
1.Honour to whom honour is due誉归于应得誉的人
2.That would be very pleasant. Thank you.非常幸。谢谢您。
3.Win the award as one of the "Ten Excellent Youths"获“十大青年”奖
4.everlasting fame, glory永久的声誉、 光
5.bestow an honor [title] on a person授与誉 [头衔]
6.Ho Wing Scholarship (Pre-war)何奖学金(战前)
7.Torrey Canyon disaster“托里坎”号海难
8.Great honor, praise, or distinction accorded by common consent;renown.誉,耀经一致同意给予极大的誉,表扬或耀;声誉
9.He that desires honour is not worthy of honour.渴求誉的人不值得有誉。
10.He that desires honor is not worthy of honor. -- Henry James渴求誉的人不配得到誉。——詹姆斯
11.thrive profusely or flourish extensively.很多的繁或广泛的繁
12.Something conferring honor or renown.耀的事授予誉或声誉的事
13.To give or award an educational credit to.给予誉给予或授予教育上的
14.I won the title of" Model Worker" two years ago.两年前我获“劳动模范”的光称号。
15.Vain, ostentatious display.极度虚心爱虚地,铺张地显示
16.A good death does honor to a whole life. -- Petrarch死得光,一生誉。——彼特拉克
17.Code of title and medal of honorGB/T8560-1988誉称号和誉奖章代码
18.Honor and glory won for great achievement.誉因巨大成就而获得的尊敬和

Rong Rong荣荣
1.This paper introduces flourishing development circumstances of Guangdong paper industry.本文论述广东省造纸工业繁发达的情况 ,特别是民营造纸业产量增长的速度较快。
2.It is necessary for the authorities of the related administrations to perform effective measures to regularize the book market and create new flourish.国家有关部门应采取有力措施 ,调动各方面的积极性 ,加强管理 ,加大图书市场的整治力度 ,创建新的繁
3.However,the behind of so-called flourish,at the same time we can see that a part of prose are inferior in quality,lack of rationality,and flooding of artificial words,since I want to ask that prose become hot in deed.但是,在这种所谓的繁后面,同时可以看到,一部分散文品质低劣,理性缺失,矫情之作泛滥,“散文是热闹了,但却并不是繁”。
1.Comparison of molluscicidal effect and cost-effect of Rongbao and niclosamide;宝和氯硝柳胺灭螺效果比较及成本分析
2.Observation on Long-term Field Moiluscicidal Effects of Rongbao;宝现场杀钉螺远期效果观察
3.Laboratory observation on the effectiveness of killing schistosome cercaria by Rongbao powder;宝粉剂杀灭尾蚴效果的实验室初步观察
1.Study on Molluscicidal Effects of Rongbao and Rongya Against Oncomelania Hupensis;宝和芽杀灭钉螺效果的观察
6)Wither complexion失荣

荣荣 荣   ①通营,即营气。《素问·痹论》:“荣者,水谷之精气也。”   ②光华、润泽。《素问·五脏生成》:“心之合脉也,其荣色也。”   ③营养濡润。《灵枢·邪客》:“化以为血,以荣四末,内注五脏六腑。”   ④显现。《素问·刺热》:“太阳之脉,色荣颧骨,热病也。”   ⑤繁荣茂盛。《素问·四气调神大论》:“天地俱生,万物之荣。”   ⑥指血。《素问·八正神明论》:“刺必中其荣。”王冰注:“针入至血,谓之中荣。”