1.Transcendence and Confrontation: On Criticism of Light in August to Logocentrism超越对峙——论《八月之光》对“逻各斯中心主义”的批判
2.Ethical Analysis of Logocentrism“逻各斯中心主义”之伦理分析
3.Among them, the notions which had important inspiration to mathematics education were as follows: the desingularity and diversity; the deconstruction of grandnarratives; delogocentrism; “anything goes” by Paul Feyerabend; the research method of postmodern.其中对数学教育有较大启示的观念有:去单一化与多元化;解构宏大叙事和元话语;反逻各斯中心主义;费耶阿本德“怎么都行”;人文科学和后现代的研究方法。
1.The Double Attack of Ecofeminism to Logosism生态女性主义对逻各斯中心主义的双重夹击
2.On Deconstruction of Logocentrism in the Grass is Singing;论《野草在歌唱》中逻各斯中心主义的解构
3.The Tradition of Logocentrism in Western Philosophy and the Revolution of Marx s Philosophy;西方逻各斯中心主义传统与马克思哲学的革命
4.Overthrow of Logosism Tradition and Its Strategy by Deconstructionism;解构论颠覆逻各斯中心主义的传统及其策略
5.Ecocriticism: Concluding the Final Besiegement of Logocentrism;生态批评:完成对逻各斯中心主义的最后合围
6.Ecological Selfhood by Double De-construction of Logo-centrism逻各斯中心主义双重解构下的生态自我
7.Transcendence and Confrontation: On Criticism of Light in August to Logocentrism超越对峙——论《八月之光》对“逻各斯中心主义”的批判
8.ON the Derrida s Overturn of the Logo centrism;论德里达对柏拉图扬言语、贬文字的逻各斯中心主义的颠覆
9.Interpretation of Deconstruction and Logocentrism Derrida Poetics and his Thinking about Hermeneutics of Deconstructionism;解构的阐释与逻各斯中心主义——论德里达诗学及其解构主义阐释学思想
10.That's the point where I distinguish between phonocentrism and logocentrism.我正是借此区分语音中心主义与逻格斯中心主义。
11.Modern Annotation of Chinese Classical Poetry;中国古典诗学逻各斯中心的现代解构
12.Incarnation of Phallic Consciousness in Women in Love;论菲勒逻格斯中心主义在《恋爱中的女人》中的体现
13.Deification, Rationalistic Interpretation and Reconstruction of the Logos逻各斯"的神化与理性主义的解构及重建
14.Anti-human-centrism : A Critique of Instrumental Rationality and Market Logic --The Mainline Logic in Enlightenment Dialectics;反人类中心主义:工具理性与市场逻辑批判——《启蒙辩证法》中的一条逻辑主线
15.The setting off on ancient Greek spir itual journey;古希腊精神之旅的启程——从荷马、赫西俄德的神话中心到赫拉克利特的逻各斯中心
16.The Theory of Non-anthropocentrism of Marx and Engels;马克思、恩格斯的非人类中心主义思想
17.Interpretation of Historism in Russian Psychology;解读俄罗斯心理学中的历史主义观点
18.He taught that the "Logos" was divine but less than God, a sort of demigod.他主张“逻各斯”是神圣的但并非上帝,是半神半人。
phallus-logos-centric tradition菲逻各中心主义
1.Though there are two opposite attitudes towards it,they both aim at the phallus-logos-centric tradition."双性同体"是女权主义批评中的一个重要概念,而女权主义者对这一概念的两种截然相反的态度均直指菲逻各中心主义。
1.His deconstruction to Western traditional culture, he thinks, which has some tendency of logocentrism is very wonderful by his literature semiology.他运用文学符号学对西方传统的“文”——他认为这种文具有逻格斯中心主义倾向的解构非常精彩,也引起过巨大的争议。
1.In international relations,there is one kind of logocentrism expression,which attempts to represent the essentials behind human culture with western culture,and others culture just exist as being dominated.国际关系中存在一种逻各斯中心主义的表达,试图以西方文化代表人类文化背后的“本真说明”,而其他文化只是作为被支配者存在。
5)Logos theory逻各斯中心论
1.Modern philosophy, due to its innate essence of theology-metaphysics-Logos theory, not only severely conflicts with contemporary society but further more finds itself in a predicament of Logos theory, fundamentalism, essentialism and mysticism and hard to extricate.近代哲学因其固有的神学—形而上学—逻各斯中心论性质 ,不仅与当代社会发生了严重冲突 ,更是陷入逻各斯中心主义、基础主义、本质主义和神秘主义的困境而难以自拔 ,这在现代哲学的视界中便被冠以“传统形而上学”而遭到严厉的批判、解构。