
1.He is aiming to be a doctor.他立志要成为医师。
2.Harry aims to become a doctor.哈利立志做个医生。
3.Harry aims at becoming a doctor.哈利立志要当医生。
4.He aims to be a doctor.他立志成为一名医生。
5.My brother designs to be an engineer.我弟弟立志要当工程师.
6.My brother aims to be a novelist.我兄弟立志当小说家。
7.He aims at becoming a scientist.他立志当一名科学家。
8.They are willing to wholly devote themselves to the task.他们立志把自己全部献身于这项任务。
9.filled with ambition to become famous, rich, powerful, etc立志要成名、 发财、 有权势等.
10.He set out to break the record for the English Channel swim.他立志要打破横渡英吉利海峡的记录。
11.My family is right behind me in my ambition to become a doctor.我们家对我立志当医生完全赞同.
12.My family are right behind me in my ambition to become a doctor我们家对我立志当医生完全赞同
13.Frank decided he did not want to be a farmer,福兰克立志不再做一个农民。
14.Mary aims at becoming a scientist玛丽立志要当一名科学家。
15.He is iron-willed and stands firm.他意志坚强,立场坚定。
16.Let' s think big, ie plan ambitiously.我们要立大志展宏图.
17.And Comrade Li Li-san too?还有李立三同志选不选?
18.The revision quality should be raised by setting up local records library and by improving the quality of revision employees and revision work with future-oriented consideration.应面向未来,建立方志馆,提高修志人员素质,提高修志质量。

spatial prospecting criteria立体标志
3)Aspiration education立志教育
1.Aspiration education should be treated as the first lesson in "career guidance" and be carried on in enrollment education for new students.要把立志教育放在《就业指导》课第一课,安排在新生入学教育中进行。
4)Tao to Aspire立志之道
5)independent will独立意志
1.Medea is the first female of western literature,who has independent will in Greek mythology.希腊神话中的美狄亚是西方文学中第一个有独立意志的女性,她身上洋溢着希腊人那种不可扼制的个人欲求、炽烈的爱情、奔放的个性、强烈的个人意志。
2.In his being,deficiency of independent will and spirit of shouldering is the inner den of his tragic fate. 蒋蔚祖是《财主的女儿们》中的一个重要的人物形象,在他的生存中,独立意志与担负精神的缺乏是其悲剧命运的内在渊薮。
6)resolve on defending in the frontier area立志边陲
