闽西客家,Hakka in west Fujian
1)Hakka in west Fujian闽西客家
1.Because of not outstanding tourism image and lacking of competitive tourism brand Hakka in west Fujian tourism market on the increasingly fierce competition tourism market lie in a weak position, though it has rich and unique culture tourism resources.闽西客家文化旅游资源丰富而独特,但旅游形象不突出,旅游品牌缺乏竞争力问题使其在旅游市场日趋激烈的竞争中处于弱势。

1.West Fujian Province Hakkas and Taiwan Hakkas s Origin and Development Relations Research;闽西客家与台湾客家的渊源及发展关系研究
2.Musical Act of Hakka Women and Its Social-Cultural Connotation in the West of Fujian Province;闽西客家妇女的音乐行为及社会文化内涵
3.Television Media Strategies for the Communication of Cltural Tourism Image on Hakka in West Fujian;闽西客家文化旅游形象传播及其电视媒介策略
4.Economic Changes and Developments of the Imperial Civil Service Examinations of the Hakka in Minxi during the Ming and Qing Dynasties;明清时期闽西客家地区的经济变迁与科举事业
5.The Traditional Ideas and Folk Customs in the Inscriptions--A Study Based on West Fujian Province家族碑刻中的民俗与观念——以闽西客家地区的调查为重点分析
6.The Hakka society in West Fujian used to belong to a typically feudal and patriarchal clan system.在进入当代社会之前,闽西客家社会是典型的封建宗法制社会。
7.Impact from Modernization on Customs of Hakka Clan System in West Fujian;试论现代化进程对闽西客家社会宗法制遗风的冲击
8.The Spatial Competition of Hakka Traditional Dwelling Tourism in the West of Fujian--A Case of Earth Building in Yongding and Traditional Dwelling in Peitian;闽西客家民居旅游地的空间竞争——以永定土楼和连城培田民居为例
9.How to Combine the Fujian Hakka Culture-Sports Holiday with the Tour-Sports对闽西客家体育文化与假日体育旅游整合的探讨
10.Current State and Countermeasures of Hakka's Dragon Dance in Western Fujian闽西客家地区舞龙运动的现状调查与发展对策研究
11.The forms of the Hakka kindreds were mainly the natural villages of a single family name and inhabitation of relatively concentrated kins.闽西客家家族形态主要表现为单姓血缘的大家族自然村和相对集中的血缘聚居形式。
12.Shanghang Hakka Genealogy Museum in Western Fujian to Go on an Exhibition Tour in Taiwan闽西上杭客家族谱馆将赴台湾巡展
13.Wu Fuwen, the founding member of the International Hakka Association and a young scholar in Western Fujian, came to believe through his textual research that Western Fujian has an important place in the relations between the Hakkas in Fujian and Taiwan.国际客家协会创会会员、闽西青年学者吴福文考证认为,闽西在闽台客家关系中占有重要地位。
14.The Imperial Civil Examination and Traditional Rural Society of the Hakka: An Example of the Villages in North of Wuping County, Fujian科举与传统客家村落社会——以闽西武北村落为例
15.The Culture Study of Ke Jia Clay Building in the Triangle Region Among South JiangXi. West Fujian and East GuangDong;赣南、闽西、粤东三角地带客家土楼文化研究
16.Study on Physical Geography Environment the Hakkas Family Formed in West Fujian Province;客家民系在闽西形成的自然地理环境探析
17.Inheritance and Variation of Folk Religions in Hakka Areas of West Fujian and Taiwan闽西与台湾客家民间信仰的传承及变异
18.It is popular in eastern Guangdong, southern Jiangxi, southwest Fujian, Taiwan and among overseas Chinese.主要分布在粤东、赣南、闽西南、台湾地区及国外华裔客家人中间。

Hakka women in the west of Fujian Province闽西客家妇女
3)Western FuJian Hakkas Society闽西客家社会
4)Hakka in western Fujian闽西客家地区
5)Minxi Hakka literature闽西客家文学
1.Minxi Hakka literature soaks in Hakka culture,the spiritual value and conventional living style of Hakka people.客家是汉民族的一个支系,有着独特的文化体系;作为客家人已经习惯了的精神向度和价值取向,客家文化浸润了闽西客家文学;闽西客家文学自两宋出现萌芽到20世纪的逐步成熟,经历了从民间到殿堂的发展过程;自觉清醒的客家意识,成为20世纪闽西客家文学创作的突出特点。
6)Hakkas' Buildings in west Fujian闽西客家土楼建筑

闽西革命烈士纪念碑在龙岩市城西虎岭山。1955年7月开始兴建,1956年10月落成,高26米。用青白两色花岗石砌成。碑身南北二面刻“闽西革命烈士纪念碑”大字,碑顶有浮雕的月亮云彩图案,碑座四面镌刻邓子恢、张鼎丞、魏金水、伍洪祥的亲笔题词。1980年扩建为“闽西革命烈士陵园”后又增建“光荣亭”、“霞飞门”等建筑物。1989年民政部公布为全国重点烈士纪念建筑物保护单位。 距纪念碑不远建有闽西革命历史博物馆和闽西革命烈士纪念馆。