
1.9.Show small courtesies.9.小事着眼,礼让他人。
2.A child should show courtesy to the old.小孩必须礼让老人。
3.1.Yield to vehicles who have the right of way.1.礼让有先行权的车子。
4.Confucius said: "If you can govern the country by putting propriety first, what else will you need to do? If you can't govern your country by putting propriety first, how could you even call it propriety?"子曰:「能以礼让为国乎,何有不能以礼让为国,如礼何」
5.7.Yield to pedestrians in crosswalks.7.在行人穿越道上要礼让行人。
6.Step to the downhill side of the trail when encountering pack stock.礼让负重游人,避到下坡侧等待。
7.The basic feature of positive comity is its voluntariness.积极礼让的基本特征是它的自愿性。
8.Singaporeans can show courtesy in the MRT.新加坡人可以在地铁上展示礼让精神。
9.the comity of nations [ states ]国际礼让(指互相尊重对方法律、风俗等)
10.One of the few formalities you may observe is that an honored guest will usually sit to the right of the host or hostess at the dinner table.礼让的情形很少,你所能见到的礼让情形,可能是请吃饭的时候,让贵宾坐在主人或女主人的右面。
11.Let's dispense with the formalities.让我们免去那些礼节吧
12.It was polite of her to offer me her seat.她把座位让给我,真有礼貌。
13.It's very polite of that man to give up his seat to the elderly woman.那人把座位让给了老太太,他真有礼貌。
14.Her father let her select her own birthday present.她的父亲让她自己挑选生日礼品。
15.Before the wedding bride's gentile relatives (to those to the father and his relations) in return for the girl.这种礼物算是被出让的女儿的赎金。
16.It's polite to yield up your seat on the bus to an old lady.在公共汽车上给老妇人让座是礼貌的。
17.Dad,I want to show Daming the present from China.爸爸,我想让大明看看来自中国的礼物。
18.I want to show Daming the present from China.我想让大明看看来自中国的礼物.

comity system礼让制度
3)International comity国际礼让
4)Comity of nations礼让原则
1.Comity of nations, as a centuries-old principle of conflict laws, is the first and foremost principle to resolve the international parallel litigations.礼让原则是解决国际平行诉讼最重要的法律原则之一,该原则不仅要考虑法院地国的利益,还要考虑如何建设解决国际民商事争议的国际制度。
5)positive comity积极礼让
1.And now the positive comity has been arisen.只有在执行反垄断的域外效力影响到国际商业进而可能导致双边冲突时 ,才不得已实行有限的国际礼让 ,并着手尝试积极礼让
6)be considerate to other road-users礼让行车.
