中华民族传统美德,Chinese traditional virtue
1)Chinese traditional virtue中华民族传统美德
1.Chinese traditional virtue integrated in socialist market economy should be fully applied to the work of enterprise public relations in crises whose philosophy of bearing oneself may give enlightenment to these enterprises.在企业开展危机公关中,应充分应用融合于社会主义市场经济中的中华民族传统美德,使其所蕴含的为人处事的哲理为企业的危机公关工作提供启迪。

1.Studying the Earlier Chinese Traditional Virtue From the Legend of Emperor Yan从炎帝传说研究早期中华民族传统美德
2.The Application of Chinese Traditional Virtue in the Work of Enterprise Public Relations in Crises中华民族传统美德在企业危机公关中的应用
3.On Traditional Chinese Virtues Education in English Teaching在英语教学中渗透中华民族传统美德教育
4.On Foothold and Goal Orientation of Traditional Virtue Education of Chinese Nation;中华民族传统美德教育的立足点和目标取向
5.To set an example of filial respecting the olds and loving relatives,advertising Chinese traditional high virtues;以孝老爱亲模范为榜样弘扬中华民族传统美德
6.The Significance of Chinese Traditional Virtues on Building Modern Harmonious Family中华民族传统美德对现代和谐家庭建设的意义
7.On the Scientific Connotation of the Chinese Traditional Virtues and Inheritance and Promotion论中华民族传统美德的科学内涵与弘扬、提升
8.The Sense of Moral Education of Chinese Nation;为有活水源头来——对中华民族传统美德教育的深情呼唤
9.Enhancing the Traditional Virtues of the Chinese Nation and Accelerating the Construction of Socialist Spiritual Civilization;弘扬中华民族传统美德 加快社会主义精神文明建设
10.To be modest is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation谦虚是中华民族的传统美德
11.To help the weak is a traditional virtue of Chinese people.帮助有难者是中华民族的传统美德。
12.Traditional Virtues of the Chinese People and Their Present Significance略论中华民族的传统美德及其当代意义
13.Traditional Virtues of the Chinese Nation and Improving the Ideologicgl and Ethical Quality;简论中华民族优秀传统美德与精神文明建设
14.Carrying Forward the Traditional Virtues of Chinese Nation Energetically;弘扬中华民族的传统美德 建设社会主义道德体系
15.The Aesthetic Characteristics of the Traditional Chinese Clothing Culture论中华民族传统服饰文化的审美特质
16.Fine Moral Traditions of the Chinese Nation and the College Students Network Moral Education;中华民族优良道德传统与大学生网络道德教育
17.Significance of Chinese Traditional Virtues in the Moral Construction of Modern Citizens;中华传统美德对于当代公民道德建设的意义
18.Creditability is the fundamental content in Chinese citizens' ethical education.诚信是中华民族传统道德中的重要组成部分。

fine moral traditions of the Chinese nation中华民族优良道德传统
3)traditional excellent morality民族传统美德
4)Chinese traditional virtues中华传统美德
1.The Chinese traditional virtue is an important component of the Chinese traditional culture and it is a rich nutrition for the construction of the harmonious socialist society,to which,developing and expanding Chinese traditional virtues possesses great importance.中华传统美德是中国传统文化的重要组成部分,是构建社会主义和谐社会的重要思想养分,弘扬中华民族优秀传统美德,对于社会主义和谐社会建设,具有十分重要的作用。
5)Chinese traditional virtue中华传统美德
1.On the basis of questionnaire survey, the paper describes the present situation of Chinese traditional virtue of university students in Shanxi; and expounds the significance of education from different angles.本文在问卷调查的基础上,以对山西高校中华传统美德教育的认识为切入点,从弘扬民族精神,培育“四有新人”,树立正确人生观、价值观、道德观等角度论述了对当代大学生进行中华传统美德教育的重要意义,并在此基础上提出了对大学生进行传统美德教育的有效方法,即“家庭—学校—社会”形成教育合力,实现大学生传统美德的教育和养成。
6)Chinese traditional sports中华民族传统体育
1.On Chinese traditional sports modernization;“中华民族传统体育现代化”辨析
2.Tracing sports traditions——Also a study of the modernization of Chinese traditional sports;追问体育元典——兼论中华民族传统体育的现代化
3.With the background of globalization,Chinese traditional sports are confronted with integrative threats,but from the other angle of view,globalization has global pluralistic cultura中华民族传统体育在全球化背景下面临着一体化的威胁,同时我们也应该看到全球化的另一个侧面,这就是全球化的文化多元性。

北京中华民族园北京中华民族园,是集中国少数民族的传统建筑、民族风情,歌舞表演,工艺制作以及民族美食为一体的大型民族文化园地。 全园占地45公顷,分南北两园,北园已建成开放,占地20公顷。北园内建有民族村寨十六个,包括藏族、苗族、彝族、侗族、台湾高山族,朝鲜族、布依族、哈尼族、羌族,傣族,景颇族、达斡尔族、鄂温克族、鄂伦春族、赫哲族等景区。园内建有国内最大伯铸铁雕塑以及仿真的热带榕树林、水中溶洞,土林、盘龙瀑布,沧源岩画、阿里山神木等。南园正在建设中,主要有民族博物馆和雕塑广场等大型设施,以及二十余个民族村寨。全部建筑均采用1比1的比例,真实再现各个民族的文化遗存。游人在参观民族村寨时,还可欣赏和参与各民族的歌舞、节庆、生产、习俗。竞技和技艺等表演活动,从而获得中华民族独具特色的文化艺术享受。地址:国家奥林匹克体育中心西侧