行政道德责任,administrative moral responsibility
1)administrative moral responsibility行政道德责任
1.In the market economy, a turning point of the society, the lag of consciousness on administrative moral responsibility brings severe corruption and a challenge on the government’s public credit.市场经济条件下,社会处于变型转轨时期,行政道德责任意识滞后,权力腐败丛生,政府公信力面临严峻挑战。

1.A Study on the Construction of Government s Public Credit Based on Administrative Moral Responsibility;基于行政道德责任的政府公信力建设研究
2.Moral Quality and System Justice:The Basis and Insurance of Moral Responsibility of Administrators;实现行政道德责任的道德人格性依据及制度正义原则的建构
3.The Integration Of Technical And Moral Responsibility In The Administrative Esponsbility;论技术责任与道德责任在行政责任中的统一性
4.The Evolutive of Administration Model and the Moral Duty of the Administrative Staff;行政模式的转型与行政人员的道德责任
5.Moral and Duty of Administrative Subject in the Perspective of Administrative Ethics;行政伦理视角下行政人的道德与职责
6.To Institutionalize the Administrative Ethics and Morality: The Inevitable Way to Realize the Role and Obligation of Civil Servant;行政伦理道德制度化:公务员角色和责任实现的必然
7.Intension, Characteristic and Value Orientation of Government s Moral Responsibility;政府道德责任的内涵、特征及价值取向
8.the moral principle that behavior should be determined by duty.责任决定行为的道德准则。
9.Research on the Responsibility and Moral Cost of Rule of Law in the Highway --On the Problem of Moral Cost in Governing Highway by Law;法治公路的责任及道德成本研究——兼论公路行政执法中的道德成本问题
10.On Political and Moral Responsibility of Township-Level Government in the Process of Villagers Autonomy;村民自治进程中乡镇政府的政治与道德责任
11.Analysis of Internal Sequence of Government Responsibility for Social Morality政府承担社会道德责任的内在序列分析
12.Moral Responsibility in a Determined World先定世界中的道德责任
13.Accounting Ethics and Responsibilities会计职业道德与责任
14.A Business s Social Liabilities--Legal or Moral?;公司的社会责任——法律责任抑或道德责任
15.(Thus the first proposition of morality is that to have moral worth an action must be done from duty. )(道德的第一个命题是,行动必须出于责任才具有道德的价值。)
16.Action Proceeded from the Duty Has the Moral Worth--On the Subjective Basis of Moral Action of Kant’s Moral Philosophy;出于责任的行为才具有道德价值——康德道德哲学中道德行为的主观根据
17.The Requirements for Moral Responsibility: A Critical Analysis of Two Types of Moral Responsibility Ascription Theory in the West;道德责任的负责和免责条件——评当代西方两种道德责任归因理论
18.Asymmetric Information,Moral Risk,and Assuming Moral Responsibility;信息不对称、道德风险与承担道德责任

the moral responsibility of the government政府道德责任
3)Moral responsibilities道德责任
1.Although there are many accuses for the government when it is making decisions or taking actions,it should shoulder all the necessary moral responsibilities due to the necessity to construct good social orders,promote social development and regulate the behavior of the government.现代社会对政府提出的挑战与政府的道德责任问题相关。
2.In the process of forming the harmonious socialist society,the state-owned enterprises have to play the dual economic roles of the society, and they have to bear the dual social moral responsibilities.在构建社会主义和谐社会的进程中,国有企业担当着双重的社会经济角色,处于两难的道德境地,需要承担双重的社会道德责任:一方面要履行市场主体应有的责任,按市场准则经营追逐企业经营利润,实现企业最终的经营目的,另一方面,其经营行为要保证社会经济秩序的稳定,坚持集体主义道德原则,实现对国民经济的战略控制。
4)moral responsibility道德责任
1.Teacher must perform the moral responsibility of personal demonstration;教师必须履行人格示范的道德责任
2.On the Moral Responsibility of Public Administration Officials;论公共行政人员的道德责任
5)moral duty道德责任
1.It expounds the difference between its legal responsibility and moral duty and explains corporate social responsibility resulting from the legal regulation of the behalf system and the relation and change between personnal primasy and social primasy from the jurisprudence point of view.公司社会责任是一个有争议性的问题,本文正是从法理学的角度论述公司社会责任,即公司社会责任所涉及的法律责任与道德责任的区别、公司社会责任是法对利益机制调整的结果及法学理念“个人本位”和“社会本位”的变化。
2.At present,moral duty in the scientific research work has received more and more attention.目前,科研道德责任在科研工作中愈来愈受到人们的关注。
3.It is probable that the middle class concept of moral duty and its value-orientation will change China s social structure and.随着小康社会的最终形成和社会转型的实现,我国未来社会的主流阶层———中产阶级将迅速发展、壮大,他们将在我国现代化建设中发挥中流砥柱的作用,他们的道德责任观和道德取向也会改变我国的社会结构和社会历史进程。
6)duty moral责任道德

道德责任  人们在一定的社会关系中所应该选择的道德行为和对社会或他人所承担的道德义务。    在人类的道德生活中,道德义务是指一定经济关系所产生的道德要求。这种要求既表现在人们相互间的各种关系中,也表现在个人对民族、国家、阶级或团体的关系中。一定社会或阶级,为了一定的利益和需要,总是向社会成员提出和规定各方面的道德责任,用以调整人和人之间的道德关系。不管人们是否意识到,客观上都必然要求每个人履行他对社会、国家和他人所应负的道德责任。对社会每个成员来说,在一般正常情况下,主观上都要认真地选择自己行为的动机,考虑行为的后果。共产主义道德的道德责任,反映了社会发展客观规律和共产主义道德原则、规范对人们的道德要求。自觉遵守和履行自己在各方面所承担的道德责任,是一个有高尚共产主义道德的人所具有的品质。履行道德责任,要靠内心信念和高度的道德责任感。