德性伦理学,virtue ethics
1)virtue ethics德性伦理学
1.The Manifesto of New-Confucianism and the Revival of Virtue Ethics;新儒学的《宣言》与德性伦理学的复兴
2.In the process of constructing his newly founded virtue ethics, Mackintyre criticized the defects of Aristotles s theory of life unity, and realized that the concepts of "practice" and "inner privilege" he advocated could not fully constitute a self-satiafied ethical system.麦金太尔在构建其新的德性伦理学过程中,批判了亚里士多德人生统一性理论的缺陷,意识到自己提出的"实践"和"内在利益"概念不足以构成一个自足的伦理体系。
3.Michael Slote is contemporary renowned virtue ethics scholar.斯洛特是当代著名德性伦理学家。

1.Aristotle Ethics and Construction of Modern Virtue Ethics亚里士多德伦理学与现代德性伦理学的建构
2.Thomas--A Media Of Transformation From Virtuous Ethics To Normative Ethics托马斯:德性伦理学向规范伦理学转化的中介
3.To Reestablish Virtue Ethics Standpoint of Teleology--An Ethical Study of After Virtue;以目的论的方法重建德性伦理学——《德性之后》伦理学研究
4.The Manifesto of New-Confucianism and the Revival of Virtue Ethics;新儒学的《宣言》与德性伦理学的复兴
5.On the Idea of Life Unity in Macintyre s Virtue Ethics;论麦金太尔德性伦理学中的人生统一性观念
6.The Combination of Virtue Ethics and Institution Ethics in University Moral Education;制度伦理与德性伦理在大学德育中的契合
7.On the Return to Virtue Ethics in Contemporary Bioethics;论当代生命伦理学中的德性伦理的回归
8.Virtue ethics and medical ethics--Taking the heroes who fought against SARS as examples;德性伦理与医学伦理——以抗击SARS的英模为例
9."Promoting Virtue and Respected Knowledge":Traditional Confucian Theory of Knowledge-Ethics;“尊德性而道问学”:传统儒学知识伦理论
10.Kant s Ethics of Transcendentalism in the View of the Problem of Modernity;现代性问题图景中的康德先验伦理学
11.Dispute of Moral Inherence of Human Nature in Vision of Western Ethics西方伦理学视域下道德人性基础之争
12.Ethical Campus:The Important Environment for Students' ethic Development伦理校园:学生德性养成的重要环境
13.On Aristotle s Theory of Happiness--Reread Ethika Nikomokheia;亚里士多德的德性幸福观——再读《尼各马科伦理学》
14.Comprehensibility of virtue and morality of comprehension;德性的可理解性与理解的道德性——伽达默尔诠释学的伦理意蕴
15.The Agreement between Economics and Ethics--The Rationality of Economical Behaviors;经济学与伦理学的契合:经济行为的道德合理性
16.Rational Construction of Ethic Value--Coucurrently on the present development of ethics;道德价值的理性建构——兼论当前伦理学科的发展
17.The Influence of Kanrad Lorenz and His Ethological Theories on Psychology;康拉德·洛伦茨及其习性学对心理学的影响
18.Gender Harmony of Moral Education in the Perspective of Feminist Ethics;女性主义伦理学视野下道德教育的性别和谐

Modern virtue ethics现代德性伦理学
3)virtue ethics德性伦理
1.Virtue ethics and regulation ethics have taken an important role in the life ethics, but the virtue ethics has not been regarded enough, it is important to reconsider the modern value of traditional virtue ethics.在生命伦理领域中,规范伦理与德性伦理都曾发挥重要作用,然而,德性伦理没有受到人们足够的重视,重新厘定传统德性伦理的现代价值显得尤为重要。
2.From the good deeds of the heroes who fought against of SARS, we found that there are some agreements hetween virtue ethics and medical ethics.德性伦理复兴是当代伦理学研究的一个重要方向。
4)ethical virtue伦理德性
1.He made a systematic and penetrative analysis of virtue - its connotation, nature, category, evolution, cultivation and the relationship between ethical virtue and rational virtue etc.德性是亚里士多德伦理学的一个重要概念,在《尼各马科伦理学》、《大伦理学》、《优台谟伦理学》等著作中亚里士多德就德性的内涵、德性的本质、德性的类型、德性的形成、德性的培养、伦理德性和理智德性的相互关系及其具体表现形式等内容进行了系统而深刻的分析,奠定了西方伦理学德性论的理论基础。
2.He maintains moral problems after the manner of the"reason of education",the reason involving feelings and actions and he thinks that the virtue of understanding can offer the right principle for our behavior and contemplate on how to act,while ethical virtue is the feeling s mean and the adequacy in behavior which come from the edification of the customs on the other hand.亚里士多德的德性观坚持了道德的理性本质,反对道德学说中的反理性倾向;主张“教化理性”,即与情感感受、行为相交融的理性,认为在道德上,理智德性表现在它能为行为提供正确的原理,能进行实践的思考、推理、谋划;伦理德性则表现为由风俗熏陶而成的情感的中和和行为的合宜。
5)moral virtue伦理德性
1.It is a practical ability of reason in moral action for its guidence to formation of moral virtue.在亚里士多德的伦理学中,明智作为实践的理性不同于知识等理论理性,它指导伦理德性的形成,是理性在道德活动中实践的能力。
6)school administration virtue ethic学校管理德性伦理
