民族文化旅游,national cultural tourism
1)national cultural tourism民族文化旅游
1.This paper expounds the current condition of China s national cultural tourism and the measures that should be taken to develop national cultural tourist resources against the background of globalization.文章主要论述我国民族文化旅游的开发现状,以及在全球化背景下开发民族文化旅游资源的模式及具体举措。

1.On Development Direction of Nationality Culture and Nationality Culture Tour论民族文化旅游与民族文化发展导向
2.Fair Tourism, A Kind of New Farm for Tourism Development in Ethnic Culture;集市旅游——民族文化旅游开发的新形式
3.Discussion on National Cultural Preservation and the Sustainable Development of National Cultural Travelling;试论民族文化保护与民族文化旅游可持续发展
4.Tourist Perception to Authenticity of Black-Zhuang Culture and the Exploiture of Ethnic Tourism;旅游者的真实性感知与民族文化旅游开发
5.On the Modern Significance and Tourism Value of National Culture Tourism Resources in Lijaing丽江民族文化旅游资源的现代意义和旅游价值
6.On the Theory and Practice of Developing National Culture Tourism in Ethnic Regions;民族地区发展民族文化旅游的理论与实践
7.The Tourism of National Culture and Ecnomic Development in Guizhou National Areas;民族文化旅游与贵州民族地区经济发展
8.Coordinative Function of Minority Archives in Minority Culture Tour论民族档案在民族文化旅游中的协调作用
9.Research on the Development Strategies of Zhuang Ethnic Cultural Toruism in Nanning City;南宁市壮民族文化旅游开发战略研究
10.On the Development of Tourism Resources of National Culture in Three Gorges Reservoir Area;三峡库区民族文化旅游资源开发研究
11.Research on National Culture Transmission of Tourist Guide in National Tourism Regions民族旅游区导游的民族文化传播研究
12.Ethnic Tourism and Cultural Tourism:a Theoretical Overview;文化旅游与民族旅游:一种理论概观
13.Ethnic Tourism Development and Ethnic Culture Protection;民族旅游发展与民族文化保护的研究
14.A Tentative View about the Development Tourism in Ethnic Areas and National Cultural Protection;民族地区旅游开发与民族文化的保护
15.Commoditization of Ethnic Tourism Culture and the Development of Ethnic Traditional Culture;民族旅游文化商品化与民族传统文化的发展
16.Ethnic Tourism with Cultural Identity: A Case Study for Qiang Ethnic民族旅游与文化认同:以羌族为个案
17.Ethnic Culture: Soul of Tour in Guangxi--Part I of study on interaction between tour and culture in Guangxi;民族文化:广西旅游的灵魂——广西旅游与民族文化的互动研究之一
18.The Research of National (Folkway) Culture Tourism Development in XinJiang;新疆民族(民俗)文化旅游开发建设研究

national culture tourism民族文化旅游
1.The Theory and Practice of Exploiting and Protecting the National Culture Tourism Resources;民族文化旅游资源保护性开发的理论与实践
2.It is of remarkable significance for developing national culture tourism in ethnic regions to the promotion of regional economy,cultural propagation and communication and the realization of national common prosperous.民族地区发展民族文化旅游对于促进地区经济发展,文化传播与交流,实现各民族共同繁荣具有重要的现实意义。
3)Ethnic Cultural Tourism民族文化旅游
1.Nanning is rich in tourism resources andadvantageous to develop the potential Zhuang ethnic cultural tourism.在此背景之下,本文以民族文化旅游理论研究为基础,从分析壮族文化旅游战略环境和战略条件入手,对南宁市壮民族文化旅游开发战略的制定与实施提出相应的思考。
4)nationality cultural tourism民族文化旅游
1.This article applies some theories about nationality culture; discusses the connection about minority cultural and tourism; and judges some developing modes on nationality cultural tourism of our country.文章运用民族文化学的有关理论 ,主要论述我国少数民族文化与旅游的关系 ,对当前我国民族文化旅游的几种开发模式进行评介。
5)National cultural tourist attraction民族文化旅游区
6)national culture tour circle民族文化旅游圈

《蒙古人民的民族文化之路》杂志  蒙古30年代的主要文学艺术刊物,为月刊,又名《革命文化之路》。创刊于1934年,为刊登诗歌、散文、小说、剧本、文艺评论和创作经验等方面作品的综合性文艺刊物。1934年曾举办以"四季生活和人的生产"为题的征文评比工作。它是30年代蒙古作家的主要阵地,对蒙古文学的发展起过重要作用。1940年停刊。