山地旅游,mountain tourism
1)mountain tourism山地旅游
1.Fujian has rich natural tourism resources especially the mountain tourism resources,the development and research of mountain tourism are taken more seriously.福建自然旅游资源尤其是山地旅游资源极为丰富,山地旅游开发与研究越来越受到重视。
2.Mountain area is so broad in China,the development of mountain tourism is vary important to mountain development.从空间思维理论出发,探讨空间思维理论在山地旅游开发中应用。
3.The mountain tourism in the areas of ethnic groups refers to a special tourism based on natural scenes of mountains and national life-styles.民族地区山地旅游是少数民族聚居的山地地区依托山地自然风貌和民族风情发展的特色旅游项目。

1.Study on the Tourism Sustainable Development in Poor Countryside;贫困型山地旅游区可持续旅游开发模式研究
2.Mountain Tourist Traffic Pattern Based on Tourist Traffic Trip Chain基于旅游交通出行链的山地旅游交通模式研究
3.Research on Tourism Marketing Strategies for Chengdu Mountainous Area“成都地区山地旅游营销策略研究”
4.West Changbaishan volcanic slope-the attraction of science investigation and tourism;长白山西坡—火山地质科考、旅游胜地
5.The Researches on Ecotourism Evaluation and Planning of Mountain Tourism Area;山岳型旅游地生态旅游评价与规划研究
6.An Analysis of System of Tourism Zone and Discussion of the Development of Tourism in Sanshan Island;三山岛旅游地域系统分析与旅游业发展的探讨
7.Studies on geologic-geomorphologic tourism resources exploitation in Lushan region;庐山地区地质地貌旅游资源开发研究
8.The bouring area of Mountain Meng is one of China's best bouring famous scenic spot for green health. It is also our country's touring area of Grade AAA.蒙山旅游区是中国最佳绿色健身旅游胜地之一,国家AAA级旅游区.
9.Geological tourism resources of wangwushan national geopark;王屋山国家地质公园的旅游地质资源
10.Research on Regional Style Designing of Tourist Hotel in Soutnwest Mountain;西南山地风景区旅游旅馆的地域风格设计研究
11.Pilot Study on the Tourism Urbanization of Mountain Resorts--The Case Study of Jiuhua Mountain;山岳型旅游地旅游城镇化初步研究——以九华山为例
12.Research on Further Development of Tourism Product of Mountain Tourism Destination--Take Mt.Emei as An Example;山岳型旅游地旅游产品深度开发研究——以峨眉山为例
13.Landscape tourism target competitiveness improve research--take Shangxi big south gong mountain as example山水型旅游目的地竞争力提升研究——以陕西大南宫山旅游区为例
14.The Volcanic Geology and the Geological Tourist Resorce of Zhairuoshan Island,Dinghai,Zhejiang Province;浙江定海摘箬山岛火山地质与地学旅游资源
15.The resort is in the mountain, over 1, 000 ft above sea level.该旅游胜地位于海拔1,000多英尺的山区。
16.the development of tourism scoop out not enough ;对山地城市旅游发展挖掘深度不够;
17.The number of visitors to the Alps is increasing each year .去阿尔卑斯山的度假旅游胜地。
18.In addition, the fundament countermeasures of development of mountain resorts are put forward.提出了山岳型旅游地发展的基本对策

mountains tourism山地旅游
1.First the paper analyses the current stituation and problems of the resource and the development of mountains tourism in Henna Province.由此,山地旅游开发及其研究逐步引起重视和广泛关注。
3)tourism mountain旅游山地
1.This paper attempts to analyze the calamities in tourism mountain, to obtain their laws and features and then put forward some ways and methods of their prevention and control,for the purpose of the decrease in the pecuriary loss and the development of tourist trade in tourism mountain.旅游山地具有独特的自然环境和人文环境 ,其灾害种类和特点亦具有独特性 ,通过分析旅游山地的灾害类型 ,找出其特征和规律 ,提出减灾、防灾对策 ,对减少旅游山地经济损失、促进旅游业持续发展具有一定的现实意
4)mountain resort山地旅游地
1.Study on the relation of water turbidity,rainfall and characteristics of watershed in mountain resort山地旅游地水体浊度与降雨及流域特性关系研究
5)famous mountain tourism destination名山旅游地
6)mountain tourism destination山岳旅游地
1.The research on Chinese mountain tourism in the last 30 years is summarized,which includes seven aspects,such as mountain tourism destination formation and development,management system,tourism landscape,tourism effect,tourists behaviors and tourism marketing,tourism developing and planning,tourism environment and ecological tourism.从山岳旅游地形成和发展、管理与制度、旅游景观、旅游影响、旅游者行为与旅游市场、旅游开发与规划、旅游环境与生态旅游7方面对山岳旅游地研究进行综述。

山地明 ,环孢素,新山地明,环孢素A药物名称:环孢素英文名:Ciclosporin别名: 环孢多肽A;环孢灵;环孢霉素A;赛斯平;山地明 ,环孢素,新山地明,环孢素A外文名:Ciclosporin A ,CsA, Cs-A, CY-A, Sandimmune, Ciclosporin, Cyspin.适应症: 主要用于肝、肾以及心脏移植的抗排异反应,可与肾上腺皮质激素同用,也可用于一些免疫性疾病的治疗。 用量用法: 口服:剂量依病人情况而定,一般器官移植前的首次量为每日每千克体重14~17.5mg,于术前4~12小时1次口服,按此剂量维持到术后1~2周,然后根据肌酐和山地明血药浓度,每周减少5%,直到维持量为每日每千克体重5~10mg止。同时给激素辅助治疗。口服液在服用前一定要用所附的吸管,以牛奶、巧克力或桔子汁等稀释,温度最好为25℃。打开保护盖后,用吸管从容器内吸出所需山地明量(一定要准确),然后放入盛有牛奶、巧克力或桔子汁的玻璃杯中(不可用塑胶杯),药液稀释搅拌后,立即饮用,并再用牛奶等清洗玻璃杯后饮用,确保剂量准确。用过的吸管放回原处前,一定要用清洁干毛巾擦干,不可用水或其他溶液清洗,以免造成山地明药液混浊。 静注法仅用于不能口服的病人,首次静脉注射量应在移植前4~12小时,每日每千克体重5~6mg(相当于口服量的1/3),按此剂量可持续到手术后,直到可以口服山地明为止。使用前应以5%葡萄糖或等渗盐水稀释成1:20至1:100浓度,缓慢地于2~6小时内滴完。 注意事项: 1.肾毒性:肾小球血栓、肾小管受阻、蛋白尿、管型尿。 2.肝毒性:低蛋白血症、高胆红素血症、血清转氨酶升高。 3.神经系统:运动性脊髓综合征,小脑样综合征及精神紊乱、震颤、感觉异常等。 4.胃肠道:厌食、恶心、呕吐。 5.用于骨髓移植虽无禁忌证,但有不良反应。 6.有高血压、多毛症。静脉给药偶可见胸、脸部发红、 呼吸困难、喘息及心悸等过敏反应。一旦发生应立即停药,严重者静注肾上腺素和给氧抢救。 7.1岁以下儿童不宜用。 储存、有效期 规格:口服液:每毫升100mg×50ml 丸剂:25mg、100mg。 静滴剂:每毫升50mg,5ml×10 支.类别:免疫抑制剂