清明上河园,Qingming Riverside Landscape Garden
1)Qingming Riverside Landscape Garden清明上河园
1.Research on the Problems and Measures of Inter-active Development of Qingming Riverside Landscape Garden and Kaifeng City;清明上河园与开封市互动发展问题与对策研究
2.Research on the Inter-active Development of Theme Parks and Historic and Cultural City——A Case Study on Qingming Riverside Landscape Garden in Kaifeng City;主题公园与历史文化名城互动发展研究——以开封市清明上河园为例
3.Research on the Product Structure of Cultural Theme Park Based on Visitors' Cognition——A Case Study of Qingming Riverside Landscape Garden in Kaifeng City基于游客认知的文化型主题公园产品结构研究——以开封清明上河园为例

1.Analysis of the tourist survey and operating strategy in Millennium City;清明上河园游客行为及经营对策研究
2.Research on the Problems and Measures of Inter-active Development of Qingming Riverside Landscape Garden and Kaifeng City;清明上河园与开封市互动发展问题与对策研究
3.Research on the Inter-active Development of Theme Parks and Historic and Cultural City--A Case Study on Qingming Riverside Landscape Garden in Kaifeng City;主题公园与历史文化名城互动发展研究——以开封市清明上河园为例
4.Empirical Analysis of Tourist Market Structure in Tourist Area;旅游区客源市场结构特征实证分析——以开封清明上河园为例
5.Research on the Product Structure of Cultural Theme Park Based on Visitors' Cognition--A Case Study of Qingming Riverside Landscape Garden in Kaifeng City基于游客认知的文化型主题公园产品结构研究——以开封清明上河园为例
6.The Qingming Festival on the River清明上河图(绘画)
7.A study of Bian River According to The Painting of the Upriver at Pure Brightness by ZHANG Ze-duan of the Song Dynasty;北宋·张择端《清明上河图》汴河考
8.Study about the Distribution of Gardening and Grassland in Jining from Ming Dynasty to the People's Republic明清民国时期运河城市济宁的园林绿地系统
9.Answering Questions about On the Riverside Scene of Pure Brightness;晬说上善门──《清明上河图》答问
10.The picture was done by the Song painter Zhang Zeduan.《清明上河图》的作者是宋代画家张择端。
11.Famous Person Yue Xuan and Authentic Painting of On the Riverside Scence of Pure Brightness;开封名士岳璇与《清明上河图》真迹
12.Going up the Mountain and Through the Forest;上山与进园——兼论明清几部奇书的寓意与反讽
13.The famous ancient painting "The Qingming Festival on the River"is a true collector's item.中国古代名画《清明上河图》是一件真正的收藏品。
14.Surmount Textual Criticism:On Research Methods of On the Riverside Scene of Pure Brightness超越考据:关于《清明上河图》研究方法的美学思考
15.Full-dressed Housetop--the Housetop Culture of Traditional Architecture;《清明上河图》虹桥建筑的结构和艺术特点
16.Briefly Discussing the Active Social Significance of Secularized Art.--Taking ″A Picture of Bian River at Qingming Lane″ for example.;从《清明上河图》浅谈世俗化艺术的积极社会意义
17.Artistic Characteristics and Historical Values of Clear and Bright Upper River Picture;《清明上河图》的艺术特色与历史文献价值
18.Temples and Official Mansions in Dongjing of Northern Song Dynasty- Two Topics about Buildings in “Qingming Shanghe Tu”;北宋东京寺院与官宅——《清明上河图》建筑二题

On the Riverside Scene of Pure Brightness《清明上河图》
1.Surmount Textual Criticism:On Research Methods of On the Riverside Scene of Pure Brightness;超越考据:关于《清明上河图》研究方法的美学思考
2.Answering Questions about On the Riverside Scene of Pure Brightness;晬说上善门──《清明上河图》答问
3.Was Spring Scene Drawn in the Picture On the Riverside Scene of Pure Brightness;《清明上河图》画的是春天景色吗
3)"On the Riverside Scene of Pure Brightness"清明上河图
1.Discussion about Arch Bridge of "On the Riverside Scene of Pure Brightness"《清明上河图》虹桥研究
4)Zhang Zeduan Qingming Shanghe Tu Juan张择端《清明上河图》卷
5)garden styles of Ming and Qing Dynasty明清园林
6)The Grand Canal in Ming and Qing Dynasties明清古运河

张择端《清明上河图》卷  中国宋代画家张择端所绘著名风俗画。张择端(12世纪)字正道,东武(今山东诸城)人,北宋宣和年间(1119~1125) 为翰林图画院待诏。善画市桥径郭,舟船车轿。此图绢本,设色,纵24.8厘米,横 528厘米。描绘了北宋都城汴梁(今河南开封)清明节时的热闹场面。画面开始为汴梁外城的房舍和田垄,接近内城时,商贾行旅不绝于道,路旁有商号、客舍、货栈。汴河斜向在画中出现,河上航行有客货船10余只。在河流的较窄处,一座式样新颖的拱形桥腾空而起,巨木架构,犹如飞虹。桥上有摊贩、行商、车轿等。过桥后房屋密集,人烟如云,再前行,有一木构平桥架于护城河上,过桥后有一城门楼,进入内城后景象更为繁华,不远处为一十字路口,人们南来北往,东行西走,络绎不绝。该图人物众多,各种行业无不具备,真实多方面地描绘了北宋的都市生活。其中有许多可与《东京梦华录》等文史籍互证,提供了文字无法描述的形象资料。全图以水墨勾线为主,仅在少数地方略施赭石或花青等色,朴实素雅。            画卷后幅有金代以来张著、张公药、郦权、王、张世积、杨凖、李祁、吴宽、李东阳、陆宪、冯保、如寿等13家题记。画幅上有"嘉庆御览之宝"等收藏印章10余方。《铁网珊瑚》、《天水冰山录》、《钤山堂书画记》、《清河书画舫》、《石渠宝笈·三编》、《汪氏珊瑚网》、《弇州山人续稿》、《书画见闻表》、《庚子销夏记》、《式古堂书画汇考》、《佩文斋书画谱》等书著录。现藏故宫博物院。