旅游利益相关者,Tourism Stakeholders
1)Tourism Stakeholders旅游利益相关者
1.Codes of Tourist Conducts in the Perspective of Tourism Stakeholders;旅游利益相关者视域内的旅游者行为规范

1.Codes of Tourist Conducts in the Perspective of Tourism Stakeholders;旅游利益相关者视域内的旅游者行为规范
3.How to Construct Harmonious Interest Relationships between Stakeholders of Tourist Destinations;构建和谐旅游目的地利益相关者关系
4.An Analysis of Tourism in Ethnic Minority Regions on Stakeholder Theory;基于利益相关者理论的民族旅游研究
5.An Analysis of the Stakeholders of Tourism Destination Network Marketing;旅游目的地网络营销利益相关者分析
6.Study on the the Interests Coordinating of Stakeholder in Regional Tourism Cooperation;区域旅游合作中利益相关者的利益协调研究
7.Stakeholder Theory in folk use of tourism development;利益相关者理论在民俗旅游开发中的利用
8.Research on Stakeholders Harmonious Development in Ecotourism Vulnerable Areas生态旅游脆弱区利益相关者和谐发展研究
9.The Analysis of Stakeholder in Tourism Industry Based on Game;基于博弈论的旅游产业利益相关者分析
10.A Study on the Development Mechanism of Tourist Destination from the Perspective of Stakeholders;从利益相关者角度看旅游地的发展机制
11.Research on Event and Event Tourism in Wuhu City Based on Stakeholder Theory;基于利益相关者理论的芜湖市节事旅游研究
12.Stakeholders Study in the Ecotourism Management of Nature Reserves;自然保护区生态旅游管理的利益相关者分析
13.Tourism district development influence research basing on interest relator’s behavior;基于利益相关者行为的旅游地发展影响研究
14.The Research of Games Between the Stakeholder Government and the Tourism Industry Cluster;旅游产业集群与其利益相关者政府博弈研究
15.Progress of Study Regarding Managerial Theory of Stakeholders in Tourism Enterprises;旅游企业利益相关者管理理论研究进展
16.A Research on Community Tourism Development Model with Respect of Stakeholder;基于利益相关者视角的社区旅游发展模式研究
17.Research on the Optimization Mode of Traveling Plans Based on the Stakeholders;基于利益相关者的旅游规划优化模式研究
18.Progress on the Research of Stakeholder Theory in Tourism Planning and Management;旅游规划与管理中利益相关者研究进展

interests of those concerned利益相关者利益
1.Classification of Stakeholders in the Transaction of State-owned Mining Rights;国有矿业权转让利益相关者分类研究
2.Cost management of the construction project in the whole process based on the stakeholder theory;基于利益相关者的建设项目全过程造价管理
3.Discussion on stakeholder co-governance mode for hydropower development enterprises;水电开发企业利益相关者治理模式探讨
1.Research on Community Governance Mechanism Based on Theory of Stakeholders;基于利益相关者理论的企业社区治理机制研究
2.Financial distress costs:based on the view of the stakeholders theory;财务困境成本:基于利益相关者的理论视角
3.Analysis on unqualified ecotourism practice: From the point of view of stakeholders;从利益相关者角度剖析国内外生态旅游实践的变形
5)stake holders利益相关者
1.This paper analyzes the behavior of stake holders in corporate governance and summarizes the behavior combination of corporate stake holders with the result of four corporate governance modes.分析了公司治理中利益相关者的行为,并对公司利益相关者的行为组合进行归纳,形成了四种公司治理模式。
2.The interest of the enterprise s stake holders such as creditors, employees and customers is often injured during the process of asset allocation in enterprises reorganization, while the protective regulations have not been laid down.企业改制资产权益分配过程中,企业债权人、雇员、客户等利益相关者的利益经常受到侵犯,而具体的保护机制尚付阙如。
3.The other stake holders also contribute resources in corporate and undertake risk, without the stake holders participation, the corporate can t carry on.但是,随着利益相关者理论的发展和经济环境的变化,在这个目标下建立的股东单边治理结构在理论和实践上都日益显现出缺陷。
6)stakeholder theory利益相关者
1.Practice and Inspiration of Social Responsibility in Chinese Enterprises from the Perspective of Stakeholder Theory;企业社会责任:中国的实践及启示——基于利益相关者理论视角
2.on this pasis,the paper points out the problem of the development of folk culture,and explained how the stakeholder theory applies this in folk culture,finally from the interest of govement,executive,the local residents,the article points out strategies related the development of folk tourism.文章在此基础上,指出了民俗旅游开发中的一些问题,并阐述利益相关者理论如何应用在民俗旅游开发当中,最后从当地政府、执行者、当地居民三者利益出发,提出民俗旅游开发的相关策略。
3.To apply"stakeholder theory",we can analyze all the interest groups related to continuing education in universities on by one(management organization of continuing education on universities,administrators of continuing education,interior and exterior fac.利益相关者理论起源于企业管理的研究,它挑战传统的股东利益至上论,认为企业的目标应该是为所有的利益相关者服务。

十种利益──慈忍十种利益【十种利益──慈忍十种利益】  ﹝出月灯三昧经﹞  慈即爱念,忍即安忍。谓修菩萨行者,于一切违顺等境,皆能慈忍,故获此十种利益也。  [一、火不能烧],谓修菩萨行者,但为利益众生,常怀慈忍之心,于一切违逆之境,了知身心自性本空,悉无所恼,是以嗔恚之火,所不能烧也。  [二、刀不能割],谓修菩萨行者,但为利益众生,常怀慈忍之心,于一切横逆之境,了知自身体性空寂,悉无所畏,是以嗔恚利刀,所不能割也。  [三、毒不能中],谓修菩萨行者,但为利益众生,常怀慈忍之心,人或有所加害,了知身心本空,不以为意,是以贪嗔毒药,所不能中也。  [四、水不能漂],谓修菩萨行者,但为利益众生,常怀慈忍之心,于一切顺情之境,了知诸法本空,悉无所染,是以贪爱之水,所不能漂也。  [五、为非人护],非人,即鬼神之类。谓修菩萨行者,但为利益众生,常怀慈忍之心,于一切时处,鬼神之类,悉皆护卫也。  [六、身相庄严],谓修菩萨行者,但为利益众生,常怀慈忍之心,爱念于人,是以能感色身相好庄严之报也。  [七、闭诸恶道],谓修菩萨行者,但为利益众生,常怀慈忍之心,成就善法,是以恶道之门,自然闭而不开也。  [八、随乐梵天],梵天,即色界初禅天也。谓修菩萨行者,慈忍具足,梵行无亏,故报尽命终,随其意乐,而得生于梵天也。  [九、昼夜常安],谓修菩萨行者,常行慈忍之心,利益有情,而不恼害,故得身心寂静,昼夜常安也。  [十、不离喜乐],谓修菩萨行者,常怀慈忍之心,利益众生,令其各获安隐,是以自之身心,亦不离于喜乐也。