藏族装饰,Tibetan decoration
1)Tibetan decoration藏族装饰
1.The essay, by analysis of the Tibetan decoration patterns design, gives a give an account ofgive an account ofbrief account of the following: the survival of Bon religion s views; the representation of the Buddhist Arts; the reference to Han culture; the representation of the Indian Folk tales.文章通过对藏族装饰纹样的分析,以苯教思想的延续,佛教艺术的表现,汉文化的借鉴及印度民间故事的表现等进行简单的分类,并进一步透析其反映出来的审美模式及情感的表达。
2.Tibetan decoration,as an important part of the Tibetan culture,shows the Tibetan ecological ethic natural adoration in different ways.在这种观念下,产生了对自然的敬畏和崇敬,这具体体现在对各种自然神灵的崇拜,而藏族装饰作为藏族文化艺术的重要组成部分以各种形式表现了这种藏族生态伦理的自然崇拜。

1.The Aesthetic Characteristics and Cultural Connotation of Tibetan Decorative Patterns;藏族装饰图案的审美特征及文化内涵
2.Research on the Decoration of Tibetan Residential Building under the Influence of Tibetan Buddhism in the Northwest Yunnan;滇西北藏传佛教影响下的藏族民居装饰研究
3.Stepping into the shop, you would feel as if to be in a world of Tibet arts.商场汇集了各式藏工艺品、药、装服饰、民族食品等。
4.Comparative Study on Indoor Space and Decoration Characteristics of Qiang and Tibetan Stone House in Aba Autonomous Prefecture of Sichuan;四川阿坝州羌族藏族石砌民居室内空间与装饰特色的研究
5.Research on Decoration Design of Tibetan Buddhism Architecture within Tibet;西藏地区藏传佛教建筑装饰设计初探
6.On the cultural psychology of nationality implied by Qinghai s Tibetan dressing;浅谈青海藏族服饰蕴藏的民族文化心理
7.ornamental article of bone for interior decoration (excl. collectors' pieces and antiques)骨制装饰品,用于室内装饰(不包括收藏品和古董)
8.As an important constituent element of Tibetan adornment culture, Tibetan headwears are culturally rich and varied.藏族头饰文化丰富多姿,是藏族服饰文化的重要组成部分。
9.Preliminarily on Zhouqu Tibetan Costumes--The Primary Discussion about the Classification and Its Cultural Connotation of Zhouqu Tibetan Costumes.;舟曲藏族服饰初探——浅议舟曲藏族服饰的分类及其文化内涵
10.Analysis of the Decoration Connotation of the Ritual Implement and Dress Adornment of Qiang Minority;羌族释比法器和服饰的装饰内涵分析
11.Judging from his dress, he's probably a Tibetan.看他的装束,可能是藏族。
12.Something, such as darkness, that screens, conceals, or disguises.掩饰物掩盖、隐藏或伪装的事物,如黑暗
13.Collect Russia Imperial and French decorative arts.收藏俄罗斯帝国和法国的装饰艺术品。
14.ornamental article of horn or coral, for interior decoration (excl. collectors' pieces and antiques)角或珊瑚制装饰品,用于室内装饰(不包括收藏品和古董)
15.ornamental article of amber for interior decoration (excl. collectors' pieces and antiques)琥珀制装饰品,用于室内装饰(不包括收藏品和古董)
16.ornamental article of tortoiseshell for interior decoration (excl. collectors' pieces and antiques)龟甲制装饰品,用于室内装饰(不包括收藏品和古董)
17.ornamental article of ivory for interior decoration (excl. collectors' pieces and antiques)象牙制装饰品,用于室内装饰(不包括收藏品和古董)
18.ornamental article of mother-or-pearl, for interior decoration (excl. collector' pieces and antiques)珍珠母制装饰品,用于室内装饰(不包括收藏品和古董)

Tibetan decorative patterns藏族装饰图案
1.Tibetan decorative patterns are a richly historied art.藏族装饰图案艺术历史悠久,题材丰富,造型独特,具有鲜明的民族特色和地域文化特征,是藏族人民艺术思维和审美体验的物化形式。
3)Tibetan jewelry藏族首饰
1.The Tibetan jewelry is always magic to us.藏族首饰一直给人一种神秘感。
4)Tibetan headwears藏族头饰
1.As an important constituent element of Tibetan adornment culture,Tibetan headwears are culturally rich and varied.藏族头饰文化丰富多姿,是藏族服饰文化的重要组成部分。
5)Tibetan Costume and Ornaments藏族服饰
1.In the first parts the status andculture worth of Tibetan Costume and Ornaments is discussed .第一部分阐述了藏族服饰的地位和文化价值,包括臧族服饰的概况及其文化模式、藏族服饰文化形成与发展的基本规律以及民族服饰文化的继承与弘扬。
6)raiment of the Tibetan and Qiang nationalities藏羌民族服饰
