先秦杂家,Pre-Qin Eclectics
1)Pre-Qin Eclectics先秦杂家
1.The Textual Criticism that Heguanzi Was a Book of the Pre-Qin Eclectics;《鹖冠子》为先秦杂家著作考
2)The Synthetic Demonstration on Pre-Qin Eclectics先秦杂家综论
3)A study on pre-Qin scholars and Philosophers先秦杂家的特征
4)Pre-Qin Confucianism先秦儒家
1.The Ecological Value of People-first Thought in Pre-Qin Confucianism;先秦儒家民本思想的生态学价值
2.Analysics on "self-cultivation by music" in Pre-Qin Confucianism s theory of music;先秦儒家“以乐修身”思想论析
3.The Big Ethics Meanings of "Father and Son Conceal Misconduct Mutually " in the Pre-Qin Confucianism;先秦儒家思想中“父子相隐”的伦理大义

1.From the Pre-Qin s musical instrument inscriptions to see the changes of the Confucian music theory;从先秦乐器铭文看先秦儒家乐论之嬗变
2.Thought of harmony in the classical Confucianism--Taking family as a starting point;先秦儒家的和谐思想——以“家”为出发点
3.The Modern Value of the Theory on Human Nature between Pre-Qin Confucianism and Legalist School;先秦儒家与法家人性学说的当代价值
4.On the Natural and Historical Concept of Confucianism and Taoism Before Qin Dynasty;论先秦儒家与道家的自然观及历史观
5.Confucianism: Li and Institute--Comment on the Gain and Heredity of " Li" of the Xian - qin Confucianists;儒:礼与制度——兼论先秦儒家“礼”的获得与承传
6.Self-construction: Confucian Theory of Self"自我"的建构:先秦儒家的自我理论
7.On Position & Function of Propriety of Confucianism in Pre-Qin Dynasty论礼在先秦儒家思想中的地位和作用
8.Research on the Enlightenment of Early Ch in Dynasty Confucian Philosophy to the Modern News Dissemination;先秦儒家哲学对现代新闻传播的启示
9.Ecological Thought of Early Confucian and Its Relationship with the Thought of Sheng;先秦儒家生态思想及其与“生”之关系
10.Confucian Education Thoughts before Qin Dynasty and Its Modern Value Research;先秦儒家教育思想及其现代价值研究
11.On the Pre-Qin Confucian Life Concept about the Valuing both Life and Death;论先秦儒家贵“生”重“死”的生命观
12.The Research on Harmonious Idea of Pre-qin Confucianism and Its Modern Significance;先秦儒家和谐思想及其现实意义研究
13.Confucian Political Ethic Thoughts before Qing Dynasty and Contemporary Integration;先秦儒家政治伦理思想及其当代整合
14.An Analysis of Pre-Qin Confucian "Theory of Reason"--Taking Confucian Benevolence for Example;先秦儒家“情理论”探析——以孔子“仁”为例
15.Pre-Qin Confucians Eco-aesthetics View and Constitution Situation;先秦儒家的生态美学观及其构成态势
16.Discussing the Problem of Learning Happiness--The Study Principle of Confucianism in Pre-Qin Dynasty;学习快乐论——先秦儒家的学习理念
17.About the Pre-confucian Concept of Heaven Ecological Ethics Thought;先秦儒家天人观的生态伦理思想探微
18.On the Confucian Culture of Class Difference and Class Harmony in the Pre-Qin Dynasty and its Contribution to the Construction of Literature and Art System;先秦儒家礼乐文化对文艺制度的建构

The Synthetic Demonstration on Pre-Qin Eclectics先秦杂家综论
3)A study on pre-Qin scholars and Philosophers先秦杂家的特征
4)Pre-Qin Confucianism先秦儒家
1.The Ecological Value of People-first Thought in Pre-Qin Confucianism;先秦儒家民本思想的生态学价值
2.Analysics on "self-cultivation by music" in Pre-Qin Confucianism s theory of music;先秦儒家“以乐修身”思想论析
3.The Big Ethics Meanings of "Father and Son Conceal Misconduct Mutually " in the Pre-Qin Confucianism;先秦儒家思想中“父子相隐”的伦理大义
5)Pre-Qin Confucian先秦儒家
1.Brief Analysis of the Theoretical Foundation of the Pre-Qin Confucian Thinking of the Character Education;先秦儒家人格教育思想的理论基础论略
2.Perspective of Pre-Qin Confucian Ideal Personality Thought;先秦儒家理想人格思想之透视
3.The Theoretic and Practical Importance of Pre-Qin Confucian Integrity in the Management of Modern Commercial Bank;先秦儒家诚信思想在现代商业银行管理中的理论价值及实践价值
6)Pre-Qin Confucians先秦儒家
1.Pre-Qin Confucians Eco-aesthetics View and Constitution Situation;先秦儒家的生态美学观及其构成态势
2.The Influence of the Thought of Religious Authority on the Legal Thought of Pre-Qin Confucians;论神权法思想对先秦儒家法律思想的影响
