1.This paper through introducing the correlate concept,nonverbal expressions,the development process,and function of pride,while integrating the inner structure(e.骄傲是个体成功时体验到的一种非常重要的情感,它是内在产生的,并扮演着重要的社会角色。

1.a high muckamuck(骄傲自大的)要人
2.I will haughtily wing and look for my dreams !我要骄傲地飞翔,我要骄傲地去寻梦!
3.We must cast the proud down我们必须抑制骄傲者。
4.upheld the Banner proudly.骄傲地把条幅高高举起
5.It is my pride that keeps me up.保持高姿态,是我的骄傲
6.Agnew in turn was ferociously proud.阿格纽则非常骄傲
7.It' s nothing to be proud of.这没有什么可骄傲的。
8.I'm proud to be your friend.做你的朋友我感到骄傲
9.He is too cocky, I don't like him.他太骄傲了,我不喜欢他。
10.His Achilles' heel was his pride.他唯一的弱点是骄傲
11.He is too proud to take notice of others.他很骄傲, 不理睬别人。
12.The fifth point.The danger of conceit.第五点,骄傲情绪的危险。
13.The sudden fame puffed her ego.突然的声望让她骄傲
14.Declaim against pride is not always a sign of humility.抨击骄傲未必是谦卑。
15.have a swelled head:自大,骄傲自满,自命不凡
16.Conceit is the enemy of / to progress.骄傲自大是进步的大敌.
17.overweening ambition, vanity, pride etc自负的雄心、 虚荣、 骄傲等.
18.Pride was her destruction.骄傲是她致命的弱点。

Africa pride非洲骄傲
1.It is introduced that planting technique on improved breeds of cherimoya, Africa pride for high quality and yield.非洲骄傲番荔枝通常以普通番荔枝作砧木,芽接成活率高。
3)against arrogance反对骄傲
4)pride metaphors骄傲隐喻

骄傲①自以为了不起,看不起别人:~自满 ㄧ虚心使人进步,~使人落后。②自豪:我们都以是炎黄子孙而感到~。③值得自豪的人或事物:古代四大发明是中国的~。