道德终极标准,ultimate standard of morality
1)ultimate standard of morality道德终极标准
1.The ultimate standard of morality is a system made up of several standards,including one general standard and two specific standards.道德终极标准是由若干标准构成的道德标准体系:一个总标准和两个分标准。

1.Several Issues on the Practical Application of Ultimate Moral Norms;关于道德终极标准具体运用的几个问题
2.without moral standards or principles.没有道德标准或法则的。
3.His moral standards have been called into question.他的道德标准令人生疑.
4.the quality of conforming to standards of propriety and morality.行为得当,符合道德标准。
5.I respected their moral standards.我尊重他们的道德标准。
6.Having no moral or ethical standards; lacking a moral sense.无道德的无道德或伦理标准的;缺乏道德感的
7.Morality as Noble as Valley and Water--Ethical Standard of “Classic of the Virtue”of Laozi;上德若谷 上善若水——老子《道德经》之道德修养标准
8.conduct of business standards业务操守准则,商业道德标准
9.Man as the Ultimate End of Moral Education--The Contemporary Value of Kant’s Idea on Moral Philosophy;人是道德教化的终极目的——康德道德教育思想的当代价值
10.Study the morality of the action using two criteria:用两个标准研究目标行为是否道德:
11.These things pay off-good taste, a high standard of ethics, an attitude of public.高雅的品位,崇高的道德标准,向社会大众负责以及不施压力威胁的态度-这些都会让你终有所获。
12.Moral principle, which is not only the ultimate foundation of the drafting of law but also the highest standard of appraising the stand or fall of law, is the matter of natural law.自然法实质是道德法则,它不仅是法律制定的最终依据,而且是评价法律好坏的最高标准。
13.Efficiency is not an ultimate standard by which an economic system should be judged.效率并不是用来判断一个经济制度的终极标准。
14.Can the Standard of Productivity Be Used Directly as the Moral Standard?;生产力标准能够直接作为道德评价标准吗?
15.The electrical isolation of cathodic protected pipelines阴极保护管道的电绝缘标准
16.From "the Moral Act" to "the Hypo-Moral Act "--the Forfeiture of the Ideal of the Moral Standards;从“道德容许行为”到“次道德”——道德评价标准理想性的丧失
17.So it is lopsided to use only productive forces as the criterion and it should be combined with man's nature and development.以偏概全,用伦理道德标准代替人的标准;用不属于人的标准的其他标准代替人的标准;
18.an ethical or moral code that applies more strictly to one group than to another.对某群人比较严格的一种道德标准。

ultimate standard终极标准
3)ethic origin and final goal道德起源与终极目标
4)moral standard道德标准
1.In spite of many moral benefits,moral degradation still exists and tend to prevail due to the miss and under constructed moral standards of the media.本文就道德功能的强化、道德标准的缺失和道德标准的构建作了论述。
2.The war fictions in ancient China, which are symbolized by “Three Kingdoms and The Outlaws of the Marshland”, didn t just worship the wisdom and strength of the heroes, but paid more attention to the ethical moral standards.以《三国演义》、《水浒传》为代表的中国古代战争小说对于英雄的崇拜不仅仅是崇智和崇力 ,更注重英雄的伦理道德标准。
3.At the same time,after getting rid of the ration,persons who are in the deep crisis have lost the objective, impersonal moral standard. 当代人类的道德实践处于深刻的危机中,摆脱了理性的人同时也丧失了传统德性的根基,丧失了客观的、非个人的道德标准。
5)moral standards道德标准
1.To set educational moral standards is the principal task of education.确立教育的道德标准,落实教育的道德性,是教育的本真归宿。
2.Marketing morality is the combination of moral standards and conduct codes in terms of which marketing is judged.市场营销道德是用来判定市场营销活动正确与否的道德标准和行为规范的总和。

德国国家标准(见德国标准化学会、德国标准体系)德国国家标准(见德国标准化学会、德国标准体系)National Standards of Germany: see Deutsches Institut für Normung, DIN;standards system of Germany  Oeguo Guol心日icozhun德国国家标准(Natio.吐S加Ln山切曲of Gen”旧ny)见德国标准化学会;德国标准体系。