普遍正义,universal justice
1)universal justice普遍正义

1.Balance of Conflict between General Justiceand Specific Justice by Law;普遍正义与个别正义冲突的法律衡平
2.On Aristotle s Discrimination Between Universal Justice and Particular Justice;论亚里士多德对普遍正义与特殊正义的区分
3.Is Natural Law on the Wane?;自然法隐退了吗?——反思法律-政治中的普遍正义空间
4.How the Universal Justice is Possible? --Plato s Theory of Justice and its Elucidatio;普遍的正义如何可能——柏拉图正义论及发微
5.From Universal Humanity to Universal Social Structure:A Study of Rawls' Justice Theory从普遍人性到普遍社会结构——罗尔斯正义理论探析
6.universalism-internationalism school普遍主义-国际主义学派
7.The idea basic of national state in Deng Zhenglai's book can not resist universalism.而邓正来在书中所体现出来的国别主义则无法对抗普遍主义。
8.From Universalism、Relativism to Caltural Holism--The"syllogism"of the Development of Musical Anthroplogy;从普遍主义、相对主义到文化全元论——音乐人类学发展的“正、反、合”
9.It is revisionism to negate the basic principles of Marxism and to negate its universal truth.否定马克思主义的基本原则,否定马克思主义的普遍真理,这就是修正主义。
10.On the Substitution and Overstep of Liberal Universalism for Christian Universalism论自由主义普遍主义对基督教普遍主义的替代与超越
11.The Philosophical Feature of Confucianism and Its Position in the Inter-Cultural Dialogue--Universalism or Non-Universalism;儒家哲理特征与文化间对话——普遍主义还是非普遍主义
12.Conformity to prevailing standards of propriety or modesty.正派符合体面或得体的普遍标准
13.Vacuum cleaners are in common use.真空吸尘器正被普遍使用。
14.In other words, quasars were more common in the past because mergers were much more common then.换句话说,过去类星体比较普遍,正是因为合并过程在以前比较普遍。
15.Generally, Singaporeans are kiasu -- they fear to lose out.就新加坡人普遍存在的怕输心理,运用得当就是正的一面,大于负的一面的褒义词。
16.No: few rights are truly universal, and letting them multiply weakens them.不——鲜有权利具备真正的普遍适用性,人们享有的权利名头越多,就越会弱化这些权利的意义。
17.Sociological Deconstruction of the Belief in Scientific Universality: Feyerabend s Critical Philosophy of Universalism;科学普遍性信仰的社会学解构——费耶阿本德对普遍主义的批判
18.On the Meanings and Limitations of Habermas Principle of Universal Morality;普遍性的寻求——哈贝马斯普遍性道德原则的意义与局限

universal economic justice普遍经济正义
3)universal significance普遍意义
1.This article talks about the successful experience in cost managment of Handan steels works,discusses its universal significance,and elaborates the ways in enhancing cost management from five respects.本文从邯钢成本管理的成功经验谈起 ,论述了它的普遍意义 ,同时从五个方面阐述了强化建设企业成本管理的途
1.Globalization and Pluralism --Considerations on the debate on cultural universalism and cultural particularism;全球化与多元化——关于文化普遍主义与文化特殊主义之争的思考
2.The Impact of Cultural Dimension Universalism vs. Particularism on Ethical Decision-Making in Marketing;文化维度“普遍主义与特殊主义”对营销伦理决策的影响
5)obligations erga omnes普遍义务
1.The common interest of international community is the legal basement of obligations erga omnes.普遍义务的出现以"二战"后人权国际化和普遍化为背景,是绝对的义务,在国际义务中居于较高层次。
6)universal seme普遍语义
