价值伦理学,value ethics
1)value ethics价值伦理学

1.The transcendental essence and the moral value--The understanding of Scheler s intrinsic value ethics;先验实质与道德价值——舍勒实质价值伦理学解读
2.Public ad ministration places the value of service at a core position. The value of servic e is subject to the category of the value of ethics and contains scientific cont ents.服务价值属于伦理价值 ,是包含着科学内容的伦理价值。
3.The Ethical Value of Single-disease Entity Expenditure-control in Hospital;论医院实行单病种限价的伦理学价值
4.The Value and Characteristics of Case Teaching in the Medical Ethics;《医学伦理学》案例教学的价值及特点
5.Methodological Revelation and Ethical Significance of Evidence-based Medicine循证医学的方法学启示和伦理学价值
6.On Ethical Value of the Frankfurt School s Ethical Ideology on Nature;论法兰克福学派自然伦理观的伦理价值
7.Natural value is the theoretical fulcrum of environmental ethics.自然价值是环境伦理学的理论支点。
8.A Study on the Ethical Values of Foreign Literature in Chinese Textbooks;语文教材外国文学作品伦理价值研究
9.The Individual Ethics and Value in Late Greek Philosophy;试论晚期希腊哲学的个人伦理价值观
10.Axiology and Ethics:The Past,the Present and the Future;价值论与伦理学:过去、现在与未来
12.Scheler's Phenomenological Axiology and Ethical Relativism舍勒的现象学价值论与伦理相对主义
13.New Century s Value Balance --Some Philosphical Considerations on the Conflict Between Function Value and Ethical Value;新世纪的价值天平──关于功利价值与伦理价值冲突的哲学思考
14.Nature Value over Humanity Value in Three Aspects--the Value Basis of Environmental Ethics天道价值对人道价值的三重超越——论环境伦理学的价值论转向
15.Descriptive Ethics in the Perspective View of the Relationship between Fact and Value --On the problem and perspective view of descriptive ethics事实与价值关系视域下的描述伦理学——描述伦理学的问题及其视域
16.Plato s Thoughts of Scientific and Techonological Rational Ethics and It s Temporory Value;柏拉图科学技术理性伦理思想及其当代价值
17.Rational Construction of Ethic Value--Coucurrently on the present development of ethics;道德价值的理性建构——兼论当前伦理学科的发展
18.The Doctrine of "Tiantao" and "Xing-Ming" of Neo-Confucianism in Song and Ming Dynasties and its Ethical Value宋明理学中的天道性命之说及其伦理价值

ethical value伦理价值
1.Virtues of Advertising——On the Ethical Value of Public Service Ads;广告的德行——论公益广告的伦理价值
2.Perspective on the Ethical Value of Leisure Sport休闲体育的伦理价值审视
3.As an important object of study in economic ethics, the ethical values of efficiency have been ignored both in economics and in ethics.作为经济伦理重要的研究对象,效率的伦理价值为经济学和伦理学共同忽视了。
3)ethical values伦理价值
1.On Bian Que's Medical Ethics Thought and its Ethical Values扁鹊的医德思想及其伦理价值
2.An understanding of ethical values in the high technology industry affects the speed and the prospect of high technology industry development, and also relates the direction of Chinese development in 21st century.如何认识高新技术产业蕴涵的伦理价值 ,认识的程度如何 ,关乎着高新技术产业化的进展速度和发展前景 ,也关系到 2 1世纪中华民族的发展方向。
4)Ethics value伦理价值
1.The library ethics value is the activity sense of worth,ethics consciousness,objective of ethics value and ethice ideal from library and information service.图书馆伦理价值是图书馆在文献信息服务活动中所形成的具有共识性的价值观和伦理意识、伦理价值目标和伦理理想,它是图书馆员职业行为的原则立场和根本态度。
2.Priority alignment of ethics value of professional social work should be the principle of protecting life, the principle of creating equal chance, the principle of deciding by oneself, the principle of.专业社会工作要实现其专业助人的使命,除了要具备一套完善的、成熟的专业方法和专业技巧,还必须形成一个较完备的、可操作的、能督导和考量的伦理价值序列。
5)value and ethics价值伦理
1.At present some lost of value and ethics appear in the administration of our country.现阶段在我国行政管理中出现了一些价值伦理失范问题,行政管理体制的弊端、行政内部环境的腐败、管理者职业道德的缺失、督政制度的不完善等是导致此类问题的重要原因。
6)ethic value伦理价值
1.He believed that good music could reshape people s souls and cultivate virtues such as reason,passion,self-control and righteousness,thus having ethic value.柏拉图把音乐对心灵的净化与他伦理意义上最高的“善”理念和建立理想国的政治理想紧密结合,认为好的音乐可以塑造人的灵魂,培养人的理智、激情、节制和正义等美德,从而凸显了音乐的伦理价值,揭示了音乐所蕴含的深层文化心理结构。
2.There are great differences in ethic connotation?ethic value and ethic aims between western religious ethics and Confucian political ethics.西方宗教伦理与儒家政治伦理价值观的差异体现在:西方宗教伦理以关心人类个体生命和生命意义为目标,具有人性化的色彩;儒家政治伦理讲求“内圣外王”,突显个体应负有的道德责任和历史使命。
3.It contains the ideas ethic value,and directs people s ethic value.课程是一种教育学化了的文化,它具有伦理价值的内容,并且它具有伦理价值导向的作用。
