传承与保护,inheritance and protection
1)inheritance and protection传承与保护
1.By all the studies and analyses,the paper explores the problems on the inheritance and protection of current folk culture,as well as the solutions to be taken.考察和分析广西巴马布努瑶密洛陀信仰、集体记忆及节日习俗,指出当地布努瑶祝著节传承的内部机制;此外,还对其当前传承的外部因素,如政府参与等进行了考察;试图通过以上的考察和分析,探讨当前民族民间文化在传承与保护中所面临的问题及对策。

1.Inheritance and Proterction of Dong Minority Village Tradition Architectural Style;侗族村寨传统建筑风格的传承与保护
2.The Origin,Handing-down and Protection of the Folklore "Sister Huang";民俗《黄四姐》的起源、传承与保护
3.Inheritance and Protection of Suzhou Pingtan under the New Situation新形势下苏州评弹艺术的传承与保护
4.A Study on the Inheritance and Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Qingdao City青岛市非物质文化遗产的传承与保护
5.Traditional Raw Soil Buildings-Heredity and Protection of Ecological Earth Buildings传统生土民居——土楼生态建筑的传承与保护
6.On Strategy of Protection and Inheritance of The Traditional Music of The Hakkas;客家传统音乐保护与传承之策略研究
7.The preservation and inherition of Lingnan traditional musical cultural resource;岭南传统音乐文化资源的保护与传承
8.Protection and Inheritance of Chinese Traditional Architectural Craft中国传统建筑工艺技术的保护与传承
9.The Protection and Inherit of Chinese Traditional Opera under the New Media Environment;新媒体环境下戏曲艺术的保护与传承
10.Discussion on Protection and Inheritance of Cultural Ecology of Tujia Nationality’s Hand-swinging Folk Dance;论土家摆手舞文化生态的保护与传承
11.Discussion on the Protection and Spread of the Lion Dance Culture Inheritance in South China;试论岭南醒狮文化遗产的保护与传承
12.On the succession,protection and development of Guizhou Dushan Huadeng Opera;贵州独山花灯的保护、传承与发展研究
13.Passing On,Protection and Development of Dyeing Technology of Bai Nationality;白族扎染工艺文化的传承、保护与开发
14.The Spread And Development of National Music In Western Development Movement;西部民族音乐的保护、传承与发展思考
15.Morphological Protection and Context Succession of Historic City历史文化名城的形态保护与文脉传承
16."Ontological" Issues Concerning the Protection and Inheritance of Ethnic Cultures民族文化保护与传承的“本体论”问题
17.The Study on the Conservation and Continuance of the Traditional Space for the Inner City of Ganzhou;赣州旧城中心区传统空间保护与传承研究
18.Globalization and the Spread and Protection of Chinese Traditional Sports;全球化与中华民族传统体育传承和保护

protection and inheritance保护与传承
1.Protection and Inheritance of Beilu Zhuang Opera论北路壮剧的保护与传承
2.The existing ancient Villages are rich in human history and culture and urgent attention should be paid to their protection and inheritance.现有的桂北古村落,人文历史文化厚重,保护与传承亟待高度重视。
3.The author points that the protection and the inheritance of the Uygur national minority Dawaz technology should start from protecting inheritance family,and proposes a viewpoint of static and dynamic protection and inheritance.认为维吾尔族达瓦孜艺术的保护与传承应从保护传承家族开始,并提出了从静态与动态保护与传承的观点。
3)protection inheritance and development保护、传承与发展
4)protection and preservation of cultural heritage文化保护与传承
5)protection and inheritance保护传承
1.The article analyzes the reason for changes of the intangible cultural heritage,puts forward the practical significance,and then explores the principles and some countermeasures for the intangible cultural heritage protection and inheritance.通过分析非物质文化遗产变迁的原因,提出其保护与传承的现实意义,探讨非物质文化遗产保护的原则并针对性地提出保护传承的对策。
6)heritage protection传承保护

材料保护 :电化学保护 通过改变极性或移动金属的阳极极化电位达到钝态区来抑制或降低金属结构腐蚀的材料保护技术。从伽法尼电池的两个金属电极来观察﹐腐蚀总是发生在阳极上。阴极保护就是在潮湿的土壤或含有电解质(如盐等)的水液等电解液中﹐利用牺牲阳极(如锌﹑铝等)或外加电流的惰性阳极﹐使被保护的钢铁结构成为这种人为的伽法尼电池中的阴极。在同一腐蚀环境中﹐活性较大的是阳极﹐较小的是阴极﹐例如在海水中﹐锌与低碳钢间如构成电解电池﹐锌就是阳极﹐钢就是阴极﹔但如果钢与不锈钢形成电解电池时﹐钢又变为阳极﹐不锈钢是阴极。所谓阴极﹐实际上是使电解液中的阳离子获得电子而还原的一个电极。因此﹐利用外加直流电源使它获得电子补充﹐也属於阴极保护方法。在不同的腐蚀介质中所需的保护电流密度不一。钢在土壤内﹐约为 0.0001~0.005安/分米3﹐在流动海水中约为0.0003~0.0015安/分米3﹐而在流动淡水中为0.005安/分米3 。阴极保护广泛用於保护地下管道﹑通信或电力电缆﹑闸门﹑船舶和海上平台等以及与土壤或海水等接触面积很大的工件﹐电化学保护与涂装结合则更为经济。城市和大型工厂的地下金属设备可採用这种保护方法﹐但需要注意杂散电流不致影响邻近地下金属设施的加速腐蚀。阳极保护主要用於保护钢﹑不锈钢和鈦等在浓硫酸和磷酸等强介质中的腐蚀。活性-钝性金属在阳极极化时﹐即电流导入而產生电位变化时﹐其极化曲线中有显著的活化﹑钝化和过钝化区(见图 阳极保护原理的极化曲线 )﹐对於这种情况﹐可利用稳压电源将电位控制在钝化区间﹐使腐蚀电流值降到最低限度。