乐文化,Music culture
1)Music culture乐文化

1.Musical Culture of Southeast Asia: Instruments and their Functions in Instrumental Ensemble;东南亚音乐文化:器乐重奏中的乐器和乐器功能
2.The cultural perspective for musicology--A review of the fifteen years study in Guangdong;音乐学的文化学视野——音乐文化学岭南15年概览
3.Overseas Chinese Music, A Result of the Fusion of Multiple Musical Cultures多元音乐文化的融合——海外华人音乐
4.The Studies of the Interaction between Music Education and Soical Music Culture;音乐教育与社会音乐文化的互动研究
5.New Trends in Ethnomusicology:Diaspora Musical Cultures;音乐人类学新研究:“离散”音乐文化
6.Thinking on Today s Entertainment Culture: Entertainment is Myths or Shell;娱乐 神话 空壳——对当今娱乐文化的思考
7.Music Education at Schools and the Succession of Folk Musical Culture;学校音乐教育与民族音乐文化的传承
8.New Folk Music--the Modern Expression of Chinese Traditional Music Culture;新民乐——中国传统音乐文化的现代表达
9.A Study of the Advanced Requirement for Music Education & Music Culture;论音乐教育与音乐文化的先进性要求
10.Palace Musical Culture in the Liang Dynasty and YueFu New Song萧梁宫廷音乐文化与乐府新声的创作
12.A Research on the Musical and Cultural Styles of Huizhou Folk Wind and Percussion Music徽州民间鼓吹乐的音乐文化风格探析
13.Research on the Music Cultural Style of Huizhou Folk Wind Music徽州民间吹打乐的音乐文化风格探析
14.Transmission of National Music Culture in Teachers' College's Music Education高师音乐教育中民族音乐文化的传承
15.Da-Siyue and Shi-Bao--One of identifying Yue-Guan cultural sources;大司乐与师保——《周礼》乐官与先秦乐文化源流考述
16.The Ritual and Music Culture of Ancient China and Its Harmonious Cultural Resources;和谐文化资源中的中国古代礼乐文化
17.The Original Relationship between the Central Plains Culture and Music Culture of Fan Yao番瑶音乐文化与中原文化的渊源关系
18.The relationship between Hunan forest culture and Huxiang music culture湖南森林文化与湖湘音乐文化的关系

cultural entertainment文化娱乐
1.With the poor condition problem of spare time life and cultural entertainment for peasant workers,the design research a kind of mobile space of cultural entertainment to create a good living,entertainment,study and hygienic condition.设计针对现有农民工业余生活及文化娱乐状况差的问题,探索一种可移动的文化娱乐空间,从而为他们创造良好的生活、娱乐、学习及卫生条件。
3)Musical culture音乐文化
1.The Influence of ethnical musical culture on the Drama of Yuan Dynasty;论北方少数民族音乐文化对元杂剧的影响
2.There are abundant musical culture resources in our country,but the research of musical culture in the field of tourism development is still a blind spot.中国有着丰富多彩的音乐文化资源,但在旅游研究领域,对于音乐文化资源的旅游开发研究还是一个盲点。
3.The book was created in the period of the Eastern Han Dynasty when the musical culture began to be popularized among the masses and .《琴操》一书产生于东汉音乐文化下移、琴的地位得到提升的历史背景下,是蔡邕本人的音乐天赋、儒道兼修的思想及传奇经历双重作用下的产物,其成书大致在蔡邕流放吴会的十二年间(179~190年)。
4)music culture音乐文化
1.The human field of vision of music culture——Poverty of “European music central theory”;音乐文化的人类学视野——“欧洲音乐中心论”的贫困
2.The thoughts of the relationship between the education of music culture and the society;对音乐文化教育与社会之间关系的思考
3.The Civil Character and Historical Orientation of the Dynasty of Nan Song Music Culture;论南宋音乐文化的世俗化特征及其历史定位
5)entertainment culture娱乐文化
1.Through exploring the means of sports leisure and entertainment activities in Song dynasty,this article demonstrates the diverse sports leisure activities of Song Dynasty,which exist in various forms like "Washe" activities,"Guild" associations,water entertainments and folk activities and create a unique sports leisure and entertainment culture.通过对宋代体育休闲娱乐活动形式的挖掘,发现宋代体育休闲活动内容精彩纷呈,并以"瓦舍"活动、"会社"组织、水上娱乐、民俗活动等多种形式存在,创造了独具特色的体育休闲娱乐文化
2.Through studying the development of entertainment culture,we can see three new changes exit in Chinese entertainment culture,which are from sin to impeccability,from intellectual to populace,and from politicalization to commerce.娱乐文化已成为当下社会一个不可轻视,也不可忽视的文化现象。
3., entertainment culture.娱乐起源于社会实践,在与其他社会因素的交互作用中不断发展完善,形成一种文化现象,即娱乐文化
6)Kele Culture可乐文化
1.Yelang,Kele Culture and Yi Minority Ancestor;夜郎、可乐文化与彝族古代先民
