1.Desire and Ideation——Mental Factors Which Germinated Southern Ethnic Myths;欲望与思维——南方民族神话萌生的心理因素
2."Rose war" and Desire——On the "Rose Gate";欲望凝视下的“玫瑰战争”——也谈《玫瑰门》
3.Recount Astringently and Make Open of Desire——Talk about “New Generation” Personalization Writing;内敛的叙事欲望的张扬——“新生代”个人化写作论析

1.driven by lust; preoccupied with or exhibiting lustful desires.欲望驱使的;表现出欲望的或专注于欲望的。
2.A strong, especially sexual desire or craving.怀有欲望,情欲强烈的、尤指性的欲望或渴望
3.inhibit desires [impulses]抑制欲望 [冲动]
4.Arousing desire, especially sexual desire.引起性欲的引起欲望的(尤其是性欲)
5.A strong craving or desire.强烈的欲望,强烈的渴望
6.a vehement urge, impulse, desire, etc强烈的欲望、 冲动、 愿望等
7.A STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE:Interpretation of Subjectivity's Desire through Insanity《欲望号街车》:主体欲望的疯癫性
8.Excited or driven by lust.贪欲的,渴望的由于欲望而兴奋或被欲望所驱使的
9.From the Repression of Desire to the Expression of It--Deleuzian Post-Modern Materialistic Turn of the View of Desire从欲望的压抑到欲望的表达——德勒兹后现代唯物主义欲望观的转向
10.an insatiable appetite, curiosity, desire, thirst, etc永不满足的食欲、 好奇心、 欲望、 如渴之欲等
11.curiosity:a desire to know or learn.求知欲:想知道或学习的欲望.
12.A desire to know or learn.求知欲想知道或学习的欲望
13.of the appetites and passions of the body.指身体的欲望和激情。
14.restrain one's natural urges, impulses, etc克制住欲望、 冲动等
15.animal instincts and desires.See Synonyms at brute动物本能和欲望参见
16.He is rich enough that wants nothing.“没有欲望的人最富有。”
17.It depends on your desire for knowledge.这取决于你求知的欲望
18.to gratify a child's thirst for knowledge满足儿童的求知欲望

1."Lust" and "Fatalism"——Analysis of Tragic Consciousness in Hardy`s Works;“欲望”与“宿命论”——解析哈代创作中的悲观意识
2.Time of Lust and Disillusion of Aestheticism;欲望时代与审美主义的幻灭
3.He takes it for granted that women who have lust are dirty,too.在作者吴承恩意识中,欲望是丑恶的,有欲望的女子便理所当然是丑恶的,她们是作为唐僧师徒对立的反面角色而存在的,而这些女性的最终命运,也是与其欲望紧密联系的,有欲望的没有好下场,没有欲望的受人顶礼膜拜,一句话,女性(雌性)的形象塑造,取决于是否有欲望
1.Symbols of Desires: One Hundred Years of New York Skyscrapers;欲望之塔——纽约百年摩天楼
2.Claiming that Lolita is a book of desires, this paper investigates the various desires buried in the text,their sources, upsurge and finale, so as to pave a new way of approaching this novel.本文认为《洛丽塔》是一部欲望心史,着重分析作品暗含的多重欲望,以及欲望之起因、蓬勃与圆结,以开辟这部小说的全新解读途径。
3.Different from native writers who stress representing the contradictions in real life and insist on realistic criticism from the perspective of social morality, the immigrant writers focus on exhibiting human desires and the relocations in existence.与五邑本土作家的反映现实生活矛盾以及从社会伦理道德等诸方面坚持现实批判不同,移民作家的小说着重表现人性的欲望与生存的错位,带有一定的隐喻色彩。
1.The relationship between appetency and social norm is complicated.欲望与社会规范(戒律)之间的关系很复杂,作为本能的欲望代表着人动物性的一面,而社会规范则代表着人类社会性的一面,人类是这两种属性的矛盾混合体,因此很难将两者完全分离开来,但很多时候,社会规范与欲望之间又确实存在着矛盾。
2.The principal part of my essay will analyze Bi Feiyu s creation horizontally, because solitude, appetency and decrease h.本论文主体部分对三个不同阶段进行横向分析,因为孤独、欲望、死亡是他不同阶段共同的表达。
5)competitive desire竞技欲望
6)shopping desire of spectators购物欲望
1.Based on the analyzing of the questionnaire survey,the shopping desire of spectators and the distribution of the people in each district of 20 traders are obtained,then a nonlinear integer programming model is proposed to meet three basic requirements:meeting the shopping desire of spectators,distribution balance and benefiting the enterprises.针对2008年北京奥运会周边商业网点的规划设计问题,在对问卷调查数据进行处理的基础上,得到了观众的购物欲望及商区的人流量分布,建立起满足购物欲望、分布均衡和商业盈利三大要求的非线性整数规划模型,最终得到了较为理想的优化设计结果。

欲望欲望want  欲望(want)在各种需要的影响下产生的人的各种要求和愿望的总和。人的欲望是极其复杂的。它可以根据所引起的需要的不同而分为相应不同的种类,也可以因其活动的时相不同而分为意向和欲望。人正是在各种欲望的发动下从事各种不同的活动的,它是人类活动和社会进步的推动力量。但是,它的过分膨胀和无限满足又会造成对社_会生活的危害和破坏‘对个人来说,‘之的合理满足是健康发展的必要条件研究如何使人的欲望在社会生活条件容许的范围内得到合理的满足,以促进社会和个体的健康发展,是心理学的任务之 (王启康撰彭共龄审)