垂直分工,Vertical Division
1)Vertical Division垂直分工
1.Vertical Division,the System of Official Broker and the Efficiency of Texitile Industry in the Ming & Qing Dynasty;垂直分工、官牙制与明清棉纺织业的效率

1.Why is Vertical System in China s Travel Trade Hard to Realize?--On Division of Labour in the Travel Trade in China;我国旅行社业垂直分工体系缘何难以实现?——对我国旅行社业发展垂直分工问题的思考
2.Vertical Division,the System of Official Broker and the Efficiency of Texitile Industry in the Ming & Qing Dynasty;垂直分工、官牙制与明清棉纺织业的效率
3.The Effect of Transference of Industry Vertical Division of Labor on Natioal Economy;产业垂直分工转移对国内经济发展的影响
4.Analysis of the Perpendicular and High Slope Engineering by Finite Element;垂直高大边坡工程的有限元分析研究
5.Vertical Specialization,Patterns of Specialization and Trade and Welfare Effects;国际垂直专业化、贸易分工模式与福利
6.International Vertical Specialization and Trade: A Survey;国际垂直专业化分工与贸易:研究综述
7.Vertical Product Differentiation,Intra-Product Specification,and North-South Trade产品垂直差异、产品内分工与南北贸易
8.Foliage Vertical Distribution of Mongolian Pine Plantations樟子松人工林单木叶量垂直分布规律
9.The Vertical Specialization in Manufacture and China s Trade Status;制造业的垂直专业化分工及我国的分工地位
10.Empirical Analysis of the Affecting Factors of Chinese Industry's Participation in International Vertical Specialization中国工业参与国际垂直专业化分工的实证分析
11.An Institutional Analysis of International Vertical Disintegration;对国际分工垂直分离化交易安排的制度分析
12.Study on the Structural Upgrading of Processing Trade on the Basis of Vertical Specialization;基于垂直专业化分工的加工贸易结构升级研究
13.The Effect of Vertical Specialization on China s Industries and Corresponding Strategies;垂直专业化分工对我国产业的影响及对策分析
14.Construction of pressure dispersion-type anchorage cable at intake vertical side slope进水口垂直边坡压力分散型锚索的施工
15.Research on Industrial Cluster and Vertical Specialization of China's Textile and Apparel Industry;中国纺织服装产业集群与垂直专业化分工研究
16.Design, Processing and Characteristics Analysis of 850nm Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers;850nm垂直腔面发射激光器的设计、工艺及特性分析
17.On the latest development of the international vertical specialization and trade;论国际垂直专业化分工与贸易的最新发展
18.The Effect of International Vertical Specialization on the Competitiveness of Chinese Industry;国际垂直专业化对中国工业竞争力的影响分析

vertical specialization垂直分工
1.Initiating economic globalization, vertical specialization in developing countries is full of danger.垂直分工是发展中国家经济全球化的起点,但也蕴藏着巨大的风险。
3)Vertical speciation垂直化分工
4)Vertical pattern of international division垂直型分工
5)vertical specialization垂直专业化分工
1.Vertical Specialization and China s Trade Status;垂直专业化分工及我国的分工地位
2.This article improves and expands the measurement of vertical specialization established by Hummels at first.对Hummels等人建立的国际垂直专业化分工测度方法进行了完善与拓展,利用行业垂直专业化分工公式测算了全国及江苏、浙江、广东、上海纺织服装业的垂直专业化分工。
3.China’s main way to engage in the vertical specialization is its processing and assembly trade and it seems that it will enlarge in the future.加工贸易是我国参与国际垂直专业化分工的主要形式,对我国经济的发展有重要的意义。
6)vertical parting casting method垂直分型工艺

垂直型国际分工论垂直型国际分工论  垂直型国际分工论关于经济技术发展水平相差悬殊的国家(如发达国家与发展中国家)之间的国际分工的学说。垂直分工是水平分工的对称。分为产业间和产业内垂直分工两种。前者是指部分国家供给初级原料,而另一部分国家供给制成品的分工类型,如发展中国家生产初级产品,发达国家生产工业制成品,这是不同国家在不同产业间的垂直分工。后者是指同一产业内技术密集程度较高的产品与技术密集程度较低的产品之间的国际分工,或同一产品的生产过程中,技术密集程度较高的工序与技术密集程度较低的工序之间的国际分工,这是相同产业内部因技术差距所引致的国际分工。上述两种类型垂直分工可由比较利益理论加以解释,它们仍然是工业发达国家与发展中国家之间的一种重要的分工形式。