6.Investigation on Health Education Condition of Rural Middle Schools in Longhui County隆回县农村中学健康教育状况的调查与分析
7.Problems and Countermeasures of Confiscated Woodland Management in Longhui County隆回县征占用林地管理存在问题及对策
9.Study on the Deep Development of Tourist Resource in Small-sized City in Mid-west Mountainous Area;中西部山区小城镇旅游资源深度开发研究——以湖南隆回县为例
10.Moral Hazard and Its Elusion in the New Rural Cooperative Medical System--Investigation in Longhui County,Hu nan Province;新型农村合作医疗中的道德风险及其规避——以湖南省隆回县为例
11.An Analysis of Problems and Solving Strategies on the Process of Privacy Education Development;民办教育发展过程中的矛盾与对策——对湖南隆回县东兴中学发展的考察
12.An Investigation into the Handing-down and Changes of Cultural Conventions of the Hui Ethnic Group in Kaligang,Qinghai--A Case Study of Deyi Village,Dehenglong Town,Hualong County;青海卡力岗回族文化习俗传承与变迁的考察——以化隆县德恒隆乡德一村为例
13.Investigation of Kaligang Hui's Religious Identity青海卡力岗回族宗教认同的调查与思考——以青海省化隆县德恒隆乡德一村为例
14.Hua long county is one of major destitute counties that the state exploiting and supporting the poverty.化隆县是国家扶贫开发重点县之一。
15.Exploration of Popularization of Nine-year Compulsory Education in Poverty-stricken County Longlin Autonomous County of Minority Nationalities;国定贫困县隆林各族自治县实现“普九”探索
16.The echoes of the hills awakened his distrust.那隆隆的回音引起了他的警惕。
17.Rolls of thunder resounded in the valley.隆隆的雷声在山谷中回响
18.To make a deep, resonant sound.发出隆隆声发出低沉而有回响的声音

Cangxian uplift沧县隆起
1.Based on synthetic analysis of gravity,magnetic and seismic data as well as geological and drilling data of central southern Cangxian uplift,together with a comparison with the proved Dacheng coalfield,the authors hold that there exist a lot of coal seams and coal strata in this area.通过综合分析沧县隆起中南段上的重磁与地震资料,结合区域地质与钻探资料,并通过与已知的大城煤田的比较,认为本区大面积赋存煤系地层与煤层。
2.Coalbed gas development was made great success in Dacheng highs within Cangxian uplift.沧县隆起中南段的大港探区上古生界煤层保存完整,分布广泛(埋深浅于2 000 m的面积近1500km~2),预测有利煤层气资源量3228×10~8m~3。
3)Hualong County化隆县
1.A Seroepidendological Survey on Human Toxoplasma in Hualong County, Qinghai Province;青海省化隆县人群弓形虫病血清流行病学调查
2.This article based on the surveys and studies about it, focused on Hualong county s reality, put forwarded essential modes and suggestions of policy on against the poverty, the intention is to further speed t.化隆县是国家扶贫开发重点县之一。
4)Longlin County隆林县
5)Longan county隆安县
1.Water conservancy project administration system reform in Longan county of Guangxi;隆安县水利工程管理体制改革探讨
2.In this thesis the coupling relationship between social economy and construction land in small-sized town of Longan county of Guangxi was studied with the metho.选取广西隆安县为研究区域,以Pearson相关系数法和建设用地的边际效益来研究小城镇建设用地与社会经济各要素的耦合关系,并针对其存在的问题提出小城镇建设用地控制与发展的建议。
6)longhua county隆化县

清平乐 九月回至隆兴 隆兴厅事壁间作六鹤图【诗文】:云峰咫尺。竹静芭蕉静。鹤绕苍苔行又立。不见高堂素壁。簿书*骑匆匆。暂时留住衰翁。一片归心难画,野亭绣水秋风。【注释】:【出处】: