全球性问题,global problems
1)global problems全球性问题
1.Because of the clash of the benefits among countries,it is already impossible for single national government to solve these global problemses,much less INGOs built according to national benefits.随着全球化的迅速发展,带来了诸多的全球性问题
2.Toynbee began to think about the topic of globalization and global problems after World War II, trying to get a penetrating and original answer.在二战以后,汤因比对全球化与全球性问题已开始思考,并且在寻求解答上有深刻性与独创性。
3.Mankind is facing the different global problems in the present age. 当代人类面临种种全球性问题,科技社会效应的两重性空前突出。

1.Global Problems and Global Governance;全球性问题与全球治理的理论与实践
2.Globalization and Global Problems in Toynbee s Vision;汤因比视阈中的全球化与全球性问题
3.The Issues of Globality in the Global Era--Taking the environmental matter as the example;全球化时代的全球性问题——以环境问题为例
4.Globalization and Globality: Differences and Connections;论全球化问题与全球性问题的区别和联系
5.Teenage pregnancy itself has become a global issue.少女怀孕已成为全球性问题
6.On the subject of pollution, it's a global problem.有关污染,这是个全球性问题
7.Global Problems of Contemporary Western Ideology: Philosophical Rethinking;当代西方关于全球性问题的哲理反思
8.Q: Since the drug scourge is a global problem, international cooperation in drug control is of great importance.问:既然毒品问题是一个全球性问题,全球性的禁毒合作就成为题中应有之义。
9.But Climate Change is a global issue.但是气候变化是全球性问题,其弊大于利。
10.This is a problem of the world.这是个全球性的问题。
11.Special Committee on Global Change全球性变化问题特别委员会
12.International Conference on Rural Ageing: "A Global Challenge"农村老龄问题国际会议:“全球性挑战”
13.Air pollution is a global problem.空气污染是全球性的问题。
14.Acid rain is becoming a big problem all over the world today.现在酸雨已成为全球性的问题。
15.Greenhouse gases, for example, are global problems.例如,温室气体排放是个全球性的问题。
16.A Brief Discussion about the Globalization and the Self-consciousness of Ethnic Cultures;试论全球化与族群文化的自主性问题
17.Environmental concerns are both intensely local and completely global.环境问题不仅是非常地域性的,而且完全是全球性的问题。
18.Globalization and Nationality: Analyzing a Crucial Point in the Study of Globalization全球化与民族性——对全球化研究中一个焦点性问题的分析

global problem全球性问题
1.On the other hand, global problems are also becoming more and more obvious.一方面 ,地球上人类的相互交往和相互依存日益紧密 ,另一方面 ,全球性问题也日益凸显。
3)global issue全球性问题
1.As a matter of fact, the anti-economic globalization is not against the economic globalization itself in nature, and it is against the dominance of a few developed capitalist countries and a series of global issues caused by their dominance.目前这一斗争现象呈现出自身特点,其实质并非反对经济全球化本身,而是反对少数发达资本主义国家的主导以及这种主导带来的一系列日益严重的全球性问题,这说明发达国家在主导经济全球化过程中,也将资本主义矛盾扩展到全球并日趋激化。
4)research of global problems全球性问题研究
5)global problem全球问题
1.Economic globalization& global problem& global ethics;经济全球化、全球问题与全球伦理
2.Global process has brought both bright prospect and the world puzzle----“global problem”concerning human’s survival and development to the world people.全球化进程不仅给人类的交往与发展带来了前所未有的美好图景,同时也引发了事关人类生存和发展的世界难题——“全球问题”。
3.Since the Club of Rome put forward this concept of "the global problem" in the seventies of the 20th century, the global problem arouses the attention of academia in many countries.自罗马俱乐部在二十世纪七十年代提出“全球问题”这一概念以来,全球问题就引起各国学术界的关注,学者们从哲学本体论、经济学、政治学、社会学、人类学、未来学、系统论等多种角度对它进行了研究,提出了种种观点和解决方案,同时各国政府和联合国等国际组织也采取了一些确实的步骤来解决日益严峻的全球问题,然而直至今天,全球问题并没有从根本上得到遏止,而且有不断恶化的趋势。
6)global problems全球问题
1.This paper thinks the global problems are referring to the following three factors like: population, natural resources and environments, and also analyzes the causes of their creation.文章认为全球问题可归结为人口、资源、环境三大方面 ,并分析了这些问题出现的原因。
2.General evolution research,based on the new achievements of science in the 20th century,studies the whole process including cosmic evolution,material evolution,living evolution,cultural evolution and social evolution,and discovers the laws in it,with which can guide the evolution of human society——to resolve global problems and avoid ecological catastrophe.广义进化研究是在 2 0世纪科学新成就的基础上研究宇宙进化、物质进化、生命进化、文化进化和社会进化的全过程 ,揭示其中的规律 ,用以指导人类社会的进化———解决全球问题 ,避免生态灾
3.It is the key point to face up to the global problems and set up global view,so that we will have a beautiful home in the future.全球问题,是在世界范围内普遍存在的社会问题。
